Chris Matthews
George Stephanopoulos
Face the Nation
Meet the Press
Wolf Blitzer
Fox News
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
On the east coast, Tweety’s roundtable of morons are on the air.
So many choices, few of them good.
I’m watching Gen.Peter Pace…tow the civilian line about Iraq. Little did I know there will be 335,000 Iraq troops by the end of the year. Now I have a resonable expectation that there is no need for our American presence in Iraq??
Bush’s courtiers will be touting the recent trip to India, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Such a huge success.
It is thought Bush was so desperate for some good news, on his way there, on Air Force one he said give them every deamnd we need a deal; so he gave away the store – the India deal was a ‘US’s nuclear cave-in’ and couldn’t have come at a worst time, just days before the Iran nuclear issue is taken up at the UN, that it puts us in a bind.
Bush and the bomb is not really about nuclear issues but part of the global corporate interests.
In Pakistan, where Musharraf is said to be losing his grip, and, as thousands protest the visit, who would’ve known, we find democracy is not really on the march, as ‘Bush divides his allies in the war against terror’. And to Musharraf, who we’ve outsourced the search for Osama bin forgotten, Bush says “no we can’t offer you the same deal we just gave India.” You’re on your own.
In the midwest, I’m watching MTP right now – and remembering why I’ve always liked John Edwards. He talked about being wrong in his vote for Bush’s Iraq war resolution – then went on to admit that at one point – he just felt the need to defend his position – but he was wrong. Makes me want to believe he really has some integrity. Hope springs eternal.
Somehow, I think there will be more insight than anywhere else this morning.
piece calling the invasion of Iraq a failure. General Pace invited Buckley to go walk the streets of Baghdad to see for himself. To my amazement, Russert then asked the question which had immediately come to my mind. He asked Pace if Buckley could safely do that. Part of Pace’s response was that he wouldn’t walk those streets himself without an escort.
Do these people even hear themselves?
I need an early before noon drink. Yea, I’ll break the constraints. Anyone caught Fox News Sunday?
Thinkprogress points us there
“Kristol: Conservatives Believe The Bush Administration Is Incompetent”
Welcome Bill, though you be a little late to the table. We’ve been saying so these last 5 years.
Love a little mutiny. Nothing so sweet as seeing rats deserting ship, because they sniff they’re about to be fumigated.
FNS is just starting here locally. I was wondering whether I could stomach it this morning. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll watch just for this!
If only the Democrats could all speak in unity about this same idea.
Just had same thoughts. Bush’s numbers are down, ours should be way up, but we’ve been so quiet we’re overlooked as the alternative.
Sitting back, watching the spiral down, won’t win us control.
yesterday, I think on CSPAN. Buchanan asked whether Daschle would vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq if he had it to do over. A perfect place for a one word answer.
But alas, Tom went into some bullshit about “well, you can’t turn back the clock…”
I didn’t realize until just the past few days what a huge loss it was to let Daschle get ‘schemed out’ by the Rove/Gannon crew.
this war that war and the war on the American people go. Daschle: bad policy and bad politics. Bah!
Forgive me if this has already been discussed here as I wasn’t around yesterday. I don’t think I have ever linked to a DK dieay before but this one spoke volumes to me. We ALL, I believe, want to redirect our frustration and anger and this diarists makes me want to stay in the game after asking myself what the hell is the use anymore for the past month or so. Interested in others feedback here.
Thanks for that link. I seldom visit that orange place. Looks like there’s still some things over there that needs to be re-worked.
So the for hypocrisy of the day my local imbedded newspaper announced that al Jazeera will begin English broadcasts and accuses it if being a “dangerous tool of propaganda.” My local paper never strays from the military/white house line and is an obvious organ of propaganda. If government control of information is seen as vital, than al Jazeera is indeed a danger. On the other hand, if actual news has value, than it is a vital alternative.