This is just a game. It’s about what kind of person you think you are and what you would do. I don’t know myself and will never be faced with it I’m sure.
I see always on the news about people winning the lottery and they’re always asked, “What are you going to do with it?” Although I live in a very red state that has no lottery and probably be the last bastion of getting one, I’ve thought before, “What would I do with it?” Keep in mind we’re not talking a paltry one million. We’re talking the big deal, the Lollapalooza, the whole cake.
Of course I would take care of my family and myself first. But, would I keep the high ideals and lofty goals that I look down upon the highly rich for not having? Would I all of a sudden think “Hell, I’ve got mine and everybody else can keep digging like I’ve been doing?” Here’s what I’ve always thought I would do, but remember, you never know what you’ll do in a situation until you are faced with it.
I would buy the dream home I’ve always wanted.
I would make sure my family is taken care of for the rest of their lives.
I would give myself some of the luxuries I’ve always wanted
(I won’t even get into family/friend dynamics on this one)
Then what would I do?
I live in a very poor rural county were many people could be helped and I would try and set up things to help them. Not sure I would give the town, county, or state a lot of money and say do good with it. Just my cynicism coming out thinking they wouldn’t spend it on the right things.
Would I find a political candidate whose views I support and try to support them? I’m sure all of a sudden the many candidates (or their minions) that have heard there’s a new rich guy in town would be knocking at my door. I don’t know – that cynicism thing comes into play again.
Booman just for you – You wouldn’t have to worry about rent.
A lot of the things I think are wrong I would try and change. Money does speak and money is power, isn’t it? But would I throw away all mail from everyone. Even a poor mother trying to gets food, medicine or just a better living for her children.
I would have all those millions and could very easily learn to live in a better life style. Instead of worrying about the $25 or $50 I spent on something I didn’t need, and thinking of how that’s going to impact the budget. Would I start carrying around large amounts of money just as chump change or give it all away except for what I needed to live a comfortable life?
This is a game I’ve played for years and I’m sure millions of other people do.
But I’ve always wondered how would you spend it?
I’d do the same thing as you for the first part; buy a nice home for myself, and make sure my mom and siblings were taken care of, and my children wouldn’t have to worry about money.
With the millions left over I would like to concentrate on one area and really make a difference. Maybe adopt a whole city block or an inner city school and send those kids to college.
Finally, I would save enough that whenever I read a horrible story in the newspaper I could swoop in and lift those people up.
I think that covers a lot of what I’d do.
I’d go to the Governor of Kansas (we’re a small state — I think a gigantic lottery would be enough to get a good start) and say, “look, here’s 200+ million dollars can we figure out a way for me to sign it over to the state (or some safe entity) as a base for funding universal healthcare for Kansans. All Kansans”
You couldn’t do the take half thing and run — it wouldn’t be enough money. And You’d probably have to be the chairman of the foundation that ran it to keep the money from disappearing.
But, I’d sign the whole thing away if the Governor would take me up on it.
I think that is a most excellent idea. Of course you couldn’t trust it to politicians. Money does have it’s way of not going to where they say it’s going.
Yes, well, you have my vote on what to do with it. I think my first move would be, give myself a good vacation…oh about one month, maybe. I think I would sit down and try to find out what I would need for the rest of my life, which is not that much longer..oh, lets say bout another 20 years, maybe. I would invest at least in something that wall street would not loose for me. I would then go to my family and see that they had everything they needed and instruct them to invest too. I would try to create jobs for those who wanted to work and make a living for their family, by buying a business or creating a business. Maybe making it a family business. I would give some money to those who are in need by making an opportunity for them to work for it so they will have a sense of worth in getting it, maybe making that business of mine a big one…:o)
After that, I would see that those most needy in my area of the country had food, shelter, clothing, healthcare by making a trust for that very group of ppl. I might run for an elected office locally and then going for the big one, and see that I had the power to do for those poor ppl I mentioned before, a chance to do for themselves instead of having to beg for handouts from the government.
I would go back to college and get another degree in something for just the fun of it. I would see that, yes, booman, would never have to worry about his rent ever again! :o) I would expect him to invest his share of it too, so he would never have to worry again.
