Saturday at the Froggy Bottom Café

Hosted by Maryb.
Ain’t Nobody Here but us Chickens.
Coffee & Tea & Egg Sandwiches Available.
Coffee & Tea & Egg Sandwiches Available.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you.
Come in out of the desert (why Andi thought the road to my cafe leads through a desert . . . )
Coffee’s fresh
No coffee, just water. George has been out and now in and is happy.
How are you today maryb?
I’m well and you?
Just trying to wake up and get moving around.
That rake is calling to you
I’ve got to get it done before Tuesday. An old friend is dropping by. The neighbors can see it, but could let him see a half raked yard.
So . . . you want your old friend to think you’re better than you really are?
Leave the leaves . . . be yourself
No, just a little neater. Anyway that’s my exercise.
It’s nice to get out and get some fresh air and sunshine. You probably still have some fresh air out there in the country. My fresh air carries the faint odor of I-540 even on the best of days. Course, I do have the world’s most sensitive nose. Maybe I have a dog in my family tree.
I showed you pictures of my family the other day, so I’m sure our trees are the same. 🙂
Obviously I have some of Arnold Ziffel’s truffle-sniffing genes.
Welcome to the family. Now if I could get George/Henry/Arnold to sit in front of the TV and be quiet, I’d be happy.
Somehow I can’t picture you crocheting chickens, but can you make me a toilet paper cozy while you’re at it?
I love those booths at church picnics where you pull popsicle sticks and if there’s a number on it you “win” something that the church ladies made that you would NEVER want. I sincerely love them because of the time those ladies put into totally useless things. So I usually end up with a bunch of them (not this chicken though).
I do too. Because they remind me so much of sweet little grandma who lived to be 97.
I’ve always wanted to win one of the clowns made out of a bowling ball. But usually I win the toilet paper holders.
I have never seen one of those. But it doesn’t surprise me…if it sits still those ladies will crochet a cover for it. I’m waiting for them to crochet my husband in his Lazy-Boy.
That fits right in with the lady driving on the left with her blinker on.
Start on I-70 in Sevier, Utah and drive east 1332 miles. Voila — MaryB’s cafe.
Put the car on cruise control and take a nap until you near the Kansas – Missouri border.
But since you, Family Man and SN aren’t coming from the west, those directions aren’t really very helpful.
I’m doing advanced planning — I’ll be in that neighborhood in two weeks. Yay!
Andi, I’m afraid your cafe hosting duties don’t allow you to go to Utah. Plus, some of us will miss you horribly…:(
I’m touched but completely unmoved in terms of my vacation.
We’re bringing a laptop along so we can off-load the digital photos (we did last summer and we loved being able to see the pictures every day) so if we find an internet connection, I might drop by for a visit.
Damn it didn’t work. We’ll have to try something different.
You forget I lived in the city of Mary’s cafe decades ago.
Somebody’s getting near the Missouri-Kansas border?! Lunch is on me!
Before I drive the lack of wonders that is I-70, I’d have to know what’s on the menu.
Tell me your favorite foods and then I’ll tell you what’s on the menu. 🙂
Or, tell me how far north of me you’ll be and I’ll figure out if I can meet you for lunch. Seriously. Not promising a three-hour drive, but you never know. . .
I’ll probably be right over you but I’ll be 35000 feet up. 🙁
LOL!! Well, just give me a minute to put on my rocket launchers.
axes are for wimps
I prefer to wring their necks
or I would prefer if they didn’t frighten me
You are afraid of chickens?
My 24 year old son is afraid of clowns.
My youngest daughter is horrorified of ducks. At an outing at a lake one time, duck came up to the table and she was crawling on top of my head to get away.
My 22 year old son is scared of snakes.
We have raised some wimpy children! Just imagine what a clown with a duck under one arm and a snake around his neck would do to our kids.
Maryb, have you tried aversion therapy for people who are chicken about chickens? First you hold a chicken feather. Next you sleep on a feather bed. After that, you wear a chicken costume in public. Then you and the chicken watch Gilmore Girls together.
really? Let me think about that for about 2 seconds.
No … not enough chickens in my life to work through these issues
But you almost had me until the part about watching GG with the chicken. Even I know that chickens don’t like GG
Second Nature is a chicken?
I was going to say that chickens have standards that don’t allow them to watch GG, but I didn’t want to offend you all again. 🙂
Seriously, does anyone talk that fast in real life?
I watched it for 3 or 4 weeks in a row a couple of years ago before I came to the realization that I didn’t like any of the characters and didn’t care what happened to them!
Now I watch things with class, like Wife Swap.
I’m back and I’m very scared of snakes. I will always let them have the right of way.
My ex took the boys camping last year and while hiking they came upon a rattlesnake on the path. So my ex POKES IT WITH A STICK. Do you see why we’re divorced?
LOL that is stupid. I would have been running while dragging my kids along.
I am petrified of snakes. It’s not being chicken it’s being smart. I had two friends killed by snake bites when I was a kid.
There ya go. I haven’t heard of any reports of death by chicken pecking or duck quacking.
