I went over and visited earlier and was going to leave you a message but I guess I have to sign up for blogger to do that. Do you know what that involve?
My 21 year old daughter and I were just discussing the SD abortion ban and what it might mean for women her age. We talked about girls her age growing up with Roe v. Wade “safely” settled law, and how perhaps they are apathetic because they don’t really believe it could be taken away.
Sallycat, I will definitely read your new website and recommend it to her and her friends.
God, I hope so! They’re a politically active bunch anyway, esp. regarding the war in Iraq and the genocide in Sudan. Hopefully now that they see the writing on the wall about abortion rights they’ll get involved.
Yup – the pains that bind us… also provide the strongest smiles and connections 🙂
I totally blew a gut in the diary… but hopefully it’s worth it. I still keep re-editing it. Mistakes. Did it come out okay. All that crap. It’s hard to read and look at let alone try to see the typos and hurrican of words…
speaking for myself, it wears you down. He is getting frustrated that we are finally, finally getting traction and this is the time when the cats scatter. Thee problem is, no one is attracted to weakness. People want the Dems to storm the gates while the guards are still stunned. It takes time and work to change things. I know how Chris is feeling.
and cats are not solitary creatures. They will band together and fight together…and play together.
Sometimes we need to re-define how to fight the battles but while some want a front assault, some of us are willing to work with a hacksaw (okay – not true – I prefer a Sawzall!)
The rethugs have had us cornered for a long time….and smart critters never mess with a cornered cat!
IMO the Ds are headed for a ’68 style-confrontational convention, hopefully minus the police riot.
I see little to no chance that the contention between the grassroots/Howard Dean side and the DLC/Hillary/Biden/Reid/Pelosi faction will be ironed out prior to that.
Wouldn’t be great if progressive put some of the energy that’s been devoted to fighting over federal elections to taking back city and state government.
DNC/Howard Dean efforts on the national grass roots are pretty much running under the radar so far. But from what I hear in ND they’ve had an impact, as ND’s Dem-NPL party was one of the first to receive DNC money to rejuvenate the party at the local level.
Last Wednesday I talked to one of the two main guys in charge of that; he felt this DNC money was making a significant difference. Without it we’d likely have had only one guy running the state’s D party campaign rather than two.
For the past decade or more we’ve had a top down hierarchy in ND’s D party. Sound familiar?
Anyway there’s a serious attempt at rebuilding the party from the ground up.
I’ll do what I can to help, but I declined an offer to run for the ND legislature.
I agree NDD. As a participant in the mayhem at the ’68 version, I hope that it doesn’t come to pass.
That being said, the likelihood of a meeting of minds seems far off. The “national voice” of the party, AKA the DLC, with few exceptions, has yet to recognize the level of discontent that is about to overtake them.
I hope they don’t pick Denver for the site…I’m too old for tear gas and clubs.
Cause I’m ready and have my “bail out the old folks” crew all lined up…unless of course they get arrest with me!
One of my younger (40ish) friends came by yesterday – he only voted in 2004 because his mother and I hammered him almost daily. He rarely read the paper and never watched tv.
Oops – recently he opened his eyes, stuck his head up, and is now ready to join us on the streets protesting just about everything. Welcome to our world kid! He said “once you know – you can’t go back!”
Evenin’, all — thought I’d drop in for a virtual martini before making a few very real phone calls. I expect virtually unslurred speech on those calls…
I am kicking myself for raising liberal kids. My daughter informed me over dinner tonight that she has joined the Peace Corps and will probably be going to Africa in the summer or fall of 2007.
She has a particular interest in it since taking her first African studies course in college last year. She may be going to Liberia or to Niger. Do I need to say how scared shitless I am about this?
At this point I wish I had raised greedy, self-centered, materialistic children instead of ones who always stick up for the weakest among us.
She’s such a tiny thing. She has the spirit of a colt and a laugh like windchimes on a summer day. The thought of her so far away and vulnerable makes me nauseous.
Know what’s funny? I’ve always told her about how I wanted to join the Peace Corps when I was a teenager but somehow ended up married and a mother at 21 instead. I didn’t think she was listening!
