Eric Alterman talks about scandals becoming frozen with nothing ever happening.Scandals keep coming in torrents with no explanations or accountability or resolution.Before one scandal expires, several other pop up demanding our undivided attention.Soon, we become numb and do not pay attention to any of the proliferating scandals.This is exactly what Rove wants.
Scandal Fatigue,so he can unleash his real agenda without any one bothering him.

So what pisses you off the most?

 1.New Orleans after Katrina?
 2.Dick Cheney shooting his friend and the friend being forced to apologize?
 3. Scooter Libby hiring a memory expert?
 4.Larry Summers’s Economics colleagues making money on Russia’s privatization plan undertaken at the behest of Harvard?
 5. Tom Cruise pulling a Michael Jackson on a gullible Katie Holmes?
 6. Randy Cunningham having a price list for his “services” to Defense contractors?

 7. Reichsfuehrer Rumsfeld denying he had anything to do with tortures at Abu Ghraib,Gitmo and Bagram?
 8.Alan Dershowitz defending torture, so long as the victims are Arabs?

 9. Cheney claiming that “Deficits don’t matter.Ronald Reagan proved that”.

 10.No one keeping score of the dead and wounded Iraqis?
 11.Joe Lieberman claiming Iraq is a just war?

We are being worn down by the sheer numbers unleashed by these criminals.No defense is possible because there is simply no place to hide.That dovetails with what the CIA found in its torture experiments:

 The best way to torture a person is through sensory deprivation over a long time.I would modify it by saying sensory overload can be just as damaging.

 The second element is through self inflicted pain. When we are assaulted daily with one scandal after another that goes against our grain, we feel pain infinitely worse than what a real torturer can inflict on us.

These people have become adept at psychological warfare on Americans,a la Orwell.