Happy Hour at the Froggy Bottom Lounge
Your host is Izzy.
The bar is fully stocked.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Fountain from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Guess Family Man’s obscure name that makes cecil, albert and the like sound like good names. LOL
I thought we already established his name is Beauregard Courtney?
I’m still on the job. I’m thinking it’s gotta be something cool, but not your typical guy’s name. Hmmmm…
I bet it was hard for you growing up with a name like refinish…let alone 69. Kids can be so cruel.
Gee, I hope he doesn’t mind us talking about him like he’s not here. Maybe he hasn’t found the Lounge yet. Hey Family Man! yoo hoo!
I found it and I said you were both right in the last lounge. My family is a group of Greek Vampires, we live in an old antebellum mansion and I was named after my unlce —– Munster, Herman Munster.
Well, I’m glad that’s settled. Now we can get onto the really important stuff, like what to play on the jukebox and what to order for dinner. I’m starved.
I tried to trick family man into revealing his name to me when he was faking Italian to me — it didn’t work. He’s quick, that one.
Ooh, I must have missed that. Faking Italian?
Yes, he was leading me on.
That was last week when I dragged us all to Torino. It took me all week just to recover.
Vorrei un martini, per favore.
Um, did I mention while we were in Torino that I can’t speak Italian? But, here, have a martini!
You know more than you know.
Let’s go left and get back to GG now that I’m free.
I’m still worn out from the yard work and in need of a shower. George is putting his paw over his nose, so I’ve got to leave for a little while.
See Ya’ll in a bit.
You know it’s bad when you gross out the dog. See ya!
SPEAKS! over at Village Blue.
In a committee meeting. The camel we’re designing will be ready any day now.
When you said “we” should move left to talk about GG, did you mean I should?
I did, but it probably wasn’t clear. And then I was distracted by BooMan’s naval gazing.
We should tell him to watch GG. Women want Christopher but smart women will end up with Luke.
I know. I was just wondering if I should say something. I go and post chocolate shoes and then everyone turns all serious. But I don’t think I could really do any worthwhile damage control after the chocolate shoes — it just seemed sort of futile.
But, honestly, I don’t know why everyone takes divorce so damn hard. I mean, I know it’s painful — lord knows I’ve been through enough of them — but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t have this expectation that everything was supposed to last forever. I mean, if it does, great, but I certainly wouldn’t want to be stuck now with a guy I chose as a teenager.
See? You’re right — life is just like GG. Boo should rent the dvds. Of course, they have thrown in that unrealistic twist — all the cads are rich.
I think there are different ‘ideal’ husbands for different phases of your life. When you’re first starting out you want someone who will be a good father and partner as you raise your family. When the kids get older and you’re a different person than you were at twenty you want someone who will stimulate you intellectually and since you’re probably at your sexual peak, be an enthusiastic lover! And maybe now you’re in your fifties and you want a good companion, and someone who still has his own teeth and a big retirement account.
or you can just be really unimaginative like me and say “Shit, I already know all the habits of this one.”
I’ve had to think about this stuff waaaaay too much. I skipped number 2 and went straight from 1 to 3. Although 1 was not a good partner. He did have good baby-making genes, however.
That’s not unimaginative.
I come from a close knit extended family that has some very long happy marriages, but also a few people who, let’s just say, didn’t/don’t do well in relationships.
I think that’s why I never really wanted to be married that badly — I’ve seen that the successful ones are successful because the people involved put a LOT of work into them. Not every day, but over the long haul. And there were many times it would have been easier to call it quits and they didn’t — they stuck through the unhappy times and worked it out. And quite a lot of the time it was a fairly boring relationship. But they appear to be very happy with each other now in their old age. They’re like the Ward and June Cleavers grown old.
I don’t think I have it in me.
I feel really safe in saying that Jim and I are as unlike ward and june as you can get.
BTW, we’ve always said that the key to a long-lasting marriage is an unequal number of pets.
Damn — no pearls?
no an uneven number pearls will not make for a lasting marriage.
Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong. I always thought it was the pearls.
I wished I could tell you from a man’s view, but I’ve been divorced for years. All I know is that I don’t know.
I don’t think people know why any marriage works or doesn’t work. A lot of it is just pure luck.
I agree completely.
I think there is a real period of wanderlust that comes after 10 or 12 years of marriage, having not much to do with sex. It’s more about feeling restless and feeling that you’ve outgrown your spouse or he you, or feeling that you’re missing something. If you can get past that I think you’re home free.
BTW..longevity doesn’t always equal happiness. I was married for 21 years, which some might call a successful first marriage. But I was dead inside.
I didn’t mean to imply longevity = happiness. But these people have longevity and happiness. Now. There were moments when they didn’t. Have happiness I mean.
“I don’t know why everyone takes divorce so damn hard”
Gee, I guess no one ever accused you of being sensitive to the woes of others did they?
There must be at least one cad who isn’t rich — but I can’t think of one.
In real life lots of cads aren’t rich — its just that the rich ones get noticed more.
