I was out for close to six hours Saturday circling my four by three block division getting signatures. I settled in in front of Whole Foods for several hours. I collected about fifty signatures for Chuck Pennacchio and all of one for me in my division. So, very unscientifically, I’ve deduced that people from my division don’t go to Whole Foods during the Saturday afternoon peak time [we go late at night during the week].
Then I went door to door in my division for a few hours collecting enough signatures to get me on the ballot. I have nineteen right now and even met another person who is running for committeeperson in my division. We won’t be running against each other per se since there are two seats up for grabs. I did, however, learn something very interesting. She’s lived in this division since 1998 and has NEVER met the two committeepeople. That is a complete travesty. The whole purpose of committeepeople is to be the first point of contact between each small precinct and the upper levels of the government which represents them. I can understand they didn’t get to her one year or maybe even two, but eight years without seeing them in an official capacity? She told me that she’s been to just about every committee meeting for the past two years and had not met them. I guess they’ve REALLY dropped the ball. And she and I plan on changing things.
I still have five spots to fill up on my petition to get me on the ballot; a little more extra insurance over the ten required signatures. I already know that one of the signees is out of my district, but only after he had signed did I notice that he lived on the wrong side of South St, arg.
I’ll be heading out early tomorrow to run some errands, but after that, I’ll be petitioning with Booman on the other side of Center City in the afternoon for his run for committeeperson [we’re fucking taking over!] and me with my Pennacchio petition for more sigs.
I was hesitant at first, but things got going and I was confident enough to go door to door which is something I really didn’t think I’d be able to do. But I’m glad I did. Getting involved in this manner really felt… right.
And now, at 1a, I’m poofed. After petitioning all day, we went out to dinner with some friends and after that, I still had more work to do! I had one more shoot for freelance photography gig in West Philly. At 11.30p my day was done and I was too tired to head on over to my friend Hannah’s 30th birthday par-tay. Arg. I really wanted to go, but I was/am dead tired. She’s the one who finally pushed me to run and I’m sure she’ll understand I was beat after all this. I’ll see her soon enough. Hopefully after finding out I qualifiy to be on the May 16th ballot. That’s going to be weeeiiird. Going into a voting booth and seeing my name right there!
Way to go, Albert.
I want to read that you filled up those five remaining spots!
topped out at 20. everything is turned in. now, to sit and wait on the official word.
What are the borders of your district and Booman’s district? Maybe I have friends or relatives in your districts I can put you in touch with, if nothing else than to sign your paperwork. 🙂
Thanks Knox! Mine is between 9th/12th and Pine/South. Not sure of Booman’s.