Lunch Time at the Froggy Bottom

Hosted by Maryb.
BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch).
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Tip the Waitstaff – 4’s Appreciated
Open up your lunch pail, pull up a table and visit with your friends.
I’ll be around except during manicure/pedicure time.
Think about whether you want to nap or talk books with Andi, me and other book lovers later this afternoon.
Morning, Maryb. I just got up and can’t face lunch yet — just hand me the thermos, please.
for you . . . a cup
This is a cute site;
Paileontology: A history of the lunchbox
Hi NDD. Haven’t ‘seen’ you for awhile. What’s up.
Just a touch of comatositis brought on info overload.
The exciting news is I finally received a 360 page manuscript from my friend in N CA. (Media mail goes by pony express ya know, nine days this time, usually longer.)
I’m complimented that he trusts me to check it out for him. Third time I’ve done this for him, so I must have done something worthwhile the first two, ha!
pony express until it gets to the great american desert when it is strapped to the back of the guy who is crawling on the ground, whimpering ‘water, ‘water’.
What does your friend write about?
first belly laugh of the day, ha!
Someone is kind enough to make on omlet for me, so I’ll be back soon.
one country omelet
was great!! Thank you!
And who knows, one of these days I may even remember how omelet is spelled…
first I have to resist putting an -ette on the end of it, then attempt to recall… oh well, there’s always spellcheck…
Well, the closest I could come I think would be to call it “sci-fi” set in 2020-2050 with an underlying somewhat “faustian” theme.
It’s a bit of a challenge for me in that sci-fi has not been my favorite genre over the years, the first Dune being my most recent, ha!
Seems like there must have been some sci-fi since then, but can’t remember it now.
I like scifi though I’m not a big dune fan. Is your friend published or still trying to get there?
A lot of what gets called scifi, I think is more accurately called speculative fiction.
He’s not published yet, but he’s got an agent working on one of the first two. (We all know the lottery aspect of it all.)
“speculative fiction” may well be a more accurate term, as it seems he’s taken the very edge of technology now as we know it in medicine, music/video/electronic fields and then “stretched” it, hence the “speculative fiction” would seem to fit.
He’s a very interesting character. We were both part of a monthly book discussion group some 6-10 years back in Arcata, CA, which I enjoyed very much. I still miss the discussions with those people.
from the website:
We sit on couches, certainly, though we are as far from potatohood as computers are from clay tablets.
I think I’d like him… 😉
That’s an interesting site. Lots there to take in.
and it looks like lots of new stuff since last I surfed there. So you guys will soon be ahead of me on the latest.
He used to do author interviews on KHSU, Humboldt State University’s radio station> The ones I heard were just great. And I see there are some links to audio files on some of those I intend to check out some quiet evening.
Andi I’ve been meaning to ask you. I know you don’t like a lot of the old SF because it was sexist, but what do you think of Robert Heinlein.
He had his moments — both sexist and feminist. But I read Stranger in a Strange Land long before I got my consciousness raised and it had a huge impact on me so he largely gets a pass.
I sort of figured that’s the way you would see him. I read his stuff in my younger day, but now that I’m older and a little more worldy – Heinlein – Pffftttt 🙂
OK here’s my last shot. What about Anne McCafferey and the Pern series?
I haven’t touched Heinlein since my 20s. I’m not sure what I might think if I read him now but I’m not likely to try to find out.
Never read the Pern books but there’s no particular reason why not. Just never made it onto my TBR list.
that brought back memories of my 1966 vinyl barbie lunch box. Just the memory of the smell of PBJ and vinyl mixed together makes me kind of sick.
Hi NDD, I’ve missed having you around lately
Barbie lunch box. That just brought back a slew of memories for me about my early elementary school gender wars with my mother, who desperately wanted me to be a “normal girl” when it was painfully clear by age 3 that this was never going to happen.
So did you honestly like the Barbie theme, or was it about conformity? Some of each maybe? I’m always curious about other people’s gendering.