Gee, I guess no one ever accused you of being sensitive to the woes of others did they?
Oops. Sorry. See what I mean? I mean, I’m sensitive. Really. I just always try to joke (or badger?) people out of it. Honest, Boo, if you’re reading this. I care! I understand, even!
(but, otoh, maryb, I really do think if we could look at this sort of thing as an experience and not necessarily a “failure” it might be some solace — why am I whispering?)
As to GG, I’m not saying there aren’t rich cads, just that the ones with no money or jobs outnumber them. Of course, the Gilmores run in those circles.
You know, I don’t really think of Christopher as a cad. I don’t think there’s any bad intent on his part. That’s WHY he’s such a great character. You keep hoping he’ll get it together even though you know deep down that he won’t. I don’t think he’s a cad — he’s just weak and Lorelei needs someone strong.
But there is definitely the chemistry.
I’m actually a sucker for chemistry — that’s why I yell at the TV and tell Lorelei to learn from MY experience.
Oh, the well-intentioned ones are the worst, most frustrating kind! Intentions, hell, pavers and all that…
Uh…I’m fine. The article was intended to be light hearted and funny. Self-deprecating yes, but it was no call for sympathy. I’m happy.
Oh, good! I’m really glad you’re happy. I thought it was lighthearted (hence the chocolate), but I’ve been known to be bone-headed.
I missed the chocolate? Where???
Chocolate shoes, right up top! (before the thread turned all serious)
(the same ones I’ve been posting all over ET, btw. I can’t wait for Jerome to fly them out here!)
You noticed I didn’t give you any sympathy didn’t you?
Just want to point that out.
No quarter from you ๐
“If you don’t know already, you worthless man, you’re never gonna”
I didn’t think “you worthless man”
you really need to work on your self esteem
If I had anymore self-esteem I’d explode. I need to work on writing more of these self-deprecating pieces. They’re therapeutic.
glad to hear it
I gotta go. First Wednesday — night I meet all my married gal friends for dinner and they complain about their husbands ๐
And all of them are happily married.
see ya later
Unless they WANT to be sympathetic!!! LOL ๐
yeah, well, that’s different.
I’m glad you’re happy. ๐
Happy hour, my ass.
I’m going to Sudan tomorrow and my desk is still filled with work that needs to be done before leaving…
Have fun, and have one for me.
Oh, my! Good luck with getting everything done and all the best on your journey! Cheers!
OH. Well the rest of us will be doing the really important and meaningful work of inane blathering in the lounge while you’re gone. Safe trip.
Ask – Have a good trip and be safe.
Have a safe trip, ask. I’ll keep a keg in the freezer to await your return.
Thanks Man and all above who replied.
Maybe I’ll write an entry upon return, but I worry that it will be even more busy then.
Y’all behave now! No excessive partying – remember Sudan is a dry country in more than one respect.
(((((((((((((ASK))))))))))))))) return to us safe and sound. I swear, last trip of yours for the mine sweeping job… gave me a worry wrinkle with your name on it.
Be careful and be aware that you will be missed and … we’ll talk about you while you’re away ๐ XOXOX
Hugs to you too, DJ.
I’m going for the same project.
With curly now for some TLC.
Have a safe trip.
OK I’m back. Anything happen other than faking itialian and what women want?
that’s pretty much it
We could all try to predict what Lane’s mother is going to do when she finds out about the engagement.
Fill me in — I haven’t seen it since the beginning of the season — Lane is engaged?
It just happened last night. Zack proposed to her in the diner after having first gone to make up with the other band members and asking them to re-form the band.
Zack is not good enough for Lane.
He’s way too young to be thinking marriage. It will never last.
agreed — I think the purpose of this storyline is to jerk around lane’s mother.
Or maybe to prove that Lane’s mother isn’t a total idiot just because she’s a fundamentalist christian Korean American — that maybe she should be listened to occasionally.
She really came through when she organized the road trip for the band.
You I really like that they took her character which was pretty one-dimensional and kept deepening it until she was quite a rich personality and hers and lane’s relationship was really interesting.
I didn’t realize GG was so popular. My show is on tonight. Lost. Does anyone watch that one?
Finally something I watch! And I think it’s actually a new one tonight, Courtney Beauregard.
Yep and it involves the baby — you know, the one that never eats or shits (of course, if he never eats why would he shit).
Yea I wonder if there was a pallet of pampers on the plane?
yeah, they never did flesh out that story line with the baby being some ‘chosen’ child or something, and she shouldn’t raise it. That’s why she was going to CA in the first place, to give it up for adoption, wasn’t it? It was so damn long ago and there’s been so many repeats that I’ve forgotten.
Why Thank You. It is a new one tonight and Henry-No I meant George is a fan too.
I love Lost, too!
Did ya’ll see when Hurley said something about not what place they’re in, but maybe what time.
Me thinks, the writers are starting dig a little.
The Nature boys and I have a date with some Chinese food and then Lost is on. See you all later.
Enjoy and see ya.
The all night cafe is open and there’s crepes in case anyone’s awake and hungry!