I wonder how much of it has to do with my life being a negative example to her. How much she wants to avoid a “wasted” life like mine.
You know that’s not true. Based on the things you’ve said, I think what she wants to do is show you that she knows how important everything you’ve taught her and done for her is. She wants to be good and to do good because you made her the kind of person who wants that.
You’re putting a very nice spin on it, but I think there may be something to her not wanting to turn out like me. I think that through all of my talks with her and by witnessing my depressions, she’s gotten a negative view of what my life has been like.
Thanks for cheering me up though. I am really proud of her, and a little bit envious that she’s doing something I never had the courage to do.
Every generation improving over the last is how we all hope it goes. My mother did things her mother never did and her daughters have all done much more than she had ever had the chance to do. And my sister’s daughter has done all kinds of things that we would have never attempted.
I couldn’t believe how easy it was! I was joking beforehand about needing an exam with undergrad-style multiple choice questions, and that’s basically what we got. The only full-on treatment plan write-up (where you have to KNOW everything instead of just recognizing the right answer) was on something I knew well. I was done in less than 45 minutes (we had 3 hours).
I know you’re scared for her, but this is so wonderful, too. She’s wanting to work for Peace. She will have stories to share with you and her daughters…
You have created a legacy of peace that obviously your daughter wants to continue and will.
I can use many drinks and I’m so tired. I found out the relatives aren’t leaving until Wednesday night, so now I have to go out to the farm house and get that cleaned up for my friend coming tomorrow. I just gave up here.
It’s the family house. It’s owned by my brothers and sister now. My family built it in the mid 1800. Started with an open hallway through the middle to let air flow through. It’s been built on more and more since then.
About 12 miles away. I actually remember it as my Grandparents house. It’s is really in the country. It’s kind of nice though.
We had my nieces wedding reception there. There’s a pecan orchard to the left of it and a tent was put up beside the house. People would be going into the house and out to the tent. My neice got married in the church my Grandparents help get started, just like my sisters and aunts. My nephew is getting married in April and his wife to be want the same thing. So out there encompasses my whole family, from the house, to the church, to the family grave yard.
I’ve just moved back here three years ago. I’ve been gone for over 30. Never thought I’d retire here. All the places I had been to I always thought I wanted to retire at one of them. My last job bought me close to home and my Mom needed someone around to watch over her, so I came home. I’m glad, it got me reconnected with my family. One day I’ll probably head out again.
I’m calling it an early night. I am really worn out.
Must be something in the air tonight — nobody seems to up around here and Jim — who ususally stays up till 11 or 12 — went up to be about 20 minutes ago.
I’m ready for bed too. I idiotically took on another guardian case today and I have to be at a conference early in the morning. I wish I could learn to say no to people.
I hate grading papers. Growing up as the child of two teachers will do that to you.
My brain hurts and I don’t want to read anything that even remotely involves yelling or crying. So, I decided to go read my horoscope and see what my day was SUPPOSED to have been like. I like the excite.com horoscopes because they are usually hilarious. Here’s mine today:
A group of scientists (who some might say have far too much time on their hands) have recently announced that love is biologically the same as eating large quantities of chocolate. If it’s true, then why bother? Wouldn’t it save us all an awful lot of time, energy and aggravation if we simply invested in Godiva and forgot about relationships? Maybe — but in your case, especially now, it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. Call them. Bring the chocolates with you.
I’m not buying it. I spent three weeks in Brussels (over two trip) and I’ll tell you I have never been anywhere where they were as serious about their chocolate as in Belgium. It was also full of gloomy, bad-tempered people.
I still trying to figure out exactly who the “them” are that I am supposed to call. It’s pretty exciting that my own horoscope is telling my to call at least (at LEAST) two people for the chocolate orgy.
I wish I’d read it this morning; more time to plan. 🙂
Well, if you don’t mind glum, maybe a trip to Belgium would be a good plan. I brought back some dark chocolate swans from Bruges that Jim and his fellow chocolate-lover team teacher said was the best they had ever had. And I do recall seeing some very good looking guys.
