This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Soft pillows available by the door.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
I haven’t had time to stop in a cafe in some time. Hey.
I quit drinking coffee, btw. I was drinking about 10 cups a day of black coffee. I kept getting awful headaches on Sundays. So when I was really sick in January, I couldn’t hold anything down so when I got well I decided to stay off the coffee. Haven’t been getting the headaches like before, which I blamed on “allergies.”
Wow, that’s quite a change. I used to drink about that much; now I just drink a lot. I’m better off too.
Good for you Carnacki. I’ve just quit drinking coffee myself.
caffeine is bad for your sinuses. I always notice that in spring. Too much coffee and my ears get a little plugged up.
Good for you! I suspect those headaches were likely due to caffeine withdrawal… I used to be a major coffee fiend and when I didn’t get my ‘fix’ I would get those headaches. Fortunately that was years ago, and I’ve since (almost inadvertently) weened myself down to no more than 1 cup a day, and only in the morning. I get my jump start then, and leave it alone the rest of the day.
Now if I could be so ‘inadvertent’ with beer … unlikely for a WI educated upper midwesterner like me… I think we’re born with hops in the blood.
Gotta a question.
I was going to put a diary up and hit preview. I couldn’t see how the whole diary looked. It was cut off about half way.
I saw the two boxes, but this is only about 550 words. So, if I want to see the whole thing what do I do?
Back on line. Power outage yesterday due to transformer “popping” in the alley…apparently, a squirrel went to that giant tree in the sky…blogging by candle-light w/ battery power is not an ideal situation. At least Bu and I got to bed early…ha!
Another “tree” for ya

this old Elm in my neighbors yard is full of Ravens every AM and PM…usually a lot more, but all but these two had left by the time I got the camera out.
Great picture dada. It’s amazing how blue the sky is.
Thanks, it’s actually completely overcast. I keep a UV Haze filter on lenses all the time, and was surprised at the sky rendition.
BTW, here’s all I know about Diaries. When you’re composing, Scoop limits the number of words in the “intro” box and does not auto-switch to the “body” frame.
Try braking the story into the two separate frames and you should be alright.
Note: IANADiarist…I’m a DaDaist….:{)
Thanks for the info.
Today is a good day not to be Gerald Johnston, CEO of Clorox. Mr. Johnston appears to have suffered a heart attack last night. Now, of course, we hope his condition improves quickly, and he’s back on his feet soon; we also wish his family all the comfort and relief that can be available at such a time. But I also can’t help noticing that Clorox’s stock didn’t react to the news at all. In fact, it’s about flat, on a day when the market has been down. So you could argue that the market’s reaction has been favorable. How would you like to wake up in a hospital bed, and then hear that?
Speedy recovery, Mr. Johnston.
Guess they think he runs such a clean organization that even in his absence things will go on spotlessly.
Damn got to go and run and errand, be back in a while.
ack. I am the meat in a politician sandwich over on the orange rec list.
Just make sure they use the right condiments. LOL
Well Kerry’s got the ketchup.
and should we ask who the other politician is?
I just recommended it and commented.
I know you probably don’t watch The View, BooMan, but today that republican girl, Elisabeth, kept sticking up for Bush and his Katrina response. I thought the other women and the audience were gonna draw blood. She claimed she likes his “policies” and she’s not blindly sticking up for him because he’s a republican. Um, yeah. Then you’re a dumbass.
I haven’t seen the view since the first season. LOL
OT (I know, how could this be possible in the cafe?), but didn’t I see the Austin Lounge Lizards in your random 10 list last week? Do you happen to have Highway Cafe of the Damned?
shitty quarterback — that shows her intelligence level right there. 😉
Boo, I slapped a recommend on you at the Orange Empire — we’ll see if we can get you above Bayh…
i passed Conyers, I am going to have to apologize to that saint of a man.
When will he learn, though, that the Frog Pond is voter fraud and impeachment friendly and this is his true home?
Good grief! YOu mean no one has told him yet? We’ll have to fix that.
My first time here. I’d like to buy coffee and tea for everyone, or perhaps some hot chocolate for those who’d like to remain caffeine free. Chocolate is reported as lowering blood pressure.
Welcome to the cafe!!!!
Thank you. Enjoy being here.
MMMMmmmmmmm Chocolate.
I like your diary Family Man. I’ve daydreamed about that same thing for a long time!
Thanks SN. It’s my very first one here and I know it kind of whimsical, but I’ve daydreamed about it too.
Sometimes we need whimsical around this place!
How the painting coming? Got the whole thing done?
I have 3 of the walls done and the fourth wall has all of the windows in it, which means alot of framing-in work, which I hate, so I’m putting it off until…gosh, I don’t know. I guess I’ll do it in a few before the roller dries out.
