I sent the following email out today and wanted to make sure you all had an opportunity to see it. IAVA PAC is a great organization with a great mission. I hope you’ll recommend this post so others can see it.
Since I left the Senate race in Ohio I have been overwhelmed by the phone calls, e-mails, and letters of support. On behalf of myself and my entire campaign, I want to thank all of you who have passed on your thoughts and encouragement.
Though I am no longer a candidate for elected office, I intend to continue in the fight I began when I returned from serving with my fellow Marines in Iraq; the fight to bring our troops home as quickly and safely as possible.
Read more after the jump…
This past week I announced that I’ve joined the Board of Advisors of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Political Action Committee (IAVA PAC). The PAC exists exclusively to help other Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans seeking to continue their service through elected office. It is the only PAC headed by a fellow Iraq war Veteran, Jon Soltz.
I’ve joined with IAVA PAC because of the hope other Iraq and Afghanistan Vets running for office represent. Currently, not one person in Congress debating this war has served in it. The result has been a total lack of credibility on the issue to challenge the President. The war in Iraq affects all aspects of American life – from the economy to energy policy to our readiness to handle disasters like Hurricane Katrina or, God forbid, another terrorist attack. Only by charting a course for victory in Iraq that includes metrics for success that are tied to eventual drawdowns can we begin to adequately address the multitude of other issues facing our nation. That simply won’t happen until Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans serve in the halls of power.
I hope that you too will stand and fight with these veterans and help them continue to serve their country. Please sign up at www.iavapac.org.
I learned in my campaign for the House and Senate that the transition from the military to politics isn’t an easy one. First, you need money. A lot of it. Many of the candidates running were too busy fighting a war to set up the necessary donor base. Because these candidates have not had public careers, they are largely unknown, and must establish themselves as serious candidates against career politicians. We’re going to help them do that.
We’re going to help fill the gaps and here’s how it’s going to happen.
First, we are going help these candidates get the early institutional and financial support that they need to be viable.
Second, we are going to take to the airwaves early, both nationally and in these candidate’s districts to raise the profiles of the veterans running for Congress.
Third, we’re going to talk about issues the right way, and we’re going to go after those politicians who voted for the war but against the troops. We will actively take the fight to any politician who voted for the war, but against health care for Guardsmen and Reservists, against increased Veterans Affairs funding, or against pay raises for the military.
I learned a lot during my ten month foray in electoral politics. Rather than retreat in defeat, I am committed to taking those lessons learned and applying them in a positive way to help the others who are in the same shoes I was in. Join me in this fight, and together, we will win it.
Rock on.
Paul, it broke my heart when you bowefd out of the senate race. I am not from Ohio but I did support your congressional race with a small donation. Oh I know someone probably wrote this for you but if they would pass along my admiration to a fellow patriot that speaks with honesty and integrity it would be appreciated. Thanks for continuing the fight and I will look at the links you have provided to see if I can squeeze another small donation out to help.
The lack of health care provided to vets, Medicare D(isaster) and the increasing costs of health care/policies as a whole shows that it is really necessary to go to a single payer health care system.
The more that Congress cuts benefits for both our veterans and active duty personnel, the more ashamed I am. This issue somehow often gets lost. I’m grateful that you are continuing your fight for the basic rights of those who serve. My hope is that someday you will see fit to again enter the political arena as a candidate.
Hey, nice to see you posting here. Thanks for all of your service in the many ways you have served our country. It is genuinely appreciated. You’ll find better places to provide the spark that’s needed and you can count on the support in speaking out for veterans.
Rock on
You gave your word to the democrats running for the house seat that you wouldn’t enter that race and you kept your word. That to me says all I need to know about you as an honorable person.
It’s hard enough to find that quality in everyday life these days, but beyond rare in someone running for public office.
Hoping that you’ll run again some time in the future.
Good luck
Could you please tell us the actual series of events that led to your withdrawal and how you were, as you said. pressured to remove yourself. If you do this you will be educating everyone on how the poltical system works and it will be beneficial. Don’t hold back, please.
It’s important to name the names of the people invoilved in all the intrigue.
Really! It will all come out eventually, so he might as well go for it! I’d like to know so I would know who not to vote for, if you know what I mean/if that applies.
just lose you, but wow don’t you just come out swinging in a huge way every single time! I’m with you as the spouse of an Active Duty Army Soldier and we are with you as an Army family! I’m so worried about how our soldiers are going to come home from this! My husband had some maturity behind him and he had some rough times when he first got home but things are much better for him/us now…..what about all those kids over there though? All those kids with very little life experience and some of their first big decisions as adults being made around violent life and death situations that they may have very little control over? I can see the wounds of the bodily wounded and that makes that particular fight a bit easier as far as defending what they need…..the invisible wounds really scare me though because they can be so easily dismissed.
Although I’m not from Ohio so I wouldn’t have had the privilege of being represented by you, I’m still disappointed that you dropped out of the race.
I certainly don’t know any of the reasons, whether personal or political, but Paul, I hope you didn’t drop out of the race due to any advice from Rahm Emmanuel or some of the other Democratic “handlers” that have lost race after race after race against hack Republicans like Bush.
Keep up the good fight with the IAVA PAC.
Paul gave an excellent interview to Larry King Live last week. He gave all his reasons then. In brief, he was forced out by the party. Also he claims that Brown had started a “swiftboat” campaign against him. Now, this was a huge turning point for me. When the party starts calling a candidates donors and tells them to dry up the money we have a problem. What happened to primaries and allowing we the people to choose the candidates we want.
Paul was asked by the same dem leaders to run because Brown was going to stay in congress. After Paul filed his papers to run, Brown decided to run. Brown is a good progressive candidate but that is not the point. Paul was screwed over by his party. I am just glad to see him continue to fight the government in other ways.
I am sorry about you dropping out and what the Party did. I am very much interested in helping grass roots candidates. I don’t have a lot of cash but can add a link to your site at my blog and to the gear shop at my design shops.
As a leader that you are, you have my support. Good luck and glad you are hee with us. Look forward to hearing more from you in the future.