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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
I know you guys probably all want malts and milkshakes, but I definitely need some caffiene!
a Coke Float (like a Root Beer Float, but with Coca-Cola instead of root beer)? That way you get the caffeine and the sugar rush… 😉
(I haven’t even had breakfast yet…I’m such a computer spud this morning…)
Oh, man, that sounds so good. How did I not think of a float? Damn! Now I really want one in real life!! I haven’t had a float in ages!
Would that make you Fizzy Izzy?
Or fissy, Izzy?
No, just F. Izzy.
I haven’t seen you in ages! I hope all’s well with you.
Cute! All’s well with me, thank you, although I could have sworn that I left for the library about an hour ago. So what am I still doing here? Must be the appeal of your floats and AndiF’s banana splits.
I seem to recall people bowing out of the cafe last night to go watch The Amazing Race. Any of you guys around? What did ya think?
I like that show, and I really like this current crop of contestants, but I also get reeelly bored with it and have to fast foward a lot. Enough already with the reading of instructions and the getting of airline tickets. I do love the Nerds from Manhattan, Ks. I hope they win.
Last season’s Family Edition almost ruined it for me. This season is better already, but I thought two hours of it was way too long. I agree about the tickets and stuff — and enough with the helicopters last night!
We liked the geeks, too. I’m not sure who I’m totally rooting for yet. I liked the hippy guys more than I thought I would.
Ugh, the family edition! I confess I skipped the helicopters altogether. There are actually several couples this time that I would be happy to see win the thing, including the hippies. I was sorry to see the two go last night. I was hoping Barbie and Ken wouldn’t make it.
I was really hoping the Dentist would get the axe, but I suppose that was too much to hope for in the first episode.
Do you serve banana splits? I have been yearning for one for weeks now. It is just to hi in calories. Thought a pretend split might help the urge….:o)
Am taking a break from doing my QA today and needing another drink of something…so guess a rootbeer float will suit my taste too…It is past noon here and need some lunch too. I have my windows open and a great warm breeze is coming in to make me feel good too. Thanks Izz for the good break.
Ah, banana splits. I had a college job at a snack bar and I hated making banana splits because it was so hard to get everything into the stupid dish without making a mess (and a really messy looking split). One day I made the split and everything looked wonderful. I was so pleased and surprised. Then after the customer left, I turned around to clean up and saw the banana that I hadn’t put into the dish.
Here you go:
Hope you’re enjoying your break!
Hello everybody, I’m back from ranking leaves. Arrg how I hate that job. Izzy if you have it, I’ll take a big glass of ice water.
You want to come clean my yard? LOL
I didn’t say I got it done 🙂 This is a three day job for me. I have to keep taking brakes.
Yeah, I took a break from raking in… oh, round about November. I STILL have piles of leaves hidden under the bushes. I’m wondering now if I should just leave them. It seems like they’re maybe turning into mulch or something.
well I can let it wait till you get here. LOL
Okay, ice water coming right up. It’s got a slice of lemon in it, too!
Your a wonderful host Izzy, Thank You. BTW did you see Gilmore Girls last night?
I did! Way late I peeked back into that cafe and saw you’d been very kind about the spoilers! Did you see it?
Just parts. I’m a big time channel surfer. So I just caught parts.
They really have the best dialogue on that show. Maryb is right, too, about the mom deserving an Emmy. The parents weren’t in last night’s episode, though, but they brought Paris back.
Except for the bridesmaid scene I liked last night’s ep. Sometimes I think Christopher is really the only man for Lorelei, even though I love Luke. But I’d swear there’s more chemistry between C & L than between L & L. Is that heresy?
Yes, that IS heresy! Forget the chemistry, the guy abandoned them. Then, if you’ll recall, he had a second chance and ditched Loralai practically at the alter! I think he’s worthless. Of course, I’m not too happy with Luke right at the moment either.
Sigh. I can never forget chemistry.
Bye. Really.
What did Luke do now? (I haven’t been home the last couple of Tuesdays…)
Oh, he hasn’t done anything new, I’m still just annoyed at him for being so blind about postponing the wedding. He wasn’t in this episode very much, but there was a scene where Loralai was obviously feeling left out that he’s keeping his daughter separate from the rest of his life. He’s so dense sometimes!
I agree on all. Since I’m not a regular watcher, I’ve caught some shows, so I’m not familiar with everyone. I do like the grandparents though.
to tempt lurkers with GG talk
I told you I watched GG – sometimes.
Now I’ve got to go back out to the yard – AARRGGG.
Thanks for the water Izzy. Talk to everyone later.
Oh, Maaaarybeeee. C’mon. It’s just a little talk and some ice cream. What’ll it hurt?