I don’t like painting, but prefer that to yard work. I’ve still got one half of a front yard with leaves on it. I might get to the back yard one day or let it turn into a mini jungle. I pulling more toward the mini jungle, but don’t think the family or neighbors would vote for it.
But think how happy the squirrels would be.
The squirrels are already happy. We have them coming up on the patio to eat a little something every now and then.
I love the dairy. I responded and recopmmended it.
Thanks refinsh. I saw and you came up with some really good things.
good comment, too. I was just dreaming about what car I’d buy my Mom…she’s got a 92 Corolla that we all pitched in to buy her a couple years ago.
hot chocolate sounds good, and I’ve got a few hundred calories to spare today…
Why, I do declare I am almost ready for a mint julep today it is so warm heah.
Me thinks she’s shooting for a name again.
I thought we settled on Courtney Beauregard. Your real ones can’t be worse than that!
OK, I’ll come clean. My name is Sanders Clampett Ziffel. I was named after uncle Harland.
Here’s another picture of the family when we’re going into town for vittles.
And George is not really Henry, but Arnold – Here’s both of us.
So now, I’ve given my whole sordid past and name and pictures of the family.
LOL! I’m going to have to think about that for awhile!
I, the spawn of a drunk and a telephone operator, am humbled by your fine lineage.
Well Granny like to do the Queen of England wave going for vittles, but we have stopped that now.
Well, I do envy you that cement pond. That would sure make the summers easier to bear.
Damn pond doesn’t have any fish though. Just have to keep going down to the local creek.
I cannot in good conscience neglect the fourth wall any longer. Usually I wouldn’t give a ‘whit’ about it, but the roller is probably still almost salvageable so I better get to it.
LOL I saw what you were doing. You’re sly aren’t ya. 🙂 Have fun painting.
Right in there with you.
I use pure, homemade, unprocessed chocolate. We make our own starting with roasting the cocoa beans, picked right off the tree. That old word decadent, still applies. My hoard gets replenished when family members come to visit from the tropics or when I go there.
Did I miss the free chocolate? 🙁
from domesticity; even though cleaning the kitchen is supposed to be the spouse’s job, I’m so fed up with it I’m clearing it up today…this way I can make him fold and put away the laundry (usually my job).
Been a very good spud today — have stayed off the Internets long enough to have a good breakfast and lunch, so may actually get all four of my antibiotics in today. 🙂 Was thinking about Chinese for dinner, but after checking the calorie count in pork fried rice (not to mention sodium/fat content), I think I’ll suggest we pick up a couple of Lean Cuisine dinners instead. After I’m done with kitchen cleaning, I need to make my shopping lists; Trader Joe’s has been advertising salmon in baking bags that are supposed to be super easy to prepare, and I’m trying to cook more fish. (And if I get the kitchen cleaned up soon enough, I’ll bake some No Pudge(tm) fat free brownies…found a mint flavored mix that sounds yummy…)
I’ve made the NoPudge™ regular brownies before and they’re really good and fudgey.
should we be making preparations for the Booman Tribune one year anniversary? It’s March 13th.
Damn straight! You buying the beer?
um, I think that was one of those passive aggressive male questions/suggestions that translates as:
SN – Monday Night is your night to host the cafe and YOU’RE going throw a birthday party aren’t you?
the “we” was rhetorical.
You’ve been married how long?
god forbid I should be offline for a few hours… 🙂
although if you look below there’s a bartender with quite a bit of experience that you may be able to get for the night.
you need, BossMan, er BooMan.
I’ve got to go run another errand. Check back in a minute.
I have to post a message for the readers and book collectors who haunt the cafe.
I just discovered this yesterday (it’s been around for a while). Library Thing is this very cool online tool that lets you catalog your book collection. There’s no actual cataloging (though, as a librarian, I have no fear of that!). You just search for the titles and editions that you have, click the title, and books are added to your collection. You can tag your books with subject headings that are meaningful to you. The first 200 books are free; after that it’s $10/year or $25 lifetime. You can print a list of your books, or export them to a spreadsheet program.
This tool is like crack. It’s so easy you won’t even believe it. There are all kinds of other cool features that I’ve barely begun to explore.
This is an example of a profile (mine). Link
This is an example of a catalog: Link
what a great site. I’m going to play with it this weekend.
where is everybody?
Hi maryb. I just got back from another errand. How’s the day been going?
uh huh
I saw you coming out of doing your “errand” but your secret is safe with me.
Thank God it safe with you. Wait a minute, this is maryb I’m talk to isn’t it.
I keep lots of secrets.
attorney/client privelege you know.
OK I feel safe now. Just don’t let anybody know I had a bottle of wine in my grocery bag. Oops.
Wondering what happened to happy hour…I finished my time, did you?
I did 🙂
With time to spare too.
I only have 45 minutes — my time is limited, but hey, isn’t it Miller time?
It’s always Miller time.
Lounge opened.