Rarin’ to Go?

This is an Unhosted Cafe
but Izzy will be along later.
but Izzy will be along later.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Yawn suppressors are by the nap time mats
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
I’m not raring to go but I appreciate
people who are.
Good Morning. Last night was pet night for me. George woke me up out of a sound sleep because he wanted to go out. And now, Cat decided my head was a good place to sleep-Blluuprrpp-cat hair.
I had the exact opposite — Hopeful who almost always has to go out in the middle of the night slept till 5:30 a.m. and so did I.
Well George is getting kind of old and he has started this whining thing to be taken out. Sometime he’ll just go out and bark at the trees, but I don’t dismiss him since he is older. George did me a favor last night. It was so clear a night I just stayed out for a little while and looked at the stars. Cat on the otherhand had me dreaming I was smothering under a ton of fur coats.
Hopeful is 12 and he stopped being able to get through the night about a year ago.
Just hope you didn’t swallow any of that fur — we wouldn’t want you coughing up a hairball.
George is just about the same age. I’ve been expecting this, but not looking forward to it. I wish I could just let him out for a while, but if he sees anything, even big dogs, he sets out like he going to tear them up. So no matter when, it’s the leash, me and George outside.
I don’t know if that worm hole is still around, but the ratings keep going out and the comments are being thrown around.
I am glad I am not involved in all that. I had been on my hiatus from blogging much and I refuse to read the bitch & moan dairies between bloggers.
are you talking about your rating’s box and your comments moving around?
Yes. I’ll rate something and come back later and it gone. The comments seem all over the place, not in order.
dang, I was totally confused. sorry for the goof.
I don’t know about the ratings but here’s how to fix the comments moving around:
Go to your setting page. Select Comment Preferences. Go to the line that says “Sort”. Change the first box so it says “Ignore Ratings” and the second box so that is says “Oldest First”. Then go to bottom and select the “Save” button.
I wonder why it changes itself back. I’ve had to go back and reset that a few times over the past couple of weeks.
Oops I hope what I posted was what he was talking about and I am sorry if I stirred up bad thoughts of memories.
Not to worry. Everybody but you is too sleepy to notice. π
No not at all. Last night there were some problem, but I didn’t have any. Now it appears I do. I’m going to log out, shut down, and come back on. See if that helps. See Ya’ll in a minute.
Good morning to all my fabulous Liberal buddies!!! I have already been up and done a design for a political candidate here in Texas and redid an old design I already had for her.
The Diva Dogs were in rare form last night. I guess both of them were having some wild dreams as they kept waking me up over and over as they whined and chased things in their sleep.
I hope everyone is having a fabulous morning.
Morning refinish. You are just too chipper in the mornings :). Pass a little of that energy this way.
I know I drive everyone I know nuts. LOL
Well I think it’s a good thing. Just wish I had it.
Yeah I wake up ready to talk which is not always a good thing. The Diva Dogs don’t mind much but I feel sorry for the next person I date. I also get a lot done on the computer in the am.
it could get you killed
especially if you SHOUT
But I am always nice and have a cup of java ready for a friend. LOL
Yea now you’re leaving me out because of the Java. I guess being nice will do :).
Good morning ?
no, I’ll think positively,
Good morning.
You think Second Nature got sucked into the worm hole with her diary?
Or maybe she screwed up and accidentally deleted it and is too embarrassed to come back and admit it to us?
come back Second Nature . . . come back
GOOD MORNING MARY!!!! It is a fabulous day. Actually I say that about any day I wake up. LOL
no need to shout in the morning
Just wanted to make sure you were awake. LOL
I think you got my whole neighborhood awake :).
I hate morning people
I admit it. If it makes me a bigot, so be it.
I used to consider myself a morning person, but without my coffee I’m deciding different now.
Aren’t you just Little Miss Sunshine this morning? π
LOL Good morning to you also
Morning CG. How’s it going?
Well, it’s a gorgeous day here, but one of my boys woke up with what is looking suspisciously like strep throat today. Arg. I want winter to be over now, so everybody can go to school all week for a change.
How about you?
I’m doing fine, just waking up. My youngest daughter used to have that all the time until her tonsills came out. That and ear infections were constant back then.