I spend one Saturday in Antwerp and right before 5:00 when the chocolate shops close, the people were lined up four and five deep so that they could enough to tide them over till Monday.
At certain times, it’s perfectly safe to give over care of your belongings to the powers that be. At other times, it’s not. This is one of those times when keeping very close company with the things that you hold most dear wouldn’t be a bad idea — especially if you’re traveling and you’ll need your stuff as soon as you arrive. This is one of those moments when carry-on luggage is less of an inconvenience than it seems to be.
I’m calling it a night. I really meant it when I said that my brain hurt. I’ve hit my limit today on sad, angry, weepy, or otherwise emotional words. There reaches a point where I just don’t care — and I don’t like myself when I get to that point.
but heading out to dinner shortly — in the mood for soup/salad tonight so going to Sweet Tomatoes with the spouse.
Been stewing over DJ’s diary…I can’t get the images out of my mind, but with a “happier” ending…going to a hospital where women doctors respectfully take the evidence, both photographic and physical evidence…a woman police officer called to take a statement…then taken to a woman’s shelter where the wounds are cleansed and bandaged and the victim receives physical and emotional healing…while the police sexual assault team, made up of women who themselves had been victims of sexual assault and rape, relentlessly pursues the perps…I feel a story coming on…
There are so many I need to respond to in there… They all have touched me so much today.
What’s really odd is that I never thought or wondered why my friend’s dad didnt’ call the police. It was just accepted that he found me, helped me his car and then silently drove me to the base hospital. See, he was in the military – knew my dad, even.
No police were ever called. There is a note in my medical files which I walked out of the Navy with – as their was some worries over the way my son’s birth was handeled and we all know how military medical files can be altered.
There is the one stamped, paper of Jan 17th.
I was “seen” for an emergency gyn exam, hemmoraging, lacerations and concussion.
That was the extent – the was the words. Except they are in doctorese and abbreviated.
I’m sorry that my diary may have depleted some happines of your day today. Please know that I’m okay 🙂 You know me from here and from my zany self at the hockey hidey hole. I’m still me. No one could ever take that.
I love me and I love you all.
The triggers that I think bring out some PTSD in war veterans due to this Bush Administration… I think that is coming out with some of us women and lovers and protectors of women due to this Adminstrations. It’s triggering alot of shit.
I’m still me too…it’s just that between your words and Sally’s pictures, I think my Muse may be unpacking from her extended vacation… 🙂
PTSD strikes many people in different ways — it’s not just limited to those returning from the wars, though it could be said that we are all in a war with Life. (Hell, Pat Benatar even sang “Love is a Battlefield”.) I think the PTSD of losing a father at the age of 11 rears its ugly head when the spouse comes home late without calling, after spending waaaay too much time at Tower Records/Books (not to mention the time he actually fell asleep in a back corner of Borders, but that’s another story). And I was molested (though not raped) by young men who I considered “boyfriends” though they wouldn’t be seen with me in public…I thought as a fat chick I didn’t deserve better; it took a relationship with a man 14 years my senior for me to learn that I did deserve better.
Aaack…I’m venting in a vacant bar — sure sign I need some sleep, even with my sore ass… 🙁
Yay, it’s empty in here! Maybe no one will show up and I’ll get the night off! :::claps hands:::
Oh come on, you know you’d miss us.
now we have proof positive that Janet doesn’t read the news bucket. wow, she’s on a rampage. Justifiably so.
I kind of ignore the front page so I hadn’t seen that. I do like Booman’s idea of putting the guy in a room with her and MT.
They could sell tickets and make millions for Planned Parenthood and NARAL.
Pimping my blogspot that will become cross-posted diaries at Booman Tribune and DailyKos by the end of next week….
Come by and visit…Voice for Change…an advocacy site for victims of rape, domestic violence, and hate crimes against women and children.
I told you I’d be back…!!
I went over and visited earlier and was going to leave you a message but I guess I have to sign up for blogger to do that. Do you know what that involve?
