Over at PoliPundit they are all excited that Bush made a surprise visit to Afghanistan.
I Love It When He Does Stuff Like This
The President made a surprise visit to Afghanistan on his way to India. I love it when he does stuff like this because it really is good for the troops’ morale. (That it drives the Dems crazy is just a side benefit.)
That’s hilarious. I hope Bush brought the troops a fake turkey and made sure they didn’t ask any unvetted questions. I’m sure their morale is soaring. But do these idiots seriously think any of us care whether the President visits the troops? Good for him. They should give him a kevlar vest and and unarmored humvee and let him do some good old Osama hunting. Especially since he seems so confident that we’ll find him.
Personally, I’d bet the troops would rather see Al Franken, or Jon Stewart, or Britney Spears for that matter. What dreamland do these morons live in that they think it would drive a Democrat nuts that the President would go say howdy to the troops in Afghanistan? We’re just glad he’s not here.
going so well in Afghanistan why must W make a “surprise ” visit. Well because maybe a whole two blocks of Kabul are secure enough for him to visit. And for Iraq..when is he going to make a surprise visit there? before or after the official start of a civil war.
I used to think the “facts” would change people’s minds. Not anymore. Now I believe we need to focus on the poor and start talking about class issues.
Yeah morale is raised by hearing the same bullshit and lies Bush has been spewing for the past four five years.
freerepublic.com is also full of these ridiculous comments.
At least our idiotic comments are better informed, more coherent, and funnier than their idiotic comments. 🙂
That’s good timing, his overseas visit. Just maybe trying to avoid revelations of an embarrasing video now carried worldwide in major international papers, an AP story.
Secure Video shows in ‘excruciating detail’ Bush and Chertoff warned on Aug. 28, before Katrina hit’
Link to And Bush did not ask a single question during that briefing..when federal officials gave dire warnings, anticipating the tragedy in New Orleans and elsewhere along the Gulf Coast.
Wow. That’s our preznit? We have an irrevocable contract with him, 34 months remaining. But can Chertoff keep his job?
These guys (the troops) are slowing coming to the realization that the Bushman has sold them down the river for no good reason. I’m betting they are totally pissed at having to make pretty for his miserable presence.
Probably the reason why he has so many bodyguards!
Presidents and politicos have been dropping in on the troops in the field for centuries, just to show the home folks that they Really Do Care ™… and after the visit to a nice safe REMF reviewing stand and enlisted mess (where they may deliver remarks but they DO NOT EAT THE FOOD) they get back on the plane or the train and away… and the only people they fool are the party syncophants. The home folks see through it, and the troops see through it, and the faithful (always wealthy white males) genuflect carefully so as to avoid disturbing the natural reaction to such evidence that the Dear Leader is a Great and Caring Father to his people.
Given el Shrubbo’s history, it makes sense that he’d stop off for a last charge of “Hoo-ah, you da MAN, sir!” hooey from troops under orders to improve the CinC’s morale (or spend the next ten years as a guest of honor at Abu Ghraib) before heading off into the wilds of Inja where the local heathen may not have gotten the message about maintaining the thought bubble around the Bush. Even with a 5000-man security and protective force, there’s millions and millions and MILLIONS of them other dark folks over there who don’t like him or what he’s doing and if he’s not adequately immunized he might actually come face to face with some of that and need a change of trousers.
The wingnuts think this proves something favorable to their side…. I thought WE were the crazed druggies. Did I miss something?
What’s to get ‘crazy’ about? The man himself is increasingly irrelevant.
Now wonder they support gwb, they are more stupid than he is. (didn’t think that was possible)
xince unplanned visits are little more than photo ops, where is the great morale booster?
Of course, it came 35 years too late–during the Vietnam War, when he was SUPPOSED to go, would have been ideal.
Seriously…is anybody who doesn’t have a flat EEG impressed with Bush’s transparent “playing soldier” photo ops? I haven’t seen him on the deck of any aircraft carriers lately, but my guess is that as his political situation becomes increasingly desperate and isolated, Bush will be seen more and more often in the company of “the troops”.
You remember “the troops” don’t you–the people Bush has callously and criminally thrown into harm’s way. Yeah, those guys.