I caaaaaaaan’t
but I wish I could
but before I re-lurk I have to say — Christopher? Christopher! Is she kidding?
Of course they have chemistry. That’s the whole point. The people with whom you have the most chemistry are not always the people who are good for you. Chemistry is easy; the rest of it isn’t.
Lorelei needs to stick with Luke.
Thank you. Exactly. She’s much better with Luke.
See you later when you can de-lurk again!
Where were you 30 years ago when I could have used this advice? Ah, but chemistry. . .
Incorrigible and doomed.
Where were you …
At the library, waiting to give you some advice?
I don’t know about Maryb, but I only got sensible the hard way. I don’t even want to tell you how many marriages and fiances — and that doesn’t even go into the boyfriends! For the love of god, I MARRIED a drummer!! You don’t get more hopeless than me, but even I learned eventually.
My sister married a drummer. It lasted 10 months. You’re always better off going for John instead of Ringo.
I don’t know you all can stand GG. It has the worst acting and the most contrived, annoying dialogue this side of “Charmed” which Mr. Nature, inexplicably used to love.
To heck with that and let’s talk about the important shit: Lane should go be a drummer in a a great band and drop kick Zack across the square and somebody please, please drop a piano on Logan.
Lane deserves much better than Zack! (although she IS a drummer, so I may be missing something.)
And I want to agree about Logan, but I sort of have a Kansas-type blind spot there. I know he’s terrible for Rory. Really. I know that in my heart. But…
Okay, I’m outta here. Andi, may I please have that banana split stuffed into a to-go cup? And don’t you dare leave out the banana, Rosannadanna.
Hey, all — greetings from the balmy Catskills (28 F).Can’t seem to let the day go by without peepin’ into the cafe’ to say howdy. Alas, much to do, too little done, as usual.
Seems that we’re due for a ‘significant weather event’ tonight & tomorrow, but we’ll see. The last one ‘favored’ NYC/coastal New England & we saw bupkis.
No real complaints here on that score — but it seems we could be looking at serious drought conditions for our reservoirs this summer (which provide the metro area’s water) due to little winter snowfall. Only another six weeks to make up for it, now that we’re in March.
& yes, I am pleased that we’re in March, regardless.
Enjoy the rest of the day, all. Cheers!
Howdy back atcha! Thanks for stopping in! Here, have a banana split before you go. It’ll cool you off.
they had real soda fountains, I actually was a “soda jerk”, but preferred to call myself, a “Carbonic Engineer”…
That’s a good one!
The photo is actually of the last soda fountain in the Los Angeles area, but it too is gone now. It was there well into the 80s. I went there a lot when I was a kid.
I remember when every drug store and dime store had a soda fountain. The last one in my home town in NC closed in the mid 70’s but the drive in burger and pizza joint lasted till the mid 80’s. It looked a lot like Arnolds on happy days except iw had a circular parking lot.
down in NC, is the Sonic Drive-ins.
lol This was a home town drive in. Not part of a chain. We have somics here in Texas. I am talking about ones where you could drive in or eat in with a juke box and pinball machines inside.
… with those metal trays they’d hook to your car door?
oh Yes!!! It was a blast. It was called teh Hollywood Drive-In and was in tarboro, North Carolina. I went witj my mom and older brother until I was older and went with friends.
I’m done for the day, completely worn out now. God I hate yard work, even the little bit I did today.
Where’s everybody in the cafe? Get too much ice cream & soda?
the group hug turned into a group nap.
I’m about there myself.
Nap you say, oh dear, that sounds gooooooood.. I’ve had a busy day so far.
Hello Mr. Booman, how are you doing…
pretty good. I gotta make that phone call today.
I could really use one about now.
I’m here but reading blogs and responding. LOL
Yea I’ve got to catch up on diaries myself.
I don’t respond to a lot. I am not an great intellectual writer and some of my views of certain areas of the Dem hierarchy aren’t widely agreed with. I write from my gut & heart and sometimes that is not received well. LOL
Do it anyway!
Well you know I don’t respond that much. I spend much more time in the cafe than responding on diaries. That is why I think the cafe is such a wonderful idea. Even though I don’t respond that much, I came here because I can learn and in reading the diaries I have. The cafe is a friendly place where in between the learning you get to know, like, respect and have fun with people.
I am tired, I’m rambling on.
Family Man, if I may call you that…
I’ve heard you downplay your intelligence or education or whatever a couple of times and I just want to tell you that I don’t see that at all! I think you have great wisdom and sensitivity and a down-to-earth way of expressing yourself. Don’t be afraid to dive into the diaries and give your opinion.
