Anybody else just get signed out? Hmmm.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Not me bossman!
good. something weird happened though. Must be a wormhole around here somewhere.
so far so good for me.
I slipped in it, too, Booman.
All the comments lists were “NEW” and DOUBLED but even though I got signed out.. I didn’t have to sign back in. Curiouser and curiouser.
I just wanna say to Negroponte and Poindexter, I know your game and I’m not having it. Messing with the fabric of the universe will get you frog-marched.
It happens from time to time. The reason I notice it is if I’m scanning the Recommended diaries. I always thought it was on my end.
No sign out, but commenting has been iffy here since last night’s cafe.
They just vanish..even in preview, plus they weren’t picking up links.
Let’s see if this works
one comment disappeared….not that it was of earthshaking consequence, but there is a ghost in the machine.
I just signed back in, but I haven’t seen anything wrong so far.
Or We all Fall.
In reference to your mention of our Founding Citizens today, in Consent of the Governed (4 comments), booman, that’s sort of why I wrote my diary today. But, that aside for the moment…
There does seem to be a disconnect, as of late, on booman , when more well thought out front page stories such as yours today, and these other contributions by robertp (2 comments) , and the kid (1 comment) receive little attention, while the cafes (40 comments), and “kiss and make up diaries” get all the attention.
It’s one thing during the early, or late hours, but these during the mainstream hours deserve the attention to promote them into the National discourse.
Not looking for a flame here, just my two pennies…We should worry less about People’s “feelings”, and more about matters that affect the Country as a whole.
Thank you, meagert, for giving me the biggest laugh out loud belly laugh I have had ALL day!!
I am completely serious. No snark at all. I am still chuckling to myself, even as I type this.
whoo boy!
nobody laughs. Just shows to go ya….
There’s some kind of twisted lesson in here, somewhere. I’m gonna have to look harder…
im still hazy but i noticed something yesterday
i didnt see any tv, newspapers, or internet news for almost a whole week….and when i came back i went first to the headlines and cable stuff…then went deeper into the diaries as much as i could stand it….my sense is that the message coming thru is A) the republicans are corrupt and incompetent but so far we are still safe here in america and money is cheap to borrow and gas isnt too too bad (in other words americans are still comfortable) so ) there is no reason to throw the bums/republicans out and C) the dems arent coming thru with an alternative….not that the dems dont have alternatives…we all know they do….but its not coming thru… you know who is coming thru as an alternative to the republicans?
and he is a republican
the dems really need a leader…unless mccain gets caught with georges dick in his mouth or vice versa mccain is gonna be the next president…even if we take over congress which is a long shot the repubs will just allow a neat little terrorist attack on us to get our fear back up and the penis waving war mongering kill them all battle cries will drown out the reform, peace, and justice voices again.
am i making sense yet
We worry plenty about what’s going on in the country. Some of us actually worry about that so much that we get out into the country and do what we can about it.
I agree to an extent that there should be a little less focus on the cafe sometimes but we also engage in community actions as well. Like the 12 Days Alito effort as an example. Boston Joe is currently organizing an inside/outside GOTV action that some of us have volunteered for.
On balance the diaries that you call kiss and make up diaries that deal with people’s feelings are a far lesser presence here than real world issue diaries and actions organized and taken out into the real world.
This is a community where many of us have become close. I’m pretty sure that if we didn’t tend to the feelings of the members of our community from time to time, this place would be a lot less popular across the board.
My particular diary got 48 recommends of which your’s is one. On that particular day it was the wish of the community to recommend it for whatever reason.
did I mean to denigrate the most fantastic work of the booman tribe, never in a million gazillion years. Just a reminder, in my own stupid manner, of why we are here, and after what seems a contentious week, to prod us back to it.
How to prevent blisters while marching.
Ear plugs while protesting next to drummers: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Umbrellas: Unecessary evils or burdens?
Are you children afraid Bush will kill you each time you walk out the door?
On the flip side, I do like it here becase this blog also caters to the human being portion of all this human doing. 🙂
The cafes always have gotten that many comments.
The “feelings” diaries are in part a result of a certain level of burnout and accompanying frayed nerves among the long-time frogs.
Neither alarms me too much.
I am concerned, though, that a certain degree of self-censorship may be setting in, where folks might read and agree with – but not necessarily want to publicly comment on – certain diaries. Where a recommendation is as subversive an act as someone might want to commit today.
Boo’s got his finger on that pulse in his wry comments running through the other diary, quoting the Beatles’ “Back in the U.S.S.R.” without ever stating the nation’s name. Good strategy: nothing combats fear like humor.
that a certain degree of self-censorship may be setting in
I think of it as a fog of emotionalism, sensationalism (whatever its name). Not that I am not an emotional person who cries watching the news, but on a political blog I like reasoned debate or discussion.
I’m old fashioned I guess because, I like parliamentary rules against outright accusing others of being dishonest whether or not the word ‘liar’ is used. I prefer a carefully worded argument to stream of consciousness agitprop. But that’s just me.
btw Meagert,
I meant to thank you for recommending the diary. I very rarely write at all and I’m a little stunned by the response to be honest. So thank you :o)
For better or worse I’m just a big blubbering idiot sometimes ;o)
thank you.
Man/woman does not live by bread alone. (I’m getting almost insufferable lately!)
you are making me paranoid
of what i dont know
i am off dilautid for almost 24 hours now….and i realized i forgot to have chocolate all last week.
i must catch up
I didn’t get signed out and no doubled comment count totals but both have happened before. Does anyone else ever notice the different url that’s used as the address here? Sometimes it’s www2.boomantribune,com instead of…..