My name is Barry Welsh and I am running against Rsc Chair Mike Pence. He has announced the RSC Top 10 and I will post them below. This is who and what I am fighting against, and I need help!
See Top Ten RSC Legislative Goals Below
1. Make the Tax Cuts Permanent, including the repeal of the marriage-tax penalty and the death tax and pass fundamental tax reform.
2. Pass Budget Process Reform, which includes budgeting for emergencies with a rainy day fund, instituting a sunset commission for federal programs, instituting a constitutional line-item veto, and making the budget resolution carry the force of law.
3. Pass another Deficit Reduction Bill in the form of budget reconciliation, to reign in autopilot spending, which has risen from 25% of all federal spending in 1963 to 54% today, and is expected to reach nearly 60% in 2014.
4. Pass Ethics Reform that requires transparency and earmark reform that permits Members of Congress to strike earmarks on the House floor.
5. Pass the Marriage Protection Amendment, to ensure that marriage, the union of a woman and a man as husband and wife, is not redefined by activist judges.
6. Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to put our fiscal house in order.
7. Offset all emergency supplemental spending with spending reductions and offset all new programs with simultaneous, equivalent reductions in, or eliminations of, existing programs.
8. Defend the Sanctity of Human Life, which includes banning all human cloning, passing the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, promoting ethical adult stem cell research, and preventing federal funding for destructive embryonic stem cell research.
9. Pass Protections for Religious Freedom, such as the Pledge of Allegiance, the Ten Commandments, and religious expression in the public square.
10. Pass legislation that stops the raid on the Social Security Trust Fund and allows Americans to own a Personal Social Security Account.
I just wanted everyone to know what was coming, and to give you a chance to determine for yourself if this effort I am undertaking is worthy. Nine months from now, I can make a difference, but I need your help.
I am a United Methodist Minister living in Indiana! Think about how easy it would be for me to be a Republican and get elected to anything I wanted! I am not running just to get elected. I do not believe that way. My beliefs are those of Democracy and Liberty, or Democratic, and Liberal. I am running because the direction our country is heading in, needs to be changed.
I am not taking an easy path. I am not self financed or corporate backed.
I am a candidate of the people, and I need the support of the people that want to make a difference.
You want to make a difference? Fight Mike Pence, the Head of the RSC.
Visit our campaign website please, and consider supporting this effort to fight for LIBERTY!
Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Democratic Congressional Candidate
Thanks for this Rev. Welsh. My wife was commenting at dinner tonight that she listened to another Preacher who was running for congress in Illinois. I believe going up against Hastert. Is that the 14TH district? Who knows, you two might be the start of a trend. Best wishes to you in your campaign.