Froggy Bottom Lounge

This is NOT a “Classy Place”. It is a Dive.
Please try not to spill more beer – the floor is sticky enough.
Karaoke Later.
Karaoke Later.
Beer nuts and pretzels available upon request.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The Jukebox takes only 4’s
But poetry is allowed.
I’ve been running searches in the background for the crab backing one, but I’m thinking it’s not on this computer.
Might have a hard copy lying about somewhere though.
You can have an open mike if you want —
but you have to find your own mike.
Looks like you may soon set an all time record for FBCs in one day.
I wonder if I did. No, actually I don’t care š
People sure talked tonight.
Yeah, well, what happens happens, it’s been a whole lot of fun, gives new meaning to, “took a trip and never left the farm” even though I’ve spent the past several weeks in the city.
You still going to Mozart stuff?
Last Sunday went with a friend who had an extra ticket for the St Paul Chamber Orchestra in MPLS.
Tsonttakis; The Past, The Passion for 14 Players
(sorta weird modern stuff, but I liked it.)
Shumann; Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op 54
with guest painist Garrick Ohlsson who was just great, since I’m a sucker for paino music anyway.
Schubert; Symphony No 4 in C Minor, D 427 “Tragic”
[good thing I grew up listening to my mother’s classic lps, so I’m able to have some appreciation for it all now. However, the opera singers on the morning after the night before were not appreciated then, ha!]
what a great program.
I like Garrick Ohlsson and I love Shumann. And Schubert.
I like to hear modern stuff even if I don’t like it — and I usually don’t.
No mozart for me lately. I think I have tickets for something in May.
attention plese
we have taken control of the comptr
wwwench is nt paying attenton to us we r asking fr our Food bt shi is buzy heer with yu verrry cheerful & laffing b4 she was grumpy & she payd morr attention to us now shi is hapy heer we have had to get toff with her so shi sez thank yu for all the smyles but now shi has to do importnat thigs lyke giv us our Food so shi sez good nihte.
damn cats!
a dog would just whine
Dang, I suppose I missed ya,
See comment here
If I can find a copy of Arctic Dreams in one of the local used book stores would you trade me a copy of your photo, that one of the stream/water that I was so enamored of.
I’d really like to do an 8 x 12 of that if the file size is big enough.
Hey, NDD. Sorry for the confusion above. Thankfully, I was able to wrestle the keyboard from the cats while they argued about spelling.
Not to worry about picking up the book for me, as I’m soon to do an order at Powell’s & will get it there. As for the photo, I’m pleased to email it to you in full size if I can find it in my ‘archives’. Will search around & let you know if I find it.
Peace to you, NDD. Enjoy your night! Hey you two get those claws away from me ow
that is such a great picture. thanks!
Now can you conjure up a hot tub? in the wilderness?
Sure — there are some great hikes to hot springs.
I don’t want to hike.
I want to find that evil twin of mine and tell HER to host lounges š
but seriously folks — you don’t have to do this all day. Any time you want, you can put up a froggybottom cafe and bug out.
I know.
I started out the day tired, so hanging out seemed relaxing — which it was until about 5:00.
I just take my parties seriously!
At yer service.
an entertaining moose!
where’s squirrel?
I want to be Natasha.
Only if I get to be Boris
Damnit Janet says that Natasha is hot.
I’d like to be evil š
Luv ya,
my requirements with regards to in-house entertainment as opposed to shall we say “out-house” or whatever an objective observer might call the FBCs of life.
People on this blog never just say what they mean.
OK, MS NDD spent all day online studying. So she’s been in the shower getting ready for what’s left of the rest of the evening… what ever that may entail, I would have no clue at this point.
much better š
THAT I understand.
If you disappear I’ll assume she came up with something to do that includes you š
This old geezer is giving up and heading off to bed.
Maryb, you are a gem and we are beyond lucky to have you.
Good night, Mrs Calabash, wherever you are.
g’night john boy
still here
you didn’t have to go to the outhouse (or maybe you meant I was the outhouse?)
Night Andi, Jim, Sniff, Giddy and Hopeful…sleep well.
Me ‘n Bu
I’ll post this poem I wrote, whilst all alone in ND during a thunderstorm once, thinking of a lover somewhere else.
I Have Plans
I want to make love to you
Til you don’t know whether
Lightning flashes
Distant thunder
Wind in the Trees
Or me.
I’m honored. thank you.
“What a dump” as Betty Davis said. May I please have a Black Sambuca, if anyone is still ambulatory… hmmm…
I just wandered in, too. Here’s your Sambuca. I just opened a bottle of wine myself after an exhausting, Ms GrowthRate-free day with the Kid GRs. One thing after another for the last fourteen hours. But no broken bones and few fights, so all in all, a successful day.
I read it FBC Intravenous….. there’s been a bit of drinking going on around here. Cheers, growthrate, glad you survived your children today.
Had a nice night out with the spouse — went to a relatively new restaurant down the street, had a delicious Bohemian Lager to drink and Wild Mushroom Carbonara pasta to eat. Then went to Borders and spent money on books that I have no idea where to put them — mainly books on writing; I’ve got to get myself back on track. Wasn’t really in the mood for birthday cake, so got birthday ice cream at Baskin-Robbins. š
Anyway, about to turn in myself for the night…a year older, but not sure if any wiser…