I don’t mean to crow but…
I will anyway.
WAKE THE FUCK UP by Maryscott OConnor. DKos. Thu Mar 02, 2006 at 01:58:13 PM PDT. Crossposted from MY LEFT WING.
Top of the rec board.
129 comments and counting. In about two hours of existence.
My pet phrase…one of the ostensible reasons that they offed me and one about which any number of local froggies have gotten their lily pads all in a knicker when it was applied to them.
Yes, it’s about genocide.
And yes…genocide is a TOOL that is used without compunction…or allowed to BE used by client states…in the grand corporate scheme of things. Too many people anyway, don’tcha know…
What? You think Hitler was the FIRST!!!???
Hell…he wasn’t even GOOD at it. Too Germanic; too mechanized. The REAL experts just ride in and start clubbing people.
But the headline…the headline is about US.
When DO we wake the fuck up?
As the trucks pull up onto our block?
This administration has been conclusively proven in the open court of even this sad excuse for a “free press” to be totally crooked, totally incompetent and totally evil. Lock, stock and porkish barrel.
Where are the mobs storming Washington? The civil disobedience? The REAL “anti-war” movement? Real people in real streets demonstrating real outrage and real courage?
Home watching Keith Olbermann.
Reading Newsweak and waiting for somoeone to do something.
Working for Small K Kerry and HIS band af halfway housers.
Hiding in fear of the Bloomberg Police.
Wake the fuck up.
And NEWSTRIKE!!!, goddammit.
Meanwhile…back at the Fat Farm…
Senate Renews Patriot Act 89-10.
Hell…that’s a 90% plurality.
Butch only has about a 30% approval rating.
Nice representing, you DemoRatpublicans.
Do you not smell something fishy, here?
And if you do…then why are you peacefully sitting around eating dinner?
Wake the fuck up.
The fix is in so far they’ll need forceps to get it out.
Just like Medicare D(isaster)!!
YOU DON’T MEAN TO CROW? LOL! ARTHUR! WAKE THE FUCK UP! YOU ARE 100% ROOSTER! It’s a good thing you’re good at dodging old boots and frying pans.
Keep on crowin’, old rooster.
It’s morning in America.
Gotta crow SOME time.
you go girl
The late system of government of, by and for the people is in a flag draped coffin…sitting on a park bench…and nobody cares…
Now that AG is a famous ghostwriter for MSOC, he’ll likely stop being his usual warm and fuzzy self.
You don’t get a bellylaugh from some of my stuff?
Nothing as warm and fuzzy as a good laugh.
Especially if it’s got some edge on the other side.
Bet on it.
Should I?
Should you bet on it?
Or should you get a bellylaugh?
If it’s the latter…well all’s I can do is repeat Fats Waller’s answer when he was asked what swing was.
“If you don’t know…i can’t tell you.”