Welcome back!

This week I will continue with the painting of the New Mexico Zuni Mesa seen in the photo below.  Once again, although the photo is not my own, I have been to the site many times in my travels.

When we finished last time the painting appeared as depicted in the photo immediately below.

Last week I inicated that the foreground would receive attention next.  Well, I did actually apply some paint to the foreground but most of my efforts were directed elsewhere.

I changed the colors on the butte’s highlights (twice) since last week.  Of course I just had to change the cloud above.  I am very pleased with the cloud which is somewhat darker and moodier.  I may change the butte again, I’m not sure now.  I would like to bring the cloud up to the quality level of the cloud.  Hmm, the former mediocrity of the cloud set a much lower bar.

The painting’s current appearance is seen below.

I will continue with the foregroud (and maybe the butte) next week.  See you then.