I know you really love me so you can hate the other morning people. LOL
LOL well it is time to enjoy the wonderful day.
Hey, that’s Arthur Gilroy’s job! π
OK I’m back now and it seems to be working fine now. Odd.
My daughter sent me this and it woke me right up this morning. Nothing like a good laugh to get the blood flowing.
· Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
· Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
A Handicapped parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.
· Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk and Kill.
· Chuck Norris doesn’t shower, he only takes blood baths.
· Chuck Norris’ house has no doors, only walls that he walks through.
· Chuck Norris doesn’t actually write books, the words assemble themselves out of fear.
· The grass is always greener on the other side, unless Chuck Norris has been there. In that case the grass is most likely soaked in blood and tears.
· Chuck Norris always knows the EXACT location of Carmen SanDiego.
· Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.
· It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
· There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Oklahoma.
· They were going to release a Chuck Norris edition of Clue, but the answer always turns out to be “Chuck Norris. In The Library. With a Roundhouse Kick.”
· Chuck Norris’ favorite cereal is Kellogg’s Nails ‘N’ Gravel.
· Chuck Norris does not wear a condom. Because there is no such thing as protection from Chuck Norris.
· Chuck Norris wipes his ass with chain mail and sandpaper.
· Everything King Midas touches turnes to gold. Everything Chuck Norris touches turns up dead.
· Chuck Norris’ penis has a Hemi.
· Chuck Norris doesn’t have blood. He is filled with magma.
· When Chuck Norris goes to out to eat, he orders a whole chicken, but he only eats its soul.
· Chuck Norris’ sperm can be seen with the naked eye. Each one is the size of a quarter.
· Chuck Norris crossed the road. No one has ever dared question his motives.
If chuck Norris is late, time better slow the fuck down.
Your right a good laugh does wake you up more. I thought you’d gotten lost in Twlight Zone last night. Happy to see you this morning.
Another morning funny.
Where’d maryb go?
To see if the delivery guy in the basement was a morning person.
no talking in the morning
just action
communication by telepathy (similar to telecommunications such as this —communication without sound.)
the second line must have been added by kansas π
but what was she doing in a urinal in philly?
I guess she gets around…quickie here, quickie there… π
Ah, I see you beat me to it π
I was up early, and it’s worth repeating. π
I lost interest in Atrios when I realized that a good orgy needs more than a paragraph (or a sentence or a word).
I think kansas may be coming to that conclusion.
Yeah, who needs someone stumbling around saying, “Yeah, yeah, another stupid orgy thread”?
On the other hand, there are options OTHER than Atrios. Don’t think I haven’t given this some thought. Josh Marshall has HIS own cafe. Seperate entrance. Upscale decor.
and I understand that he sometimes he pays his talent.
So don’t take anything for granted around here.
Coming to a conclusion sounds like fun.
Doesn’t mean we still can’t get the urge to visit good ol Atrios now and then, does it?
We’re very versatile women.
Why yes, we are, and we want to share our goodness, so we’re merely spreading out. Perhaps not the best turn of phrase for a woman who sits on her ass most days.
crikey, early risers. i had heard about it for a week, but i still laughed when i saw it last night.
And when tbogg has jokes like this up…you know that is an insult:
zinger to the second anonymous commenter on the bathroom wall!
Good Morning to all you lovely ppl here.
The cats have been up since about 0530 and trying to get me up an dat ’em. Finally I crawled out of my nice warm bed and headed to the throne room whis is my first stop, they like to make me feel guilty for doing this first off….simply funny to watch them beg and act like crazies…smacking each other around for position.
I finally got to the food bowl…they looked at me like I was not moving fast enough for them. I tild them I was on to them and I will do thing in my own sweet time. I went to do the coffee, for me, and they all just sat at their bowls respectfully waiting….now how could I ignore such politeness..so stopped doing the coffee and gave them their food. They know how to work me!
I have one cat that sleeps on my feet/legs and when I try to turn over in the bed, it is such a struggle. He simply will not move for anything.
I do not have to set the alarm clock. They have it down pat. They never fail…even without electicity. I do not have to worry. I get quite uptight when I can sleep in and they do not understand it is a sleep in day.
Anyhow, now they are full and are back to napping..now that they have me up and rearing to go.