I forgot to change the settings to allow for anonymous comments. Thanks for stopping by…
I bookmarked it so I can be sure to stop by regularly.
My 21 year old daughter and I were just discussing the SD abortion ban and what it might mean for women her age. We talked about girls her age growing up with Roe v. Wade “safely” settled law, and how perhaps they are apathetic because they don’t really believe it could be taken away.
Sallycat, I will definitely read your new website and recommend it to her and her friends.
Also – my email address is always in my Booman sig line…I’ll be happy to answer any questions off line for any one.
Hugs S.N.!
Does you daughter think that the S.D. law and the other being proposed in other states will encourage her friends to become more politically active?
God, I hope so! They’re a politically active bunch anyway, esp. regarding the war in Iraq and the genocide in Sudan. Hopefully now that they see the writing on the wall about abortion rights they’ll get involved.
((((SallyCat))))) I’ve been thinking of you for at least an hour today. 🙂
I misssed you 🙂
Let me hug you and squeeze you and huggle you and cuddle you and love you and kiss you and… ahhhhhhhhh
Sally Withdrawals are HARD 🙂
This whole South Dakota thing has had me so pissed I couldn’t think…and when I did I thought of the past – you and me and so many others.
Big super hugs sweetie…I’m always here for you any time of the day or night!
Yup – the pains that bind us… also provide the strongest smiles and connections 🙂
I totally blew a gut in the diary… but hopefully it’s worth it. I still keep re-editing it. Mistakes. Did it come out okay. All that crap. It’s hard to read and look at let alone try to see the typos and hurrican of words…
I feel a bit wasted.
Damn that Booman!!! LOL ((((Booman))))
and don’t sweat how the diary is written. It is written from the heart and soul…and it is perfect the way that it is.
It could take days to work out the ‘phrasing’ but it wouldn’t be as real…
It’s real and it’s you and we all feel it…
…it’s inspiring me to get back to my writing project soon…
Malcontents are really starting to get to Chris.
I’ve never registered at MyDD because they use too many big words over there.
The divisiveness that was so powerful during October 2004 is only going to get worse as we approach 2008.
Why are these people worried about Hillary in 2006 when we have congressional / senate primaries and races to worry about?
One frickin’ thing at a time is what I’d advise Chris…let’s get through ’06 first.
speaking for myself, it wears you down. He is getting frustrated that we are finally, finally getting traction and this is the time when the cats scatter. Thee problem is, no one is attracted to weakness. People want the Dems to storm the gates while the guards are still stunned. It takes time and work to change things. I know how Chris is feeling.
and cats are not solitary creatures. They will band together and fight together…and play together.
Sometimes we need to re-define how to fight the battles but while some want a front assault, some of us are willing to work with a hacksaw (okay – not true – I prefer a Sawzall!)
The rethugs have had us cornered for a long time….and smart critters never mess with a cornered cat!
IMO the Ds are headed for a ’68 style-confrontational convention, hopefully minus the police riot.
I see little to no chance that the contention between the grassroots/Howard Dean side and the DLC/Hillary/Biden/Reid/Pelosi faction will be ironed out prior to that.
Wouldn’t be great if progressive put some of the energy that’s been devoted to fighting over federal elections to taking back city and state government.
DNC/Howard Dean efforts on the national grass roots are pretty much running under the radar so far. But from what I hear in ND they’ve had an impact, as ND’s Dem-NPL party was one of the first to receive DNC money to rejuvenate the party at the local level.
Last Wednesday I talked to one of the two main guys in charge of that; he felt this DNC money was making a significant difference. Without it we’d likely have had only one guy running the state’s D party campaign rather than two.
For the past decade or more we’ve had a top down hierarchy in ND’s D party. Sound familiar?
Anyway there’s a serious attempt at rebuilding the party from the ground up.
I’ll do what I can to help, but I declined an offer to run for the ND legislature.
I can’t blame you for that — I don’t think I could stand to spend 10 minutes will some of the people in our lege.
I hope it works because well-organized efforts to get people into office in state legislatures can really pay off.