All my lunch boxes were requried to have horses or guns on them. And I never wanted wanted to be a normal girl. I hate girl stuff.
The horses would’ve been an easy guess but the guns are a bit of a surprise. While no one who knows you even a little bit would ever put you in the “normal girl” category, I certainly hadn’t had you pegged as a shooter, lol.
my pride and joy was a mattel shootin’ shell snub nose .38 but I also had a single shot shootin’ shell rifle I like a lot and my damn cousin alan would never let me wear his double holster fanner 50s.
we had a miniature log cabin in our back yard and guns with holsters. So we took turns being attacked in the log cabin by the ‘bad guys’ who were always somewhat amorphous since every time we picked a group to be “bad” my mother would explain that they were not bad they just weren’t like us. Huh Liberal parents.
I forgot about that until you brought it up.
You could put caps in the guns so they really “shot”.
we weren’t nearly so enlightened back in the 50s. My mother didn’t care who I killed just so long as I did it outside.
I remember we finally got so frustrated at not being able to pick some “group” to be the bad guys that we pretended to be the kids on the next block — she didn’t really know what to say when we told her that they really WERE bad because they … and then we enumerated all of their failings.
I think she told us to play quietly so their mother wouldn’t hear.
I had one of these, which I absolutely loved:
PS. Alan was clearly a doodie-head.
p.s. he still is.
That was supposed to be ‘hated girl stuff’ but now that I think about it, the present tense is probably accurate.
It’s weird
I never had Barbies and I never liked to play Barbies at my friend’s houses. But I had that Barbie lunch box. My mom must have gotten it on sale. Or maybe it was a hand-me-down.
I never so much as looked sideways at a Barbie, unless it was to make it clear that I didn’t want any Barbie-emblazoned toys of any kind. For me, it was all about electric trains, building sets like Lego, and the very first computerized games.
But both of my younger half-sisters (born in ’79 and ’80) were major Barbie enthusiasts. Well, I thought they were at first anyway because they had so many Barbies and accessories that it was a natural conclusion to draw, especially when a gift-giving occasion would roll around and I would ask and they would yell, “MORE BARBIES! DREAMHOUSE! CORVETTE!”
But as it turned out, the games they liked to play most with Barbie and her stuff was to destroy it all in various differently destructive ways for entertainment. I’ve never been sure what to make of that.
Truthfully I don’t know if I didn’t like Barbies or not — my mother told me I didn’t. I always suspected that was because she couldn’t afford to buy them for us. Because investing in Barbies can be pretty costly.
Torturing barbies apparently was and still is a favorite pastime for girls.
Oops bad link. Try this one instead.
I saw that! It reminded me of my sisters. I wish I could discuss things like this with them — I’m 10 years older than them and I always had these sweet fantasies that we’d be close once we’d all grown up — but the middle sister has some mental health issues that preclude armchair analysis and the baby is a nutjob Republican who kind-of hates me for hating everything about the nutjob Republicans. ::sigh::
that’s why you need soul sisters like us 🙂
That’s exactly right. 🙂
I can hear the sound of the glass breaking in the each of thermoses I broke as clearly as if I was dropping yet another one right now.
I don’t like to eat a real lunch. I just nosh.
the lunch pail would come in handy for all the snacks you need to take with you on your walks
lighter-weight insulated lunch bags — we have several of varying sizes hanging around here. Though back in the day, the industrial-strength lunchbox came in handy as a weapon…which is probably why they’re all made of soft plastic these days…
One of my favorites so far. Love the framing.
Thank you. I have to say that I thought it was pretty nifty the way the shape of the two logs almost matched the shape of the ground.
grain farm, I had many lunches out of a lunch pail just like Harry’s. Brings back many fond memories of yesteryear.
I’m glad you like it
I liked it because I’m from Missouri and I’m fond of Harry
Woke up to a beautiful blue sky and temps heading into the 60’s…Ahhhhh, an early taste of spring.
