I guess Ralph Peters thinks Steven is overwrought. What an ass!
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Ass, indeed.
He writes:
“Yesterday, I crisscrossed Baghdad, visiting communities on both banks of the Tigris and logging at least 25 miles on the streets.”
Making it seem it was a leisurly stroll. I bet you he was wrapped in kevlar and inside an armored vehicle.
Here’s The Guardian’s take:
‘No sectarian war? Then what is this?’
Good to see someone saying it: I’ve been asking the same question for awhile now, “At what point do we actually call it a ‘civil war’?”
You’ve done the appropriate thing: used the word “ass” and linked to The New York Post in the same diary. You see, the only thing one is good for is to wipe the other.
Should we check this guy’s driveway for large luxury vehicles? Hmmmm?
He’s probably blogging his reports in from some strip bar in Hoboken. Asshole.
Poor Ralph, he’s trying to spread the good news about the wonderful democracy that is sweeping through Iraq, but those pesky facts have their own biased agenda.
Yes, I’m so shrill some days I don’t know how I live with myself.
I guess he was blown away by Bush’s speech in Italy:
This may be the most insane spew to escape Bush’s lips yet — though there are so many contenders it’s hard to pick a winner. So we destroy in order to create, what, exactly? What is it “we’ve” created in Iraq short of chaos and civil war? So it’s only “evil” people who are not allowed to kill innocents, but “we”, being the US of A, are not evil, so it’s OK for us to kill all the innocents we want? Or does killing innocents make us evil?
I almost have to admire the through-the-lookingglass chutzpah with which Bush and his cronies can peddle psychotic unreality without blinking, without allowing the slightest awareness to spoil their perfect arrogance. He and the cronies have gone beyond lying and created a whole new alternate universe built from lie molecules. I can’t think of any parallel in human history.
He repeated his “Hitlerian” “history shall be my judge” line in his interview with Vagras: I’m starting to think he’s right, but in the sense that you suggest.
He’s making history all right–just like Hitler did, and we all get to go down in history as the apathetic “Volk” who let it happen.
Ralph has clearly had more than the daily recommended allotment of kool-aid.
The NY Post won’t admit it. But Peter’s also smoking some Jah brand. That stuff will have you running; well, cross country and down the street, shouting expletives. Known to make some insane. You gotta be insane to run across Baghdad with all the kidnappings, bombings and death squads in the street.
Give him a hand, send him a copy of the PINR by Dr. Michael A. Weinstein that forms the basis of diaryist John Stuart Mill’s “PINR: US role in Iraq war effectively over” up here today.
The PINR document is also posted in the Asia Times HK under title “Civil War all but declared”
Ralph, there was no formal declaration of war, but the reality is there is a War on Terror which in Iraq has gone badly. You remember, don’t you, the WoT? Now your masters would prefer the situation in Iraq be called sectarian violence. In denial.
Today, the question posed by scholars is this, “How much chaos can Americans stand?”
We have been neo-conned and ain’t gonna take it anymore
Since it is an Open Thread, I’ll throw this one in:
The limits of peacekeeping
The wit and wisdom of Ralph Peters: You are being lied to. By elements in the media determined that Iraq must fail.
That wouldn’t even be in my top 1000 list of things that our media is lying to me about. From the time Bremer stupidly disbanded the Iraqi army and left hundreds of thousands of able-bodied men with nothing else to do with their time other than plot revenge, the fate of Iraq was pretty much sealed. Elements of our media determined that Iraq must fail probably don’t have any more effect on reality than the Laura Ingrahams of the world.
into Kabul:
Interesting. One of the problems with information coming out of Iraq is unanswered questions, top-o’-the-list for me being: who actually bombed the mosque in Samarra? Not an organization, but the specific individuals responsible. They’ve arrested four:
Most of the chatter has to do with the “civil war”. I’m just as interested in the crime that escalated the violence.
Reporting on an off-the-record conference. What a concept.