Last night, I was listening to Professor Stephen Jones of Brigham Young talk about his paper on the Fall of the WTC Towers and how he arrived at his conclusion that the official version is as phony as a three dollar bill.His paper has been subjected to rigorous peer review and has been accepted by a reputable engineering journal for publication.
Although the good Professor makes excellent points based on evidence and his analysis, I would like to bring up two issues based on my own observations that I believe have not been commented on in the literature.
First, the twin towers were hit by the hijacked planes well before 9:00 AM. It is well known to New Yorkers that the Towers become fully occupied at close to 9:00 AM or later.Any terrorist worth his salt would have ensured that he would extract maximum impact from his efforts by impacting the Towers after 9:00 AM.This is very easy to do on the Eastern seaboard simply because the number and frquency of flights is so great.
The fact that terrorists chose a time when the planes would do the least damage to American and foreign lives makes the whole scenario of terrorists being responsible for the vile act that much more implausible IMO.My explanation for this is that whoever did this was making a cold hearted calculation of how to weather the political storm after the event and at what point such a storm would become unmanageable. They wanted the visual impact of the terrrorist act without the political consequences.That the Towers at that time is usually occupied by a large number of foreign nationals, such as Indians, Germans, British etc., makes my case even stronger.
The second point I want to make is the inexplicable lack of any air quality monitoring at the site and the haste with which Christie Whitman certified that the air was safe to breathe, apparently without such an air
quality test.While the media have assumed that she was trying to minimize health hazards at the site, I believe that there was a hidden motivation.Extensive and sensitive air quality monitoring would have revealed the presence of explosives at the site, a fact the perps would have gone to great lengths to suppress and apprently did.
Now to those who say to Professor Jones and people like me that no American administration would ever commit an act that would result in the premeditated killing of Americans in order to advance a political agenda, I would like to point out the revelation from yesterday that Mr.Bush was made aware of the very serious nature of Katrina’s force and the possible destruction of the levees in New Orleans.Yet he chose not to save lives and, more importantly, denied any knowledge of the severity of Katrina’s force.
Katrina showed us the poisoned well from which Bush and his cohorts have sprung and validates any assumptions one makes about the evil nature of our rulers before, during and after 9/11.
I want to say that those who call this a Conspiracy Theory owe it to themselves to listen to Professor Jones and connect the dots between Katrina and 9/11.