Been pining for a beach and the ocean though, especially since I found this guys’ underwater photos;
jp trenque
Check out more of his work HERE
Need. More. Coffee.
Gantastic photos, dada, Thanks!!!
I’ve bookmarked that link and will be sending it on to friends.
Obviously Frank Gehry…where I don’t know.
Good to see ya NDD.
Hey dada, you’re one smart cookie, as we say ’round these here parts…
I didn’t know the guy existed until last Sunday, even though unconventional architecture fascinates me.
Architecture is my prof. life…everything else is an avocation…:{)
Check out the Bilbao Museum, truly a masterpiece, as is his R&R Museum in Seattle.
Frank’s been way out in front for 40 years.
OMG, I’m running 40 years behind the “8-ball” on architecture!!
I’m going to have to plot out his bldgs on a map and on my next cross-country tour make sure to see some of his designs in person.
What the tin man looks like after the wicked witch has finished with him.
Your penthouse on the river where you plan to host the BooTrib cocktail party when we all come to visit you.
hey, great idea, let’s rent it, you can be the first contributor, send $$$$$$$$ c/o NDD!!!!
See also dada’s post for a couple more great links.
The building in the photo is the Weisman Art Museum on the University of Minnesota campus.
Last Sunday I was across the river to the west for a concert of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, at the Ted Mann Concert Hall.
See also Frank Gehry Project List
I’ll be back in a bit with happier fingers and toes.
Did you get one of these designs?
Hey I just got back and no, just plain pinkish red (“love her madly” by Revlon) on my own nails — nothing fake with me 🙂
whooooooooo!!!!! that’s certainly good to hear.
Good afternoon everyone. Just calling in to check what’s happening. Arrived safely in Khartoum last night – hot and dusty. Heading to southern Sudan Tuesday.
Nice surprise to find that the hotel now has internet access. Well, it’s already past 10 pm here. I’ll try to catch up on a few diaries and news before bedtime.
Hello, world traveler! Be safe.
Thanks SN. Seems as if the biggest threat is dehydration.
Just got out of the kitchen. Hey Ask it’s great to hear from you. Drink lots of water.
Hi FM, how are you today?
Bottled water is no problem, but where’s the beer?
Once you get back we’ll throw the biggest party ever.
I guess this means my safe return didn’t get you to spend the day in bed. Glad you got there okay.
I always heard that alcohol was bad for dehydration.
Hi Andy,
It was tempting last Thursday. Still have to catch up on some sleep, and heading that way now.
On the other issue; just trying to stay balanced.. 😉
I will add my stay safe to everyone else’s. and of course stay hydrated. LOL We don’t want you trying to be a camel but drink lots of bottled water.
I wonder when would be a good time for the birthday party? I see Cali was around.
anytime is a good time for a birthday party… what will you be serving???
I’ve got the cake and punch but I forgot to look for decorations / banners — maybe Andi can bring back the parade.
Do we still have to sing?
You bet
maybe if I put everything out she’ll notice and come over?
Got it.
I’ll bring the Everclear for the punch.
It’s legal in ND
so YOU’RE the one who corrupted Family man
Don’t go blaming it on NDD. I think it was a group effort.
I wasn’t going to miss Cali’s B’day anyway, but now Everclear. This is going to be some party. I might even sing.
You’d better have a cupcake if you’re going to dive into the Everclear punch
Who said dive in punch. I’ll drink with my pinky extended. That’s what you’re supposed to do, isn’t it?
One of my best friends doesn’t drink at all (I know — WHAT do we have in common?) and one time I gave a wedding shower and just assumed that everyone knew the punch was spiked. It was the first and only time in her life she was drunk. She thought she was having a stroke or something and needed to go to the hospital.
It must have come as quite a shock.
She laughs about it after the fact.
Not a surprise — how do you surprise someone on a blog?
Hope she shows up
good job! Have a cupcake
I just dropped an “OT see FBC”(that’s all I said) on her last post, on some other diary, so she should be here soon.
Here, have a cupcake
Happy Birthday Cali Scribe
Bagpipers — that was a nice touch.