I know return you to your regularly scheduled program…
Thanks SN you always know what to say to make someone feel good 🙂
I forgot. Of course you can call me Family Man, or anything you like 🙂
Ha! I actually know your real first name from Village Blue.
That’s not my real first name. It’s the nickname I’ve had all my life.
Okay, I can work with that. I’m guessing it’s a nickname derived from your last name?
Wrong. In my family we’re all named after beloved relatives. I was named after an old great uncle and that’s part of his name. Actually there are about two of us that got parts of his name in the entire very extended family.
I love the idea of family names. However, since I have 3 sons and a dearth of male relatives the only possibilities were horrendous: Cecil, Alfred, Francis. I used Francis as a middle name for one of them but I wasn’t going to torture them with Cecil or Alfred.
You wouldn’t believe it, but my first two names make Cecil, Alfred, and Francis look like Tom, Joe, and Mike.
No way! Now I’m curious. You already know MY first name.
See now I got that man of mystery back – Man, Family Man 🙂
Beuregard(sp) by chance? LOL I went to college with one and we called him Beu
I was thinking about some southern names too. Like Shelby or Ashley. I guess we’ll never get it out of him.
Nope, but close.
Nope, but still close.
How can you be close to both Courtney AND Beauregard!?
If you were a guy, and as a kid all your friends were Mike, Al, & so on, would you like to be named Courtney or Beauregard? That’s how they’re close. I ended up with three last names as my name.
Sounds like a Greek vampire.
In the south you never know. LOL
OK you both got it right. I live in an old antebellum mansion – coffin in a side room. My uncle was named — Herman Munster.
We’re still guessing your name in the happy hour lounge. C’mon over!
Huh? You mean your real first name isn’t Family (fam for short)? Next you’ll be telling me that ‘George’ isn’t his real name but just the one he uses on the internet.
Not everyone uses their real name on the internets….um….Andi is it?
I’m actually a pimply 13 year old boy named Evelyn.
ROTFLMAO!!!! and talking about guys in spandex with me. are you trying to get me arrested?
Just honing my seduction skills for future use. 😉
The funny thing about these internets is that could be true! But you are far too wise to be a 13 year old boy. And far too old for pimples.
Umm, if there one thing that menopause will teach you, it’s that you’re never too old for pimples.
Noooooooooooo! Wrinkles and zits at the same time?! Oh the indignity.
ROTFLMAO!!!! and ordering a fan and a heater for andi.
No need. I’m past all that. I’m now in the ungracefully aging stage.
Ya got me there. I don’t even know how to reply to that.
Nope actually George is really Henry. No imagination in my naming 🙂
LOL so the dog has an alias? That is almost as good as a friend of mine who uses his dog’s name as his screen name so people won’t know his name.
OK I’ll own up to the truth on names. George is George and my real life name is ——— Family Man.
LOL and mine is refinish69 and if you believe that I got some swamp land in Arizona for you.
you’ve been to Tucson during the monsoon season.
I think you said it perfectly!!!
Don’t worry about that — anybody gives you a bad time, you have a whole cadre of buddies here in the cafe that will troop over and back you up. We’ll LOL-bomb the creep into oblivion.
LOL!!! I have been involved in one flame war on a blog with someone who would not agree to disagree and I refuse to ever get in another one.
Don’t worry, there’s no one here like that….;)
ROTFLMAO!!!! well, I know this person isn’t casue they have been banned from almost every major blog.
I don’t know why people are that way. Although I’ve known people in real life that way, but with them I just stay away.
Some people do not know when to stop or agree to disagree. I think some forget they are on the internet and not in a face to face discussion and since they are typing they do not use any type of etiquette or restraint. Of course, some people just don’t care cause they want to have the last word regardless. If you don’t agree with them you are wrong, a liar or an idiot. I like most liberals cause they will actually listen to more than their own voice or thoughts.
I have learned to avoid them and set back and think before I respond to them. I usually give it up as a lost cause one I post my now famous ” Let’s agree to disagree” if they don’t shut up.
I was telling a relative I’ve seen things said to people on the internet I couldn’t believe. No sane person would talk that way to anyone face to face.
Wait, what happened? I swear it was all quiet in here and I was only… uh, “napping” for a few minutes.
and napping stands for ?????? ROTFLMAO
Now if I’d wanted you to know that I wouldn’t have said “napping” would I?
(I was over at EuroTrib posting pictures of chocolate shoes, but don’t tell anyone)
well, I think everyone knows I like to know everything. LOL and if no info is forth coming my mind automatically goes to the gutter. LOL Chocolate shoes.. mmmm I hope they tatse better than the candy underwear. LOL
Wow! I better get on the ball and post a new cafe. It’ll be coming right up!
Okay, Happy Hour is open!