All Night Long at the Froggy Bottom Lounge
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
It’s not really late night, but the other place was way crowded. Who’s still around?
George and I are still here and he wants maryb to answer his question.
what question?
I was opening a new lounge but right before I pressed the button I saw this one go up.
About the apron and Wal-mart view of things. George said if you are his employer will he have to get a whole body wax for the thong?
I’m ok if George wants to continue to wear his fur coat to work. It’s a little camp, but I can live with it.
camp can be fun. LOL
Mary gets the waxing since she is trying to clean everything up. LOL
Wow, a clean lounge! I was kinda sick of those sticky tables.
George has been falling down on his job today. I think he’s still hung over from serving salty dogs last night.
Poor George. I told Family Man that dogs should only eat dog food and I assumed that he would understand that dogs shouldn’t drink either. From now on I’m not assuming anything. Just going to say it.
George, no more drinking of alcohol. Water for you from now on.
I just told him that and he’s talking walk out.
I’m not completely sure how much insurance BooMan carries for the goings on at the cafe but I feel fairly certain that its not enough to cover incidents involving a drunken dog waiter. So, I’m sorry, but that’s the way its going to have to be.
to hang in there. Sniff is coming to help.
Thank you Andi, maryb just put her foot down and poor George is now on the wagon.
Sniff runs. I’ve mostly only seen him sleep (and occasionally sit, usually on someone’s lap). Are you sure this exertion is good for him?
Sniff loves to run but it doesn’t hurt his slacker cred at all because he runs just for sheer pleasure of it.
Wow, he looks so aerodynamic! See how his ears are flying backwards?
He is such a cutie!!! The Diva dogs are the biggest slackers in the world but love to run for teh sheer joy of it also. It is two funny to watch them tear back and forth taking turns chasing each other for 30 minutes or more till they collapse.
I wish I could let George just run, but in the places I’ve lived there are always big down running free. So I have to have George on a leash. He doesn’t have enough sense to know he can’t tear them up. Once or twice a week I take him to the local park that has fenced baseball fields and close all the gates and let him run his little heart out. Most of the rest of the time his only outlets are barking and drinking. So now it’s only barking. Poor George.
Mine just run through the house out the doggie door through the yard and back and forth but they have so much fun. LOL The fines if they get caught running free start at 300.00 per dog here.
They have fines here also, but you never see a dog catcher. There was an old lady that built a house down from us and she got so tired of it she called the dog catcher and had him put out cages/traps in her yard. It worked for a while, but now it has gone back to the same thing.
George has his running through the house, but he’s 11 yo now and he’s not as spunky as he used to be.
What are you all listening to tonight?
I’m currently listening to one of David Gilmour’s (of Pink Floyd) solo albums…he has a new one coming out in a week and a half!
But what I’m really excited about, is on Wednesday I’m going to a death metal concert (Opeth). I can’t wait. They’re definitely one of my favorite bands.
Speaking of metal, where has ubikkibu been lately, I wonder?
Right now I’m listening to Madonna — so we are not very well matched tonight.
How are you EJ?
Old Madonna or new madonna? She’s gone downhill lately, IMHO. But, a lot of people still like it, so I guess she’s doing something right.
I’m good. Had an entertaining weekend that is sure to mess with my work-week sleep schedule. How ’bout you Mary?
Old. Actually my itunes is on shuffle so now I’m listening to Bruce. Devils & Dust.
Glad you had a nice weekend. I thought you slept all day and played all night — I guess I assumed you were just independently wealthy and didn’t have to work. Is that not right? 🙂
Excellent. We may get along musically after all…I have pretty diverse tastes.
Independently wealthy? ROTFLMAO. No, I just like staying up late because it makes me feel young 🙂
I was listening to that David Gilmour cut too..can’t wait to hear the whole thing.
I’ve missed ubikkibu too, especially for Friday random 10s.
Do you know if he has announced North American tour dates? Hmmm…sounds like a quick internet search is in order.
I checked ubikkibu’s comments, he hasn’t been on in 10 days or so…I know he’s awfully busy in RL, hopefully we’ll see him back soon.
Looks like Dave’s North American tour isn’t particularly long:
I guess I’m lucky, both Chicago and Toronto are well within the distance I’d be willing to drive.
Now, for tickets….
I saw David Gilmour at the Tower Theater in Philly in like, 1982 or 83. It was great.
You have no idea how jealous I am.
I didn’t get into Pink Floyd until right after their last tour. My sophomore year of college, my roomate and I watched my videotape of ‘Pulse’ so many times that we completely wore it out…I had to buy a new one.
I just checked out Dave’s ticket prices for the Toronto and Chicago dates. Ridiculous. I love you Dave, but I can’t pay $300 (minimum) for tickets to your show.
You’ll probably cry then when I tell you that I was actually hanging out on the right side of the stage (instead of in a seat) for the majority of the show.
I think it was a $15 ticket back then.
Nah, I won’t cry.
OK, I might…
Dammit CG!
But seriously, that is awesome. Was that on the tour for the Final Cut?
I had to go look it up. I think it was actually in 1984, for the About Face album.
Wow, that’s the album I just listened to! I bet the show was great. Dave is an amazing musician…inspired me to start playing, in fact.
He is amazing.
I’m off to watch Grey’s Anatomy- Goodnight everybody!
I am listening to the sound track from Moulin Rouge
That is a great soundtrack, though the Christina Aguilera song was waaaay overhyped and overplayed (to be expected, I suppose).
That is why I very seldom listened to it when I first bought it and now have fallen in love with it again.
I think over the past two weeks we’ve watched so much TV that today we listened to music all day long. DirecTV has some of XM’s music stations on so we listened to XMU, XMCafe, and one of the classical stations. I’ve spent the past couple hours listening to some geeky podcasts that I’ve downloaded over the past few weeks and haven’t listened to.
How come you can download podcasts but andi can’t.
because he stops at the library on his way home from school and uses their wifi to download them.
I am the patient one.
Actually I stop at the library and use its wireless connection once or twice a week on my way home from school and dl a dozen or so podcasts, software updates, & transfer big files on my laptop.
to everybody. She’s had the flu.
I was going to make jokes about her being confined to bed but that seemed really mean to do to someone who has been sick for 5 days.
Poor Janet. I was wondering where she was. Did she catch it from her son? I remember he was sick.
Give her our love and tell her we hope she feels better soon.
send her our love and warn thoughts of love and healing!!! and of course dome cyber chicken soup.
I have been wondering about her since she hasn’t been here since the attempted break-in at her apartment. I figured no news was good news, but that’s not really true here on the internets. It bugs me that something could happen to one of you and I’d never know.
You Know SN I’ve thought the same thing before.
She thought she might feel well enough to stop tomorrow.
Here’s what she said about the break-in:
What a great quote.
I do love that spunky woman!!!!
I wonder where supersoling is tonight — do you think he’s hiding at home basking in our kind words? Or just afraid he’ll be killed by the group hug if he shows up?
Seeing EJ here made me think of him. Wonder why.
I’ll take a guess. He’s being quiet and introspective. Or, he has a real life.
I think he’s afraid of the group hug. OK Super we know you are outthere. Come on and take your medicine.
It will have to be a man-hug, with lots of manly back slapping and such.
Are you kidding? I was thinking of a full body hug.
I meant between Family Man and Super. But a full body hug might be nice. I’ve seen the pictures. They say that was the Washington Monument behind him, but I’m not so sure.
Oh I’d give him a full hug, just like I do my brothers, but this is off topic. SN I’m still trying to figure out how a sultry, sexy sounding Fran Dresher would sound :).
breathless and nasal. LOL
I’m wondering how it can sound so totally different echoing around inside my own head. I’m sticking with sultry and sexy since I never really have to listen to my voice on tape.
I think we all do. I stick with what’s in my head also, because I just sound so damn good to me.
The man hugs I give he might not like. LOL
I assume your man hugs don’t involve alot of back slapping.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well there might be slapping but the back ain’t trhe target. LOL
I’m not sure why either, but I’m both honored and flattered.
I think.
get over it 🙂
I am off to watch Grey’s Anatomy. Night all.
Good night everybody, I’m calling it a night too.
There appears to be a bit of an echo in here now.
Hello? Hellooooo?
Hmmm…maybe this will help to draw some people in?

