This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Beer, wine, and soda in the cooler.
Chips and dip on the tables.
Chips and dip on the tables.
Annotated copies of Fanny Hill by the door.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
Fanny Hill?
Fanny Hill.
Well I KNOW what Fanny Hill is — I just wondered why Froggy Bottom was thinking about it.
well for thing, fb likes to see who is paying attention and fb’s mind is usually in the gutter so it why not the reading matter in the lounge?
OK, whose around? I heard Booman is buying the beer tonight.
only if you’re having one too?
I know ya’ll probably posted it, but I’ve never had one. What in it?
2 parts (lemon infused) vodka
1 part Cointreau
2-3 parts cranberry juice
(squeezed lemon or lime)
Stir or shake with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with a slice of lemon
4 parts grey goose lemon
2 parts Cointreau
2 parts cranberry juice
1 part fresh squeezed lime.
4 parts?
no wonder yours are better
does that thing have pomegranate juice in it? Do you deliver?
Looks like it might have a smidgen of Everclear in it.
good lord
when you first came to the cafe you were such a nice quiet boy
now you’re drinking everclear, and HAH ing everybody — and writing diaries.
Yeah I think the dark denizens of the cafe have ruined him — we should be proud.
another success story
My life’s work is done. It was easier than I thought.
easier than your kids?
Easier than ruining my kids? Damn yes! It took me many many years to ruin them to my satisfaction.
Really? My mom only had to say “we don’t want people to think I didn’t raise you right” one or two times and I was primed and ready to go.
The man of mystery emerges.
Family Man of Mystery
It does have a bit of delicious irony to it.
That come from the Ziffel gene pool.
That and rolling around in the mud in your birthday suit.
I didn’t post that picture did I?
No, but your neighbor did.
On occasion. π
Oprah’s Pomegranate Martini
1 1/2 cups pomegranate juice
2 oz. Absolute Citron vodka OR white tequila
1 oz. Cointreau liquor
Cup of ice
Optional: Splash of sparkling water
Optional: Squeeze of lemon
Shake ingredients in a shaker and put in chilled martini glasses. Put pomegranate fruit into glass as garnish.
Maybe if we start serving these all the time Oprah will stop by the cafe.
I think that is the recipe CG brought me a couple months ago. But, alas, I drank it months ago.
branch out
try something new
I’m liking the key lime martini lately…
3 parts Stoli Vanilla
1 part fresh lime
1 part simple syrup (okay, I only use half)
splash of pineapple juice
I hear those things cast a spell…
Hi Folks. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I will not be around much as I have a planned chat for my online stores with other shop keepers.
I am kind of excited though. I just got a call and was asked to make sure I go to my precinct convention so I can be a delegate to the county and then the state convention.
Congrats. but we’ll miss you.
Thank you!!!!
Great day – I’ve been a junkie in the book shop and guitar place.
Went to Powells and found a hardbook of Kansas’ Bum Steer… AUTOGRAPHED too π Made me smile and I hugged the book. “There is a Kansas”… was on the inside and I thought that was perfect.
“Howdy” Kansas! π XOXOXO
Jello Shots for everyone!

DJ I see you’ve got enough for me, but what about everybody else?
“Let’s color our tongues” π
Hey there Family Man. Great for taking to hockey games. Unless they pat you down… (note: I take a train into town to see games, no driving at all)
That what I used to love about the town I lived in Europe. There were 4 gausthauses within walking or stumbling distance.
If I do a green shot and a blue shot my tongue should be a lovely shade of aqua — my favorite.
yep, that’s my goal.
Is that your daughter?
You started her young on jello shots didn’t you?
Ha! But no. Not my Danni. However she can achieve the same tongue with a lolli.
There’s always room for Jello π Just did this for a hockey friend π
Jello Science Project
1 package watermelon jello
1 cup boiling water
1 cup Malibu® coconut rum
Mix hot water and jello. Add rum. Pour into 2 ounce cups. Serve after the jello has set.
Substitute the rum in the above recipe with Midori Melon Liqueur, for example, and you have something altogether unique.
My favorite is Raspberry Jello with Coconut rum and Peach Schnapps.
Other variations
Lime jello, tequila and triple sec
Orange jello, orange cognac/brandy (ie. grand marnier) or peach schnapps
Cherry jello, cherry brandy
Raspberry jello, raspberry schnapps
Tropical fruit jello, mango liqueur or dark rum
Peach jello, bourbon (rebel yell)
Unflavored jello + lemonade, kentucky whisky
Strawberry jello, light rum and strawberry liqueur
Apricot jello, amaretto
Grape jello, vodka
I want to go and get some jello right now. You have like the UN of jello shooters there.
There must be a substitute for those of us who despise jello.
How about just for you a Kahlua Parfait
Much better but I think it’ll be really hard to sneak it into a hockey game without making a mess.
You could make a fortune making a really big Thermos coat. Little containers inside for your hot and cold refreshments.
Frozen solid and stick it in the mr’s pants. π
Is that your parfait or are you just happy to meet me? π
LOL that could work too.
Yes. It is called have a real drink. LOL
Reminds me of my friend’s wedding last year…
Note: if you need jello shots at your wedding, maybe you shouldn’t marry the guy.
