Marathon Pool Tournament Part III

This is NOT a “Classy Place”.
Please try not to spill more beer – the floor is sticky enough.
Karaoke Later.
Karaoke Later.
Beer nuts and pretzels available upon request.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
The Jukebox takes only 4’s
Ok pool table people — haul ’em on over.
I can hardly keep up!
Actually that looks really fun — to dress up like a pirate wench and slide down the snow in a rum bottle.
Maybe next week we’ll have a pirate theme?
Will Johnny Depp be involved?
trust me, if I have anything to do with it, he will be the main pirate. He is soooo cute.
I leave for a minute and you’ve already got another cafe. I agree with Izzy I can hardly keep up.
what did you do with Second Nature?
what did I do? I glanced through the last cafe and I heard something about her dancing on the tables.
You didn’t bring her with you?
she said she was easy when she got drunk and the next thing I knew she was gone. So either Mr. Nature is getting lucky tonight or she left with someone — and so far you are the only one who left around the time she did.
Although I guess she could have tried to follow ej.
And where’s DaDa — and where’s the damn snooker table?
Come on people!
Wrong I left before she showed up. I think ya’ll got her drunk and she’s passed out in a booth somewhere.
It’s all their fault, FM, I offered to be the designated driver and they made fun of me for not drinking. Such bad influences.
Remember I used to be a nice guy when I first start coming to the cafe. Now look what ya’ll done to me.
I’ve been hanging around here a spell longer than you (now you’ve got me talking like you, damn!) so imagine how far I have fallen.
You lucky man.
Bu’s beatin’ my ass, again…and I’m tryin’ to fix dinner…patience my de.., (oops, almost slipped) grasshopper.
I heard that slip 😉
I guess our secret us out, Family Man.
or “is” out, whichever you prefer.
you really ARE a slut when you’re drunk
I told you. Quit acting so surprised. Anyway, I don’t go home with family men, just promise keepers.
No it’s not. As the Frenando Lamas said on Johnny Carson years ago. Even when your caught in the act – DENY.
Wait a minute I didn’t mean to get into politics.
Hey didn’t your mother raise you right — share!
This is a pool tournament, not an orgy.
Damn I got into the wrong cafe again.
Well it IS only 9:40…patience, Family Man.
I’ll be long asleep before the orgy starts.
You’re assuming you have to be awake.
that’s right
keep it straight
orgies don’t start until at last 9:30 central time.
Orgies have rules? Oh yeah, this is the midwest.
Yes, we only have wholesome orgies.
not usually
but I have to set some rules with this crowd or I would just be exhausted all the time 😉
We’ve behave, we promise.
was that “we’ve behaved” which is a bald faced lie
or was that “we will behave” which I don’t believe?
Well it’s a lie either way, so Yes.
We’re watching Network.
are you mad as hell?
and are you going to check in with us during the oscars. we had that plan remember?
Are you guys live-blogging it? If so, just the show, or the red carpet, too?
but katiebird and I had talked long ago about having a dress up oscar night in the cafe. I guess it’s up to Diane since she’s hosting tomorrow.
Or we could do it at Eat 4 Today if Diane isn’t interested, or Manny’s place.
I’d come to eat4today IF you allowed us to eat.
It is a party. pleeeeeeeese?
We can have hors devours trays for dinner, does that count as eating?
oh yeah
I’ll be there
I’ll be there too.
What time should Blogging for Oscar start?
I don’t have cable so I’m worthless for the pre-game except for what’s on network. I’m not even sure what time it starts.
You really need to have DuctapeFatwah to do the red carpet commentary.
Oh yeah. He’s the best.
Ah, the Ductape costume report, yes!
I would love to see that and I’d stay glued to his comments. It would be hilarious.
And we should all be in our PJs like last time.
Thre was a last time and I missed it.
I can’t remember what it was for, some swanky thing and we all described what we were wearing while watching it. Ductape’s was, of course, the most hilarious and yet poetic.
Ductape’s ears must be burning now. But I would love it.