Since I am dreaming, I would create a house that is sufficient on solar energy and maybe wind too.
Mainly see that my family had just enough to get them out of debt and to start anew and make a promise to me not to create any further debt….to always pay as they went….including my grandchildren. I am sure by that time, I would be out of money. I would continue to work, for that has always given me a sense of worth and independence and take no money for it. The democratic governor of my state [ I understand] does that and I admire him for that.
Is that enough for starters? Oh forgot,[just for fun] I would own a helicopter and fly it myself, until mentally not able to, to get to where I wanted to go. I would own a hybrid car so I would not have to use as much of gasoline as I should.
Very noble. And speaking of flying a helicopter until mentally unable to do so anymore…
An 80 year old woman drove THE WRONG WAY on a divided highway FOR 15 MILES here in NC. And knowing how slow 80 year olds drive, she was probably going the wrong way for about a half hour. More than 70 people called 911 from their cellphones. She never did realize she was going the wrong way. Scaaaaaaaaaary.
I saw that on the news. That’s why I drive my 80 old Mom everywhere. Even with her just getting her license renewed.
Mom is only 71 so it wasn’t her. LOL She is in NC.
Good Heavens!!!!!!!! …and she did not realize it?????? No, I have instructed my kids that if and when I get to that point, I expect them to secure my car and keys and see that I am taken anywhere I needed to go. Without a doubt, I have seen tooooooo manyolder citizens create accidents that should not be on the road driving. There are many where I live and I am very cautious around them. What did the other drivers do whent hey saw her coming their direction?
Luckily everybody slowed down and got way to the right. She was already way on the other right. A man I worked for in high school just stopped driving here and he is 94. Whenever I would get behind him on the way home, I knew I could add another 30 minutes.
Can you even imagine driving on an 8-lane highway (It was I-40)and seeing someone in your lane driving towards you? It’s only funny now when you know that no one got hurt, but it could have been tragic!
I can not imagine that it never caused an accident! What luck. Hope they took her keys away from her. :o)
If I were to win big enough, I would sponcer a huge party for us all here at booman and rent a 747 to come and pick you all up…Would you all come????
That was a given. 🙂
Heck, Brenda, I’m close enough to drive, LOL!
And I’m young enough to keep on the proper side of the road (although my father has done that in Philly, nearly giving my mother heart failure!)
Brenda I think that is all wonderful. You’ve brought up things I had not thought of but would like. The helicopter. Yes I would want to make it a place, here in my own little area, as you described.
actually, the way my daughter and her girls like to shop, I would definately have to put some money in a trust so they would not go all out and hogwild spending…:o) I am not like that, so I do not know who they got to be like that…;o(; however, my daughter does know how to squeeze a nickle to the last breath..:o)and she always seems to do what is needed for it. She will hunt a bargin for all day long and not buy till she sees it. I go to the store and get what I am after and buy it and go home…I simply do not have the patience to search and search for things.
I’m the same way you are. I know what I want and go and get it. I do have a realative that the money would have to be put in a trust.
But that goes back to what I was saying. When $25 or $50 means something to me now. How would I be where money was no object. I would hope I could control myself and do the good and right things. But that situation has as much probability as me – well winning a lottery.
I would buy my mom a brand new car. She has never owned a brand new car in her life. I would also buy her an emerald ring that would blind people across the street. LOL
I would buy a house for me and furnish it just the way I want. I would collect art and books.
I would continue to give to the chaities I give to now as I am very picky about who gets my money and what is it used for.
I would back certain candidates as I found them that were worth the time and effort.
I would set up a foundation to educate young liberal men and women who I have met at many democratic events and get them into colleges where they can get an education and become a moving force in making this a better country.
I would set up a nation wide group for kids to educate them not only on politics but civil rights for all.
I would also give lots of money for HIV & AIDS awareness since it seems that is falling between the cracks again and infection rates are on the upswing.
So many things to do and so few millions. I think those are wonderful things that you would do. BTW I’d probably want to get my Mom some jewerly that we’d need a wheelbarrow to carry. Just for a couple of snooty neighbors.
Philanthropy for the sake of impressing the neighbors…I like it.
Just a few.
