(Headline from the Los Angeles Times)

“2005’s Trade Gap Tops $725 Billion”


This is a $725 Billion LIE!

    There is no trade GAP!

Read More Related Commentary Here:

We traded 725 billion dollars worth of our productive wealth to other countries to balance the account.  I assure you we did not get the products from the rest of the world for free.  We traded our factories, our farms, our businesses and our skills for products made in other countries.
We traded the cotton farm instead of the cotton. The garment factory instead of the garments.  The cow instead of the milk and cheese.  In other words we trade all of the things that produce products instead of the products.
We are also trading millions of jobs instead of the products made by our own workers.  This is economic suicide!  Africa practiced this same idiotic insanity in the 17th and 18th centuries and look at the plight of Africa today.  Congress should immediately stop this lie that there is a Trade Gap with an export tax of at least 99 percent imposed on our factories, farms, and forests, that are being traded for cheap oil and cheap plastic junk.
We need free trade for the products that America can produce with American labor.  We should not be trading the basic wealth of America to China and other nations, especially for items that we can produce at home.
Suicide is supposed  to be against the law and Congress is turning a blind eye to this self inflicted murder of the United States.

Written by Kenneth L. Russell. (email – klr@cyberclone.net) Mr. Russell, age 94, Professor of Education, Emeritus, Sam Houston State University Huntsville, Texas; is founder of The Educational Video Network, Inc. Known for his publications on Economics, Government, and Parliamentary Procedure, and showing no signs of slowing down, it is obvious that he has no intentions of “retiring”. This essay was originally published at www.populistamerica.com