Well I guess I’ll go start cleaning the floors so everyone has room to stretch out. Who’s going to wash the celery (ducking as she runs out the room)
Actually, I am going to couch for a while — I had to struggle to stay awake through the end of Network, so I might actually be out for the night.
See everyone tomorrow!
Night KB.
It’s time for George’s last walk. I’m heading out too. Start the orgy without me.
One of these night, I’ll stay up late enough.
night KB
see you tomorrow night
(yawn) I can’t wait. I just put up an open thread announcing it.
(yawn)I’m asleep.
Sooner or later he will slip in the slick of his own shit. – mythm
it would work well in a poem
There once was a boss from hell,
That you could tell from the smell
He once left his “calling card” in the coffee water jar
But his window was open so Damnit tossed it into his car
MM called in a Canadian Mounted Goose
Next time she’ll call a Mounted Moose
The boss from hell had best take care
Riled up Bootribbers no longer play fair
Sooner or later he’ll slip
In the slick of his own shit.
A work of pure genius!
ahhhh! Thanks! I’m a little rusty though now. When I lived in Arcata we had a monthly open mike, which was great fun.
I’ll have to see if I can find my crab backing poem. Folks seemed to get a kick out of that one.
we should figure out how to have that engraved on a monument erected on the coast.
Once MM is gone from there we could get one a them thar “pink” ladies to attach it to the bldg as a reminder…
good idea!
Right on! Love it. Perfect!
Behold the man who thinks not of others
Spreading his offal like seeds in the field
What poison he sows
As others do reap
Lies fallow upon nature’s riven bounty
He cares not of the effects of his toxic gratuity
And spares himself cognizance of its fruity scent
Prepares to leave behind, as does the fleecey hare
His soft little droppings, both here and there
Or like the bull moose
Does stand tall as his massive bollocks fall
Like steaming boulders on the bugs!
Hither and yon, are his fragrant calling cards
Yet sooner or later he will slip
In the slick of his own shit
We’ll have to have on “open mike” nite here sometime.
Could be dangerous though, NDD: we both composed simultaneously, and we were both visited by the image of a moose — then, my computer crashed, I went to the stove & burned myself.
That moose is evil, I tell you. Maybe moose imagery should be against the rules (for me!).
I notice we both used the image of ‘calling cards’ too ..
:: cue Twilight Zone theme ::
wow did you just make that up?
ahem, I mean did you just compose that?
Laughing all the way, yes 🙂
Wilderness Wench, thy middle name is Shakespeare!
Ah, but Shakespeare wasn’t haunted by moose.
I’ve always wanted to see a moose.
are they supposed to bad luck or something?
I don’t think so — unless you’re a bug.
so if I invite a moose to the new cafe that won’t be a problem?
I can think of a number of people for whom this proves equally apt ..
Btw, NDD, I’d like to say that I appreciate your considering a ND ‘National’ meetup to accommodate us all. Personally, I’d like very much to see ND — a place so very different than these mountains. It seems a fascinating part of the country.
(Hopefully, I won’t be on crutches at the time.)
Sadly enough, however, I’m about to miss the UND Writer’s Conference & Barry Lopez, which should be very worthwhile, considering what you’ve told me about his work. Thanks for the reminder on the book, which I’ve yet to get ahold of.
You’re a genius!!
too bad I couldn’t type my subject line right but at least I can correct it now.
You are a wiz.
andi — you’re great
Isn’t that Marmotdude up front?
Nah, he’s off with Manee and his hookah.
How can somebody do that so fast. Amazing.
So, do we know who is winning the pool tournament? SN — you still a pool virgin?
wouldn’t be me as I’m behind the 8 ball at the start of every day.
this pool tournament tired me out — all that running from room to room.
would you like another beer? I’m going to have one. Since I don’t think I really finished one tonight. 🙂
Si Senorita, una Pacifico, por favor,
It’ll make a nice chaser for the shot of Mescal I’m about to have.
I got you a whole 6 pack
Que muchacha mas bonita!
actually I just moved it over to the new cafe you don’t have to do a thing except bring yourself 🙂
Looks like you may soon set an all time record for FBCs in one day.