If you can take the Blogad survey it might help advertisers know more about Booman Tribune and help sustain the site. On question #23 please put: Booman Tribune. I will really appreciate it if you can take the time.
This is an open thead.
If you can take the Blogad survey it might help advertisers know more about Booman Tribune and help sustain the site. On question #23 please put: Booman Tribune. I will really appreciate it if you can take the time.
This is an open thead.
OK, done, but get ready to have a bunch more blogads for airline e-tickets popping up…
‘Fraid my input suggests that this is even more likely… 🙂
And mine also..who realized that much on airline tickets.
Done. Yuck, I hate surveys.
did it. IN the furure will also be placing an add. LOL
Finished.. That one was better than most.
Done Boo.
“Politically, you are…”, made me pause for an uncomfortable period of time.
The Democrats had better wake up and smell the coffee.
Me too. Especially as an Australian… I went for ‘Green’ as the best approximation…
I had to go with ‘Independent’ despite the fact that I’ve never voted for anyone who isn’t a Democrat.
and how useful did you say television was?
but mainly for CSPAN.
I gave it a low rating, putting radio, blogs and newspapers higher.
I had to say “somewhat useful”. As much as I wanted to answer useless, I’m not a masochist and it would be hard to justify the 2-3 hours a day I watch cable news otherwise if it didn’t have at least a little value to me. Though mostly I watch to see how frequently they parrot irrelevant talking points and leave out critical facts that completely change the complexion of stories, so maybe I am a masochist.
I rated it useless.
‘Somewhat useful’, I think. It’s my only means of watching SportsCenter, after all.
since they didn’t give a 5% option
I too looked for a 5% option on a couple of things.
worthless. worthless. worthless.
Only viable option for me as well.
I’m hoping you get a lot of ads for pink pantsuits
Done, though I might have misspoken once or twice.
Gave it a shot, but roughly half the questions didn’t much like Firefox on a Mac. Sorry.
Safari worked. Thanks, Cali Scribe. I tend to forget it exists. Question: Where did it direct folks after they finshed? I got a page where I could sign up to buy blogads with no thankyous or anything like it. I’m wondering if that was a result that everyone got or if it had something to do with my job and industry answers.
I got the same page…guess they want to drum up more business (but for those of us still without our own blogs, doesn’t really apply).
I’ve found there are some sites that look better in Safari than they do in Firefox — plus I like the built-in RSS reader (though I hate the often-duplicated headlines).
done…since this is an open thread, I want to remind all that we are having a meet up in May for Memphis in May, for the BBQ May 18, 10, 20 and longer if needed…:o) Anyone and everyone is invited, if you want to come. I, personally, am looking forward to this. HUGS
done,did,and dooded
Done Grandmaster Boo! 😉
with it in FireFox for Mac — it wouldn’t let me input text. Worked fine in Safari though.
Man, was it embarassing to admit how much I’ve spent online…then again, at least they know one of your readers has money… 😉
Suffering insomnia, I just took an idle look at the sitemeter, and was looking at ‘who’s on’ to see what geographic spread there was.
I was very surprised to find that in the last hundred visitors there were no fewer than 3 visits from the server ‘state.gov’ !
Can I make the very strong recommendation that if any BooTrib users work in the State Department they should consider the fact that use of their computer may be monitored.
Should the State Department simply be trying to find out what is going on in the world, then they should visit EuroTrib as well…
to get their news and views here than from Condi.
Government computers are definitely monitored. As long as no porn or hate sites or Instant Messaging is going on its cool for that user. Its still kind of a free country here. Oh yeah and no threats or craziness. 🙂
Completed survey as well. It was better than most surveys I have seen on the Net!
Consider it done Mr. Booman.
Done — & happy to list BooMan Tribune at the very top of my favorites. So there.
What’s RSS?
I wondered the same thing.
Since I didn’t know what it was I said I didn’t use it.
I said occasionally.
Lying fence straddler that I am ;o)
“Really Simple Syndication” — It’s a way to subscribe to new postings on a wide variety of sites, bringing them to your computer in one place. Scroll all the way down the page here and you’ll see links on the right for more explanation and subscription options.
Thank you! :o)
I just heard Bushes security detail for the India trip numbers 5000. I wonder how many trailers could be moved from the cow pasture in Arkansas to the gulf states on whatever that is costing.
How many hours on the blogs? Hmm.
ya musta missed that choice that said, “Too many.”
Hey, me too, done it! Wasn’t too painful even.