The weather here today is simply wonderful. Sun is shinning and lovely. Andif, wonder if you are getting any new sunrises to show us here.
I have to get my taxes done today. Are y ou all done?
Well, If nothing happens, I may not have to go in to work today. NO patients today scheduled….Now I can get some housework done.
Hope you all have a great day and hugs around..
It’s beautiful down here today too Brenda. Glad to hear your day is starting so good.
As I was coming home from work last evening, I saw a lot of water still in the ditches. I think we are water logged here. It is beginning the month for severe weather. I do not look forward to this. Our grass is getting so green now. I think that given just a couple more weeks of this kind of weather, and we will have to mow the grass. :o(
I want to get some new flowers to plant this spring too. I am looking forward to getting some strawberries for the freezer this year, too.
It’s also the same here. Please don’t remind me of mowing the grass :o( I don’t look forward to the bad storms coming too. The last few years we’ve had a lot of straight wind damage. I can’t ever remember that happening before, just you run of the mill tornadoes.
My daughter was killed by straight winds. She was sleeping in her bed when one came around about 1030 at night and uprooted a big huge tree over on her bedroom. So I do not like straight winds either.
Brenda, I’m so sorry. That is stunning.
I am so sorry Brenda. I didn’t know, please forgive for even mentioning it.
How could you know. It is something I do not talk much about. That is ok. YOu didn’t know! Hugs…not to worry.
I am so sorry, Brenda.
oh Brenda I’m so sorry
so sorry.
Thanks, Ya’ll. It was the most sad day of my life, to say the least. Anyhow, no one really knows of the damage and death that straight winds can do. It is simply amazing to see some of the damage they can do.
Brenda, I will never again be able to read your cheerful morning hellos without being in awe of your bravery and resilience.
I’ve really been at a loss for words, but what SN said.
My daughter was of the nature that she would not have wanted me or her siblings to mourn for the ways some do. She was a lover of life, in all of its wonders. I celebrate for her, each day now. Her death always reminds me of how short life is and how we should cherish it each and ever day. NOt only the sunrises and the dawns, that andif reminds me of, but each moment of living for it is worth it, always. Christina is her name and she brought such great smiles to all of us with her humor. Anyhow, I miss her and always will. I learned much from her in life and in death. We all have ppl such as this in our lives that teach us on a daily basis now how to live life.
What a beautiful legacy for her to leave you with. It is no small gift to be able to welcome and cherish each new day. And your posts always make me smile, so she has affected me too!
SN, I think she would be thrilled to know that she has affected you with her love of life. Just know that she, if there are angels, is looking over us all, keeping and eye on us with [us] full of our lives and enjoying it with us. That is just the way it was with us. A tune she loved so well was, Remember Me…and that I am sure many do. She had ppl from as far away as Chicago to come for her funeral. She achieved so much in her short life. I admired her for her strength, both physical and mental. So just know that she is with us all each and every time you laugh, cry and love. Hugs, SN.
We need her, too π She’s looking out for us poor slobs π
Thank you for introducing us all to her and your love for her.
Love and hugs and beautiful dawns.
No, no, don’t mention taxes, Brenda. π
No new pictures. How about an old one?
Old is just fine Andi. I love the colors in that pictures.
That will do just fine! I so love your sunrises. Thank you so much. hugs…the colors are just great.
My lowly Sharks whomped Detroit’s ass! Well, Detroit-Lite’s ass. They were shy 5 of their Swedes due to partying from the Olympics. But we won 5 to 1 WHOOOT. My two good buddies were at the tank, too.
There was a penalty shot AND a big brawl π What a game!
And last night we got tickets to go to a Winter Hawk’s game Mar 18th with 2 other friends and their two kids, one of which is also autisitic. Us all in a row… should be an interesting evening LOL
Good Morning Dudetastics!
Still waking up here — will be more coherent later…
Good morning everyone. I’m finally semi-awake.
That puts you in the right mood for this cafe. Whenever you open your cafe, I’ll close this one down.
I’m working on it even as we speak… or type… okay, not thinking too well, but I’ll have a new one up in a few minutes.
The Froggy Bottom Soda Fountain is up. (linking seems really hard before coffee!)