Garrison Keilor isn’t Lewis Lapham but then again, Lapham can’t tell stories like Keilor can.

This is Keilor’s editorial in this Sunday’s Minneapolis Star Tribune.

There has never been a more important reason for Democrats to regain the House and Senate in 2006 than reigning in the out of control Bush administration.  Someone who moved away from American in 2000 and came back today would not recognize our country: George Bush has turned us into a third world dictatorship with a first world secret police and a Taliban-like cowed populace to rubber stamp the atrocities.  Nice Job Dubya.

The latest revelation: Bush’s secret police has from day one been classifying documents, some from as far back the the 1950’s, in the National Archives in order to change history to make it match their fucked up world view.  This is Stalinist mehtodology, but I guess it fits perfectly with the Stalinist torture methods our Premier and Chairman of the Party claims it is his right to institute as Commander in Chief.  It makes perfect sense to me that the media types called Republican states Red states.  The Republican party is now operating with the same mind set and operating handbook as it’s historical adversary, the Soviet Commmunist Party.  

Any Democrat that doesn’t immediately start calling for impreachment and who doesn’t repeat that call every single day until the November Election is not deserving of our support.