It has been all too common for newspaper articles on Pennsylvania’s upcoming US Senate race to ignore progressive Democratic candidate Chuck Pennacchio.  When Chuck does receive a mention, his name is often preceded by an adjective like “longshot” or “unknown” as in  this article.   It never seems to dawn on journalists that Chuck’s alleged underdog status could have anything to do with the fact that he receives but a small fraction of the media attention his primary opponent Casey enjoys.  Talk about self-fulfilling prophecies.  After months of the mainstream media acting as though Casey has already won the nomination, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Chuck would trail Casey in primary polls.

PA’s “Democratic” Governor Ed Rendell, along with DSCC chair and NY Senator, Chuck Schumer,  have done their best to cram Casey down Democrat’s throats.  

The Casey apologists over at Kos chant incessantly that Chuck is not a viable candidate.  With such biased reporting it is truly amazing that Chuck has come as far as he has.  Despite the best efforts of the Democratic machine to crush Pennacchio and deny PA Dems an open primary, Chuck continues to rack up endorsements from grassroots groups across the state.  The Lancaster Democratic Committee recently voted to have an open primary.  And Casey only narrowly snagged an endorsement from the Bucks County Democratic Committee.

In Sunday’s edition of the New York Times Robin Toner writes “…some public opinion polls consistently showing Mr. Santorum trailing his Democratic opponent, State Treasurer Bob Casey Jr.”

Not only is Chuck Pennacchio not mentioned by name, it is as if there is no primary.   Please contact Robin here and make sure the NY times is aware of this oversight.  Also send a letter to the editor to  

Chuck Pennacchio is a viable candidate; the media just refuses to acknowledge it.  He’s done over 260 public campaign stops to Casey’s 5.  Yes, Pay-Per-View Bob has done a few dozen fundraisers but that is not the same as actually talking with voters and winning them over. The Democrats have lost 14 consecutive full-term US Senate elections.  Let’s break that losing streak.