Any wedding that serves jello shots should go with a tie die color scheme (including the bride’s dress)
Well, they had karaoke and red cowboy boots instead.
She married a :::whispers::: Republican.
There just aren’t enough jello shots in the world to make that look good.
Republicans do karaoke?
whatever do they sing?
bad fucking country music
it was surreal
I would have to just get up and walk away. Taking all the jello shot with me.
Well, I bet he looked like a better catch the more jello shots she did.
Or if they are registered at Wal Mart. Time to walkkkkkkkkkkk away quickly but suhlowly. So as not to spook them too much π
Oh yeah sweetie, Mom’s not worried at all!
Have a couple more jello shots
OMFG!!! That’s an email…
Cripes that rattled my mommy nerves too
OTOH, it would work wonderfully to take your mind off any other troubles.
Children really know how to put their parents minds at ease. Here, I’ll share all my jello shot with ya.
Thanks for the jello shot. I thought drunken fraternity boys who can’t take no for an answer were the worst thing I had to worry about on her campus.
If she anything like her mother, she’s smart. So I try not to worry so much.
Honestly, I basically live with my heart in my throat while she’s gone. I can’t help it. She’s so teeny and vulnerable looking, but she’s strong as an ox.
I missed those years with my daughters and they live so far away now that I get calls from time to time. When they were small I felt the same way.
Your going through what every parent goes through and you know as well as I do it’ll never stop.
Yeah, it’s hard to turn off being a parent just because they don’t need you to change their diapers anymore.
she’s playing you mom
I have to go. I’ll see you later maybe.
Yeah, next week she’ll be hitting you up for $ for a better place to live…
She’s not the manipulative sort. And she can’t lie worth a damn! She’s paying her own way through school, too, what’s not covered by financial aid.
I was just kidding!
I guess she didn’t want you to watch the news and wonder if she was who they were talking about?
See I told you she was smart.
Heh. I knew you were kidding all along. π Now I’ll be so embarrassed if she really does hit us up for money!
Of course we’d never hear about though. π
See ya maryb.
Here I was, being a good boy, taking my kids out to dinner, putting them to bed, and what do I find when I come into the cafe? Chairs overturned, a Jackson Pollock-inspired mess made from — what is this? Jell-o? And everybody passed out. Anybody got a sponge?
You are such a kook!
but now that you mention, that gives me a great idea.
But GrowthRate just said he was a good boy …
oh the hell with him
day, maryb?
It was ok once I got over the shock of having to have a face to face meeting at 7:30 in the morning. I’m not very nice at 7:30 in the morning.
But the rest of the day was fine.
I’m feeling alittle delirious at the moment if you can’t tell. I hear Roseanne and Larry King in the background and it’s putting a spell on me.
Roseanne will do that to you — such a soothing voice.
“You are old, father William,” the young man said,
“And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head–
Do you think, at your age, it is right?”
“In my youth,” father William replied to his son,
“I feared it might injure the brain;
But, now that I’m perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “as I mentioned before,
And you have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door–
Pray what is the reason for that?”
“In my youth,” said the sage, as he shook his grey locks,
“I kept all my limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment – one shilling a box–
Allow me to sell you a couple?”
“You are old,” said the youth, “and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak–
Pray, how did you manage to do it?”
“In my youth,” said his father, “I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life.”
“You are old,” said the youth, “one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose–
What made you so awfully clever?”
“I have answered three questions, and that is enough,”
Said his father. “Don’t give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I’ll kick you down stairs.
As the caterpillar said, “It is wrong from beginning to end.”
are you the catepillar or Lewis Carroll?
Could go either way. But
“Who are you?”
I hardly know
I knew who I was when I got up this morning but I feel I must have been changed several times since then
I’m not myself, you see
Perfect! Thanks!
Remind me again? Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
the kraken?
I’m not passed out. I was gone too and it looks like everyone else passed out by about 8:00.
Mets over Cards 12 – 7 link in the grapefruit league.
and so it begins
What? No box score?
Actually, box scores for these early Spring Training games are useless because of all the substitutions. Mike Krukow, former SF Giants pitcher and now Giants color commentator, talks about how they have a name they hold in reserve (a generic, ballplayer-sounding name) for those broadcasts when they can’t figure out who all the late-inning substitutes are. Abbott and Costello aside, you just can’t go on air with “Who the hell is that? is now playing right field.”
yeah, but it’s still BASEBALL.
I’m waiting to see how Rolen is. If he isn’t well this year — it will be a long season. Edmonds can’t take the pressure of being “the guy”. But if Rolen is back; Edmonds will be back.
Here’s the box score for what its worth.
Well, I did learn something. Suppan appears to have faced 14 batters. Nine got hits (including one homer), one walked, three struck out, and one made some other kind of out. Nine runs in 1-1/3. Kept his ERA under 64. Maybe he’s working the kinks out of a new pitch?
He only pitched 1 1/3. They yanked him after the Mets got a grand slam off of him in the second. The Cards were behind 9-0 before they even got to bat.
Poor Suppan — but it’s probably all Dave Duncan’s fault π
Tomorrow’s Carpenter.