It doesn’t get much stranger than this.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
My BF’s family from Lancaster area are pissed off about the dead of night pay raise. Not sure how that’ll affect their vote in November.
Yeah, Dutchies can hold a grudge for a long, long time. Sooo … Lancaster and Berks (that’s where I live), not looking good for incumbents? Too bad my state Sen is the Democrat Mike O’Pake.
What’s your opinion of the pay raise/repeal pay raise on the election? Lotta noise here, and sometimes I think it’s gonna be a bad year for incumbents, but then I remember it’s Pennsylvania.
On the one hand, I’ve heard more noise on this issue than I’ve ever heard before. I’m talking about non-politically-attuned nonvoters.
On the other hand, they are likely to forget to register to vote and even if they do will need to be reminded who the incumbent is.
for a lot of people the pay raise is the number one issue and will remain so. Casey was smart to get out in front on this one.
I think this might take Rendell down, that along with the property tax issue.
yeah. it might. I never underestimate Rendell though. The man can campaign.
that is pretty whack. very whack.
but we just had a full state police funeral for a police horse. the mayor came out, regular people. very strange indeed. totally cool, but really bizarre nonetheless… oh… and very canadian too 😉
Try John Kerry introducing a bill to give Bush the line item veto. (Raw Story)
What the hell is he thinking???
Kirby Puckett, dead at 44…
For any lurkers reading tonight, and still think that McCain is a “maverick.”
(From the National Journal via Arizona Congress Watch)
What an asshole.
From ABC:
Apparently, a mix-up by the White House staff’s handling of the absentee ballot application process forced the trip to Texas for the President and First Lady to do their civic duty.
In other words, because they couldn’t get an absentee ballot so Bush goes to Crawford. What does that vote cost us? Isn’t Air Force One $100,000 an hour?