I’m here
It would appear that we have the place to ourselves.
Kind of makes me wish I watched TV…what the hell is Grey’s Anatomy, anyway? Other than the book, of course…
Do you want to pour the beer or shall we just tap the kegs and pour it into our mouths? Really — I could go either way right now.
Or fill a pot with beer and boil some brats in it.
There goes Andi, talking about pot again…
Why dilute the buzz with food in the stomach?
because I’m an old geezer and getting buzzed loses its appeal when that’s going to be your normal state anyway.
you want some of this beer or not?
Nah, I’ll let you youngsters have it. I’m going to go read a bit more and then head off to bed.
Party on.
What about some whiskey?

Let’s just say that I think this dude has the right idea.
works for me — although I haven’t done it this way since I was in college.
Back then I wouldn’t have wondered if the alcohol would kill that guy’s germs.
Yeah, it’s been a while for me too.
I don’t think alcohol kills germs until it gets around 80 proof, unfortunately. You’ll just have to trust that he’s clean.
live dangerously — here goes.
hey, no fair holding my hand so I can’t stop!
Huh? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I tried to get you to stop but you kept pumping the tap to get the beer to come out faster!
Great beer. Can we have better surroundings too?
Although you ought to move them over to the left when you decide where you want to put us.
I could use more beer and less stress.
EJ give the man his own keg.
You don’t mind drinking straight out of the keg do you?
Hell, I’ve got a whole pallet full for BooMan.

Jeez, we wanted him to have a nice buzz. Not be totally incapacitated.
Guess we’ll see if he can hold his liquor.
Okay, that’s like enough for tonight, but…
Well, you know where to find me if you run out.
You’ve come to the right place for the beer. See the pic of Bighorn below for the stress part…
It seems this youngster, has never heard of drink and drown night…..all the beer you can drink for a certain price. However, a lot of municipal goverment have regulated “drink & drown” clubs out of business.
How’s this?
Now you’re talking
where is that?
It’s Meadowlark Lake, in Bighorn National Forest. One of the best surprises I encountered on my last trip out west.
It’s nice — is this near where the battle of little bighorn was fought?
I am pretty sure that it is, though I didn’t make it to the battleground. I was just passing through, and found some very scenic shots.
I eventually want to make it back there and go hiking. It is really beautiful.
Well then, a toast (god it’s hard to lift this keg) to pointless battles.
Well, it gets easier to lift as you drink more of it, trust me.
“trust me” right.
And that keg is empty. You’re not fooling me.
Maybe he could hoist all those kegs (and BooMan) over to another cafe. We’re over 100. I’ll go open a new one.
Oh, excuse me…sorry!
I’ll see you in the new cafe.
Well, I’ve moved on now to listening to Sigur Rós. If you’ve never heard of them, I highly recommend it. They have one of the most original sounds I’ve ever heard.
And isn’t this a sweet idea?
Probably helps to have a few kegs of beer before you start interpreting.
here’s the new cafe