I know how to kick a chicken or a duck. LOL You kick a snake you better have on hip waders. LOL
I would never get near enough a snake to need hip waders. I’ve got it so bad that if snakes are shown on TV, I change the channel. I think mine was passed down, because my Father didn’t like snakes.
You can read it on back windows of cars all over the country.
Just Married
Bad day?
Have some coffee
Morning Super.
Mmm…cheerful today, huh? 🙂
I go to my yoga class this morning, come home all happy and relaxed, and find out that you’re all thinking about fried chicken dinners…with my birds.
well…I’m excited because I am taking Boo to see his cats. And Boo loves his cats.
Ah, but do the cats miss Boo?
probably not, but they love warm laundry.
With George and Cat they’re near the same size, so they play fight all the time. But, George knows there are limits. BTW Cat is the same way and it doesn’t have to be warm laundry.
I know!
These people are SO mean. You’ll note that I put up the special hand crocheted chicken especially FOR your chickens.
I’m the nice one.
Yeah, I bet you wrung the neck of that crocheted chicken before you posted it, didn’t you?
On the advice of counsel I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may tend to incriminate me 🙂
You just know she did, CG. That innocent looking crocheted chicken is just a lure to draw Rhode Island Reds to her door. The “Welcome” is a particularly diabolical touch.
Well, I guess mine are safe then, not being Rhode Island Reds…
Spits coffee! If THAT isn’t a case of the feather bed calling the chicken fluffy!
Atrios said I was the nice one
maybe that’s why he likes you better
CG we would never touch you birds. So stay happy & relaxed.
George has started the whine again. I don’t know if it is him getting older or if he has me trained right.
Be back in a while.
Hey all. I don’t drop in often, but this morning I need a safe corner among friendly folks to just sit and cool the hell off.
I can do pretty well for extended periods in this Orwellian nightmare, wrapped snugly my small measure of serenity and healthy "detachment" while still doing my share, but now and then I hit the freakin wall. This week I have ended up in tears over one touching diary by Knox and just now one by rosewriter about that freaky Harris babe made me blow my stack.
Hello, wall. Time for some R and R, and a day or so away from all the news.
Now if only it was warm enough to go out and lay under an oak. (Oh hell, I forgot. I live in a "Senior" apartment building, and you can’t do that around here, without someone calling 911. Shit.)
Tomorrow it’s supposed to be pretty warm here, maybe I could go sit in the park. Oops, I forget again. You can’t show your face around here on Sundays without someone trying to stuff your butt into a "church bus". Crap.
Got coffee?
It’s on the house
We have coffee, and we have a special suit of armor that prevents anyone from trying to stuff you into a church bus.
I liked your poem in Shirl’s diary.
great big Cyber Hug headed your way.
No church busses in my park. Come and sit a spell.
We’re here for ya scribe.
Thanks all. I feel much better now, dressed my new church bus armor, having gathered up some hugs and undersdtanding!
Just tell them that you’re driving your own bus and you don’t need any help from them.
You mean I can’t moon them from the window of my little green minivan?
I saw your comment on the dairy I had posted. I deleted it here and at the other blogs. I did not realize it had been covered yesterday or that the founder of dominos sold off his interest years ago. While I agree the current owners paid to much for the name, I can not see attacking them since his bigotry might not be theirs.
always state the facts of the case before applying the law
LOL I guess I needed more coffee when I read the article about it on the web and wrote my dairy. LOL I try so damn hard to be fair and it pisses me off whne I miss one line in a story. I am still angry at the jerk but hurting Dominos will do nothing to him. I guess I will get my eyes checked again and be more careful in the future.
and I had done such a wonderful t-shirt design already. LOL
That has been pulled also.
The dogs are doing their let’s-go-walk-in-the-woods dance (where the follow me everywhere I go) so I’ll see everyone later.
Have fun!!!! the Diva Dogs send puppy kisses and tail wags.
I am being lazy and going to mcdonalds to pick up some breakfast. LOL I will check back in a few.
I should see if I can get the spud spouse out of bed and take me out for a birthday breakfast…of course, he’s taking me out to dinner (if I can ever decide where I want to go!).
I used to hate birthdays…then I considered the alternative…
Happy, Happy B’day.
come back this afternoon for nap/book time — I’ll have birthday treats for everyone! And we’ll all sing — won’t we Family Man?
Yea for B’day treats. Sing I don’t know. Well it’s for Cali, what the heck.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
I can’t wait to see what you do for my birthday. Given your penchant for spraypainting messages to me on brick walls and sending people out into the desert to find me — I’m sure it will be very very special 🙂
Or no — you’ll probably be in Utah
So your birthday is between Mar. 17 and Mar 25? ‘fess up the date and maybe I can have a naked guy sent to your basement.
I was wrong; you will be here
Beware the Ides of March
I guess I better start planning now.
Are we going to do a book discussion at nap time?
I just finised Sara Dunant’s new book ‘In the Company of the Courtesan’.
3:30ish CST
I was going to serve fried chicken but . . .
so you’ll have to bring your own lunchbox
come on over to the clean cafe