I agree NDD. As a participant in the mayhem at the ’68 version, I hope that it doesn’t come to pass.
That being said, the likelihood of a meeting of minds seems far off. The “national voice” of the party, AKA the DLC, with few exceptions, has yet to recognize the level of discontent that is about to overtake them.
I hope they don’t pick Denver for the site…I’m too old for tear gas and clubs.
Cause I’m ready and have my “bail out the old folks” crew all lined up…unless of course they get arrest with me!
One of my younger (40ish) friends came by yesterday – he only voted in 2004 because his mother and I hammered him almost daily. He rarely read the paper and never watched tv.
Oops – recently he opened his eyes, stuck his head up, and is now ready to join us on the streets protesting just about everything. Welcome to our world kid! He said “once you know – you can’t go back!”
Hmmm…where have I heard that before???
Fine with me.
We here in the center (of the country) are always looking for a good excuse to go west.
I doubt the “old guard” would survive a SF convention intact. So we’d end up with a true D renaissance.
I missed both Woodstock and ’68 Chicago. I musta been short of travel money.
BTW didn’t ya know the young whippersnappers are taking up a collection so they can issue us “gray panthers” gas masks and helmets???
See, no excuses, dada!!!!
Yeah, yeah…You know as well as I that I’ll be there. And if it happens in Denver, I gotta lot of floor you can share.
As for the ‘whippersnappers’, it’s about time they showed some respect.
Thanks for offer, I’ll bring my 2’x6′ x 4″ upholstery foam for that floor business.
I assume you’ll have the appropriate condiments ala Tulagi days…
I try to stay (s)To(c)ked up, but Special Orders take a little longer.
We’ll be in touch…
Evenin’, all — thought I’d drop in for a virtual martini before making a few very real phone calls. I expect virtually unslurred speech on those calls…
offering the Lounge specialty —
The dirty marmotini.
That’s one dirty marmotdude, all right. And it looks like the olives are just barely hanging on.
It’s Marmotini Time!! 🙂
this is comical.
I am kicking myself for raising liberal kids. My daughter informed me over dinner tonight that she has joined the Peace Corps and will probably be going to Africa in the summer or fall of 2007.
She has a particular interest in it since taking her first African studies course in college last year. She may be going to Liberia or to Niger. Do I need to say how scared shitless I am about this?
At this point I wish I had raised greedy, self-centered, materialistic children instead of ones who always stick up for the weakest among us.
It’s hard to be really proud and really put out at the same time, huh?
What a wonderful daughter…in so many ways….
Congrats to both: mom for raising her and daughter for be such a great person!
She’s such a tiny thing. She has the spirit of a colt and a laugh like windchimes on a summer day. The thought of her so far away and vulnerable makes me nauseous.
That’s a beautiful description of both your daughter and your love for her.
As for the rest of it, you’ll just have to let your Mother Hen/Bossy Older Sister keep you busy so you won’t think about it.
Know what’s funny? I’ve always told her about how I wanted to join the Peace Corps when I was a teenager but somehow ended up married and a mother at 21 instead. I didn’t think she was listening!
I wonder how much of it has to do with my life being a negative example to her. How much she wants to avoid a “wasted” life like mine.
You know that’s not true. Based on the things you’ve said, I think what she wants to do is show you that she knows how important everything you’ve taught her and done for her is. She wants to be good and to do good because you made her the kind of person who wants that.
You’re putting a very nice spin on it, but I think there may be something to her not wanting to turn out like me. I think that through all of my talks with her and by witnessing my depressions, she’s gotten a negative view of what my life has been like.
Thanks for cheering me up though. I am really proud of her, and a little bit envious that she’s doing something I never had the courage to do.
Every generation improving over the last is how we all hope it goes. My mother did things her mother never did and her daughters have all done much more than she had ever had the chance to do. And my sister’s daughter has done all kinds of things that we would have never attempted.
So that’s what all that crime talk in her email was warming you up for… 🙂
LOL So I would see Africa as a safe alternative to Greensboro, North Carolina.
See…it even made you laugh!