Mom is not really a jewelry person but she has been talking about an emerald ring she saw 3 years ago every since. LOL
My Mom isn’t really either. Some of the most cherished things she has is some costume jewerly a most beloved great aunt left her. I think it’s more the sentimental aspect of the aunt more than the jewerly.
I’ve thought about this a lot, since we do have a lottery here in California, and now that we participate in one of those big multi-state monsters (Mega Millions).
Here’s what I’d do:
Mega Millions was up to about $265 million last Tuesday, but only one winning ticket in Ohio. I soooo hope that whoever won is not a Republican…
Cali you bought up a lot of things I would like to do. Along with the college accounts I would set up a type of health fund for the entire family. I don’t know how it could be done because somethings can so easily run up, but besides college, I’d like some way to keep the family healthy.
good gawd, how many times i’ve pondered this.
first, i’d talk to a tax attorney before hand and see if it isn’t possible to straightaway (pre-tax) set aside roughly 1/3 of the win to be used for tax-deductible donations. keep the money out of the war machine and donate it where it’s useful instead.
then i would definitely be donating to all the right candidates, etc.
and of course, i’d be set up. that goes without saying. i’d make sure my niece’s college is covered and probably lavish stuff on friends and what not.
i also think i’d either run a foster home or maybe just go ahead and adopt some kids who need homes.
I like it all and the last part especially.
I don’t think small and I am way more cynical about the future than most of you. My latest fantasy is to fall in love with a billionaire and create a community which could house several hundred people. The community would be completely self-sufficient and built to last generations, complete with alternative energy sources, farming and income generating businesses. I would like to include a huge underground installation which would safely guard human knowledge (e.g., computers, books, and even genotypes of all the species in the world). This underground installation would also be completely self-sufficient, through hydroponics and the like, and be able to withstand a nuclear war. I as thinking somewhere in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California.
I would then invite people through BooMan Tribune and other liberal blogs to come and live in the community. We would need people from all walks of life in order to make the community as self-sufficient as possible. I’ve consider adopting children and offering a sanctuary for battered women and their kids. Then when Bush does bring about WWIII, my friends and I would have a completely safe place from which we could not only save ourselves, but also save the future of humanity.
Maybe I read too much Science Fiction. :>)
Kind of like that underground community in “A Boy and His Dog.” Only liberal, and happy, and (shall we say) not in need of viagra… </snark>
That was a great movie! I loved the line of brides waiting to get married before insemination!
Of course, I wouldn’t be so stupid as to not have enough people and genetic material to maintain genetic diversity! It does raise all sorts of fascinating questions about sex and families and such, though. Oh, and no white paint allowed…we’d have sun lamps or something. :>)
I think somebody beat ya to that one.
Who and where do I sign up?!?
You didn’t say how much, FM and what I would do would definitely be affect by that. So I’m going to think big and say it’s 100 million after taxes.
I’d take 5% of that and spend it on my family in a variety of ways. I’d take another 5% and invest in something safe that would give me a reliable income.
I’d take the remaining amount and split it between two foundations. The first foundation would help low-income people set up small projects that would improve their neighborhoods. This could be anything from cleaning up the public housing where they live to establishing a small business that provides a needed service to creating artwork to planting gardens to taking kids on a field trip to the Grand Canyon.
The second foundation would provide services to people who want to run as progressive candidates for local and state offices. It would do things like provide training in campaigning, fund-raising, and voter outreach and would match up volunteers and candidates.
You right I didn’t say how much. After the lump sum, all taxes and everything else that would come with unimaginable instant wealth, I think $100 mil would be a nice starting point.
All profits to be invested or returned to the community.
(Just read Twain’s “$30.000 Bequest”, so I’m not getting involved with politics or marriage plans.)
I’ve wondered how I would do something like that. I saw on the TV years ago about a guy that had a small business, maybe 100 employees. His business burned down and it would take a years to get everything back running. In that time he kept every employee on payroll. He had millions already, and could cut his losses, but he didn’t.
Of course a bit of experience in actually running a business does help. I sure don’t have it.
I’d buy Canada, allow only liberals to live there and send everybody else back here (USA) to suffer. That and a Mercedes.