Cross Posted: Daily Kos
Hello, my name is Dr. David Gill and I am running to unseat incumbent Rep. Tim Johnson (IL-15). I promise to be a strong voice of opposition to President Bush and his short-sighted policies that Tim Johnson has rushed to support. Below is a summary of my Prescription for America:
<u>Health Care</u>
My plan would cost businesses no more than 7% payroll tax this figure could be even lower if we eliminate Bush’s tax-cuts for those earning a quarter-million per year or more.
I am not promoting the socialization of medicine, being a practicing physician for 20 years I know what a disaster that would be: the Federal Government should not dictate how medicine is practiced. I do believe in a single-payer insurance plan that would save you, the citizen, by cutting HMO and insurance profits and overhead expenses.
Bush and Johnson ignited Global Terrorism:
If our goal was to stir up terrorism around the globe, then I believe that we have succeeded. We need a Congress that won’t sit back and vote to give any president a blank check to conduct a war whenever, wherever, and however he or she wants.
We need to refocus our energy and secure high-priority targets here in our homeland rather than fanning the flames of terrorism abroad. Here is an incomplete list of national security failures by my opponent:
- A 2003 report by the Council on Foreign Relations found a wide range of inadequacies in Homeland security preparedness, including poorly equipped fire departments and public health laboratories that are ill-prepared to defend against chemical and biological attacks.
- Several million cargo ships arrive in U.S. ports every year, but as little as 2% of them are screened. America has 361 commercial ports that are vulnerable to weapons smugglers.
- A General Accounting Office report (GAO-04-482T) released in Feb. 2004 found that 123 chemical plants in America could potentially expose 1,000,000 Americans to biological harm, but Bush and Johnson have not assured the security of chemical facilities against terrorist attacks because of industry pressure.
I will wholeheartedly support the development and use of alternative energy sources:
- Wind Energy: 17% of Iowa’s energy comes from wind and if congress had the political will, our entire nation could equal or better 17%. Environmentally friendly building projects would create stable jobs in our communities and help work toward a clean environment for future generations to enjoy. There is a plan to build the country’s largest wind farm in Arrowsmith, IL, right here, in our own district. I would support this plan by obtaining federal funding for the project and call upon Illinois lawmakers to pass the building permit for this project.
- Solar Energy: I will promote tax credits for homeowners that use Solar Technologies.
- Automotive Energy: First, incremental increases in the Federal minimums of fuel efficiency. Second, encourage the use of ethanol and bio-diesel fuels which are renewable and help alleviate our nation’s dependence on foreign sources of energy. Third, we need to continue developing technologies such as using the hydrogen made from solar energy.
- Geothermal and Other Energy: I will support the development of sensible, environmentally friendly solutions to our nation’s energy problems. A sustainable future, a healthy population, and a secure America depends on it.
As the next Representative of IL-15, I hope to engage my constituants and work with my collgues to repair our education system, border security, and voting rights. I hope to return common-sense and honest politics to the House of Representatives, not Tim Johnson’s weak-kneed capitulation to the Bush Administration and “fix-it later” approach.
Please help out by volunteering or contributing.
-Friends of David Gill
Hi Dr. Gill.
Do you have any primary opponents?
No, Dr. Gill does not have any primary opponents.