Seriously, you must be so proud of her.
how did the endocrinology go?
I couldn’t believe how easy it was! I was joking beforehand about needing an exam with undergrad-style multiple choice questions, and that’s basically what we got. The only full-on treatment plan write-up (where you have to KNOW everything instead of just recognizing the right answer) was on something I knew well. I was done in less than 45 minutes (we had 3 hours).
What a relief.
Now I expect to be able to explain the mysterious functions of the thyroid gland.
I know you’re scared for her, but this is so wonderful, too. She’s wanting to work for Peace. She will have stories to share with you and her daughters…
You have created a legacy of peace that obviously your daughter wants to continue and will.
I can use many drinks and I’m so tired. I found out the relatives aren’t leaving until Wednesday night, so now I have to go out to the farm house and get that cleaned up for my friend coming tomorrow. I just gave up here.
Overlapping company. That’s got to suck. You have two houses? That sounds really neat; you’ll have to take pictures for us.
Here’s the farm house.
Damn I’ve got to go again. I want to go back to were the two high points of the day was eating breakfast and taking a nap.
Be still my heart. That’s my dream house, Family Man.
ooo la la, that looks like a prime candidate for a SE bootribber convention, ha!!
This, is a farm house…
if you’re a republican
Nice crib.
I’m back I hope. I meant to say farm hut. 🙂
It’s the family house. It’s owned by my brothers and sister now. My family built it in the mid 1800. Started with an open hallway through the middle to let air flow through. It’s been built on more and more since then.
It’s beautiful. Is it close to where you live?
About 12 miles away. I actually remember it as my Grandparents house. It’s is really in the country. It’s kind of nice though.
We had my nieces wedding reception there. There’s a pecan orchard to the left of it and a tent was put up beside the house. People would be going into the house and out to the tent. My neice got married in the church my Grandparents help get started, just like my sisters and aunts. My nephew is getting married in April and his wife to be want the same thing. So out there encompasses my whole family, from the house, to the church, to the family grave yard.
It’s neat that you’ve all stayed in the same place and have deep roots there. That’s missing in many families these days.
I’ve just moved back here three years ago. I’ve been gone for over 30. Never thought I’d retire here. All the places I had been to I always thought I wanted to retire at one of them. My last job bought me close to home and my Mom needed someone around to watch over her, so I came home. I’m glad, it got me reconnected with my family. One day I’ll probably head out again.
I’m calling it an early night. I am really worn out.
Everybody have a good night in the pond.
good night.
Must be something in the air tonight — nobody seems to up around here and Jim — who ususally stays up till 11 or 12 — went up to be about 20 minutes ago.
I’m back; tell Jim to wake up
When Jim goes to sleep early because he’s really tired, a marching band could go through the bedroom and he’d never know.
I’m ready for bed too. I idiotically took on another guardian case today and I have to be at a conference early in the morning. I wish I could learn to say no to people.
I’m over here
I’m still mulling over the information that Jim stays up that late and never comes and plays with me.
He’s probably mulled over the fact that you stay up late and never come over and help him grade papers.
I hate grading papers. Growing up as the child of two teachers will do that to you.
My brain hurts and I don’t want to read anything that even remotely involves yelling or crying. So, I decided to go read my horoscope and see what my day was SUPPOSED to have been like. I like the excite.com horoscopes because they are usually hilarious. Here’s mine today:
I’m not buying it. I spent three weeks in Brussels (over two trip) and I’ll tell you I have never been anywhere where they were as serious about their chocolate as in Belgium. It was also full of gloomy, bad-tempered people.
party pooper
I still trying to figure out exactly who the “them” are that I am supposed to call. It’s pretty exciting that my own horoscope is telling my to call at least (at LEAST) two people for the chocolate orgy.
I wish I’d read it this morning; more time to plan. 🙂
Well, if you don’t mind glum, maybe a trip to Belgium would be a good plan. I brought back some dark chocolate swans from Bruges that Jim and his fellow chocolate-lover team teacher said was the best they had ever had. And I do recall seeing some very good looking guys.
someone brought me Belgian chocolates once and they were the most beautiful things, it was a shame to eat them. but I did.
what’s your sign — I’ll look it up.
