Almost forgot. Here’s an open thread. Is it the weekend yet?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
No it’s not the weekend yet, and I’ve got a cruddy cold. But I’m still trying to do my part for democracy, so please don’t let my diaries go unread. Especially the one about Ken Blackwell. He’s evil…eeeeevil!
Blackwell fails to keep data secure, blames victims;sid=2006/3/2/13177/73477
Rescuing a half-dead cockatiel from the toilet (a metaphor);sid=2006/3/2/115514/3674
Yo Boo, what think Ye of this?.
Looks like Good News from here.
i am hoping this all gets done. I’d love to be able to blog anywhere in the city. And it will be fantastic for the poorer people in the city.
say whatever you want about mayor street….he didnt bow down to comcast and verizon etc and he got wifi thru…thats a hell of a legacy.
i just wish he would call off the dogs on all the sex clubs and leave us all alone.
Via C&L, more Bush regime lies exposed by Murray Waas at National Journal.
It’s the lying thing. This gang should be given oversized oscars..
TPMCafe’s Paul Kiel of The Daily Muck points us to Katherine Harris (R-FL). She’s caught in that Wade-MZM-Duke bribery plea; been lying and covering up her involvement. Go read it’s “It’s getting a lot worse for her”
Ya think she may step aside?
Yeah! I saw that abut the odious Harris the other day. I live in Florida too so anything that happens with her has special resonance.
I do wish my own Dem Senator, Bill Nelson, had more going for him. He’s barely an advocate for even the most fundamental progressive principles, and often votes the wrong way on major issues, (like the Bankruptcy Bill, cloture on Alito, and several other confirmations).
There is an attempt by Baby Bells and cable operators to dump the open Internet and essentially privatize one of our last commons. Sen. Wyden of Oregon has introduced legislation to stop them in their tracks. It urgently needs our support. More in my diary.
The new terrorism.
Save the cows.
Alien Cow Abduction
The Products and Services section is hilarious. The alien deflector shields could really come in useful on a farm.
I milked 34 of the stupidest and meanest cows that ever walked the earth for 2 years when I was a kid, and, as much as I like and respect animals in general, if those 34 had been abducted I wouldn’t have felt bad about it at all.
Hi sbj,
You know there’s two sides to every story.
How did the cows feel about the relationship?
I’m sure the cows didn’t like being in the position they were in, and had their’s and my own positions been reversed I would have probably behaved much like they did.
I was only confessing my failure to have compassion and understanding for those beasts, admitting my lack of awareness of their plight and acknowledging my shortcomings in the compassion department at the time.
I like cows fine and wouldn’t want harm to come to them unnecessarily. But those 34 cows, plus a flock of sheep I’d become acquainted with subsequently, helped convince me that “animal farming” was not for me.
Of course you know that I’m playing. I really wasn’t worried about cow abuse on your part. Especially when the odds weren’t exactly in your favor ;o)
I’ve never worked on a farm myself but I’m sure I’d feel the same way you do.
It’s not for me.
rehashing all that went on while I have been away, I have one question that could be answered with a simple yes or no. Has Susanhu left the BoomanTribune for good? Thanks, Cham.
she may just be overwhelmed with Real Life issues, as happens to all of us now and then (at least those of us who have a life outside the Internets)…
Send some energy up her way if you get a chance… 😉
there is more to do
first read this;
it reminds me im not here to pass time, whine, or fight with people who are on my team….im here to get info so i can act.
since i cant get the image of women being forced to go thru labor in shackles without medication out of my head today this is my action for today and tomorrow…a whole bunch of angry phone calls and emails to;
Newport Hospital and Clinic, Newport Ar
Mr Eugene Zuber Administrator
Phone: (870) 523-6721
2000 McLain Street
Newport, AR 72112-3697
Mike Huckabee Gov Arkansas
to get to the email page
Governor’s Office 501-682-2345
Chief of Staff Brenda Turner 501-682-3607
Michael Crump, Policy Advisor for Criminal Justice 501-682-8184
Joe Quinn, Policy Director 501-682-3613
Nancy Bingham, Assistant to the First lady Janet Huckabee
Governor’s Mansion
1800 Center Street
Little Rock, AR 72206
Phone: 501-324-9806/Fax: 324-9808
My grandmother went to church last night. According to her, several fellow Alabama baptists who had never said anything that wasn’t idolizing about Bush were in agreement that our President needs to pray heavily for forgiveness for all of his horrible sins (mostly Katrina-related). Baptists don’t think highly of being lied to, and I’m guessing most other fundamentalists feel the same. It looks like Bush’s popularity is going to nosedive some more before it finally stabilizes.
First line says “BT has been around about 4 months now”…
It’s impossible to choose.