I wonder where she went?
We can always eat all the cupcakes and drink all the punch without her — although I would save her a cupcake.
for a fresh Cafe for the party, since this one’s getting pretty full…and guess I’d better shower and gussy myself up if I’m expecting company… 😉
Are you kidding — MY cafe’s can go as high as 165 comments.
I think that one hit 174 or more
who’s counting
when you’re high you’re high
ready to sing 😉
Few more cups of that punch and I’ll sing my heart out.
Maybe we need a game
Gee Everyclear and a blindfold. I’m not sure about this game.
Trust me
You’ll love it
Quite possibly the most dangerous words ever spoken.
and the cupcakes have whipped cream frosting 😉
here’s one for you
“Pin the Lies on the Republicans”??? Would be more appropriate to this place…but that might have the party go into tomorrow… 😉
Not me — even drunk I’m too nice to subject other people to my singing voice.
Do you think she really went to take a shower?
or is she sneakily trying to escape from all the weirdos who hang out in the cafe?
well, I couldn’t control who was going to be here 😉
I hate icing. Actually I don’t like cupcakes or birthday cakes either — another mark of my perverted nature.
If you were NICE you would save a couple for Jim.
You tell him I was thinking of him:
I alway give Jim my desserts. And what he doesn’t eat, Sniff, Giddy, and Hopeful get. Food is never wasted at this house.
devil’s food cake with white marshmallow frosting and decorated with little silver balls.
I know. I am just torturing myself.
I will go and have a tangerine.
No appeal whatsoever. Now if you’d said very dark, almost black bread with a wonderful crust, I’d be salivating. I’m sorry I can’t give you my almost complete lack of a sweet tooth.
I like tangerines, though.
covered with a slab of Top Hat cheddar, roasted Heidi-style over an open fire, or just out of the oven, waiting for a spoonful of white, silky, home-made butter, or heaped with pastrami and slathered with mustard, or….
OK I really am going for that tangerine now.
I’m not saying anything more or I’ll have to feel guilty about fueling your food fantasies. And good tangerines are really wonderful.
You would think mlbmmph, that after having reached a certain age, spflfftt, that elderly people would have learned to avoid getting juice on our shirtfronts and have the maturity not to feel triumphant when they can spit seeds with greater accuracy and distance than their descendants.
Do not feel guilty. Just shake your head in pity and disgust and go get yourself a tangerine, a garbage can, and a child. Betting is spflrtt encouraged.
Ductape I think the child is you and you enjoy getting juice on your shirtfront and hitting the can everytime. I know I would.:)
since no recent comments anywhere else.
but in true FBC tradition, I’m not wearing my long pants… 😉
Who cares. Your here and that’s all that matters.
and I got you a little something:
to go with your lunchbags:

to carry your virtual wine in
If you went over to Diane’s you heard my speaking voice. Now imagine that drunk and singing. You’re in for a treat.
Have another cupcake
You sure these cup cakes are spiked? And you stay away with that blind fold. I’ve been in these cafes before and know how they get. Picking on a poor old singing drunk. 🙂
Poor spiked cupcakes. You’d better have some more punch.
Maybe you’d prefer to pin the tail on the Elephant:
Don’t know about that game either. Stumbling head forward my head might go where I wouldn’t want it too.
Oh wait a minute. This isn’t a live elephant. OK.
FM gets six cupcakes to my one… have I not been a “good boy” today???
Of course — here, have two
mmmfff, mmmfff, mmmfff…
Better be careful NDD. I’m not sure about these sprinkles on the top. Reminds me of a concert I went to years ago.
when I accidentally ate some of my brother’s “special” brownies (hey, he never told me about the secret ingredient…), I discovered that marijuana had pretty much no effect on me — must be because I’m naturally goofy and I’ve always got the munchies anyway…
Since there are cupcake crumbs and spilled punch everywhere, come on over to the new cafe. I’ll bring the extra cupcakes for the book discussers.