I spend one Saturday in Antwerp and right before 5:00 when the chocolate shops close, the people were lined up four and five deep so that they could enough to tide them over till Monday.
you’re my mother 🙁
Trust me — I want to be no one’s mother and no one would want me to be theirs.
And I always take my luggage as a carry-on.
you’re a great mother hen
I’m calling it a night. I really meant it when I said that my brain hurt. I’ve hit my limit today on sad, angry, weepy, or otherwise emotional words. There reaches a point where I just don’t care — and I don’t like myself when I get to that point.
See ya tomorrow.
Good night. Pleasant dreams of chocolate and buff delivery guys.
but heading out to dinner shortly — in the mood for soup/salad tonight so going to Sweet Tomatoes with the spouse.
Been stewing over DJ’s diary…I can’t get the images out of my mind, but with a “happier” ending…going to a hospital where women doctors respectfully take the evidence, both photographic and physical evidence…a woman police officer called to take a statement…then taken to a woman’s shelter where the wounds are cleansed and bandaged and the victim receives physical and emotional healing…while the police sexual assault team, made up of women who themselves had been victims of sexual assault and rape, relentlessly pursues the perps…I feel a story coming on…
There are so many I need to respond to in there… They all have touched me so much today.
What’s really odd is that I never thought or wondered why my friend’s dad didnt’ call the police. It was just accepted that he found me, helped me his car and then silently drove me to the base hospital. See, he was in the military – knew my dad, even.
No police were ever called. There is a note in my medical files which I walked out of the Navy with – as their was some worries over the way my son’s birth was handeled and we all know how military medical files can be altered.
There is the one stamped, paper of Jan 17th.
I was “seen” for an emergency gyn exam, hemmoraging, lacerations and concussion.
That was the extent – the was the words. Except they are in doctorese and abbreviated.
I’m sorry that my diary may have depleted some happines of your day today. Please know that I’m okay 🙂 You know me from here and from my zany self at the hockey hidey hole. I’m still me. No one could ever take that.
I love me and I love you all.
The triggers that I think bring out some PTSD in war veterans due to this Bush Administration… I think that is coming out with some of us women and lovers and protectors of women due to this Adminstrations. It’s triggering alot of shit.
But.. it also triggers our strength. 🙂
You ought to love you — I can’t think of a person who deserves your love more.
Ack It’s getting Joe Dirt like in here 🙂
BTW, My son has the Joe Dirt soundtrack and has been playing it over and over…
I haven’t seen that movie so I don’t get the reference. I’m pretty sure I recall it involved a guy with a mullet, though.
He’s full of these optomistic – keep on keeping on – sayins. 🙂 His strength even though most see him as pathetic… is he’s got a big heart.
I may have had a horrid haircut, but it ain’t no mullet ; )
The word pathetic and you will never be in the same room together but big heart and optimism, definitely.
Time for this old geezer to go to bed.
A very good night to you.
I’m still me too…it’s just that between your words and Sally’s pictures, I think my Muse may be unpacking from her extended vacation… 🙂
PTSD strikes many people in different ways — it’s not just limited to those returning from the wars, though it could be said that we are all in a war with Life. (Hell, Pat Benatar even sang “Love is a Battlefield”.) I think the PTSD of losing a father at the age of 11 rears its ugly head when the spouse comes home late without calling, after spending waaaay too much time at Tower Records/Books (not to mention the time he actually fell asleep in a back corner of Borders, but that’s another story). And I was molested (though not raped) by young men who I considered “boyfriends” though they wouldn’t be seen with me in public…I thought as a fat chick I didn’t deserve better; it took a relationship with a man 14 years my senior for me to learn that I did deserve better.
Aaack…I’m venting in a vacant bar — sure sign I need some sleep, even with my sore ass… 🙁
End of another one. Think I’ll call it early, so here’s a sunset for everyone
somewhere in the UK
Be well, go with love
Gorgeous. I think we’ve all called it day (and then some).