South Dakota State Senator Bill Napoli is pleased as punch that his governor has just signed legislation that bans access to an abortion unless the life of the mother is threatened. No exceptions are in the bill for rape, incest, or health considerations. But Napoli does worry that some women that are deserving of access to an abortion might not get it.
FRED DE SAM LAZARO: Napoli says most abortions are performed for what he calls “convenience.” He insists that exceptions can be made for rape or incest under the provision that protects the mother’s life. I asked him for a scenario in which an exception may be invoked.
BILL NAPOLI: A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life.
Crooks & Liars has the videotape.
I could editorialize about just how wrong Napoli is, and about how he is just a terrible human being. But, I confess, I am too stunned to see this mindset openly and proudly displayed by an elected official that I am somewhat at a loss for words. Does he really think that religious people deserve better access to medical care? Is he seriously suggesting that rape is not traumatic unless it involves being “sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it”? And how can he suggest that virgins (obedient abstinence program students) should be given preferential treatment in access to medical care? Sounds to me like he is arguing that non-virgin rape victims were just asking for it and should be forced to carry a resulting baby to term.
But Napoli claims, “My calls have been running 3-1 in favor of this bill.”
I’d like to see this guy get caught in a small room with Damnit Janet or MilitaryTracy. He might come away with a different opinion on the “as bad as you can make it” part of his story.
Well, maybe it’s time to lend a national hand to the Grassroots in S. Dakota. I recommend channeling your anger into helping this group:
Grassroots South Dakota: Ideas for Progress
Help turn S. Dakota around.
I also recommend helping out theIndigenous Democratic Network which seeks to empower American Indians through participation in the Democratic Party. Given the size of the Native American population in S. Dakota, this may be a good way to help turn S. Dakota blue.
Does this guy have any daughters?
I pity them if he does.
Here’s a picture of Mr. Napoli:
More of his commentary:
Yes, the joys of shotgun marriages! Those golden years of yesteryear!
So this piece of shit fuckwad only things RELIGIOUS VIRGINS can be seen as actually being raped?? That wives don’t get raped? That prostitues don’t get brutalized?
That after dinner sex gone bad, complete with 911 calls and anal tearing aren’t “rape” unless the woman is a VIRGIN???
That rape isn’t about forcing yourself on another, but being BRUTAL about it? What’s next??? It won’t be good enough for rapists to beat the woman into unconsciouness but he must also mutititlate her nipples and body so that the Jesus Patrol can safely announce it was indeed a rape.
HOLY SHIT!?!?!?!?
When will the fuckers learn that rape isn’t about SEX.
Got that?!?!?!?!
RAPE ISN’T ABOUT SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It isn’t a SEX CRIME.
It’s a crime of rage. A crime of CONTROL.
If it was about sex, then little old ladies in nursing homes wouldn’t be raped. Little girls in black patent leather shoes, would be raped by their Uncles.
It’s about some fucked up MAN feeling so insecure and unmanly that he has to go out and exert his power over someone, usually at the threat of a blade, or the threat of “I’ll tell”.
We still have women, even on these boards that doubt their rape. “Well it wasn’t a stranger” or “I wasn’t hurt terribly as I’ve seen on films”.
Some man sticks his dick in you without your consent… THAT’S RAPE. Period.
I’m sorry men, I love you guys here – But I think we would have less controversy about rape and more protection and justice if MEN WERE RAPED, IF MEN HAD TO LIVE ON THE ALERT. But that would probably make some men more meaner and the violence against the compassionate sex would increase.
Napoli, may he never have daughters who come home with their panties torn by their boyfriend. Cause that, to him isn’t rape. Because this sick fuck sees rape as SEXUAL. That’s how fucked his own view of sex is. He actually thinks rape is an act of sex.
I hope to G-d he finds himself one day – standing in an ER waiting room with nothing on but a friend’s father’s coat wrapped around them. Wondering where you’re other shoe was left? Hoping that the little kid wouldn’t stare at you. Too dizzy to sit down, too scared to turn around. Just standing while even women tried not to look at you. … Now we’ll have to “hope” that some fuckup will think you were injured “enough”.
Fuck this. Fuck Napoli and the G-d Squad. Jesus wasn’t around when most of us were raped – forcibly, or silently threatened with destroying our name, family, academic careers. So why should their Jesus decide how much are vaginas should be torn? How fat our lips should be?
How many scars we’ll walk with.
Rape the only crime where the victim carries the burden of the shame, guilt, doubt.
No one ever asks what the driver was wearing when carjacked! No one ever whispers about a pedestrian being hit by a drunk driver – oh well she was jaywalking and it was only a matter of time that she’d be road gummi worms.
Is this how America views women?
So Rapists… you have supporters in Napoli, take it easy while you’re raping your next “victim” – make sure you don’t beat her up … to much. Make sure the knife is real dull. Make sure she’s a mother of three kids who is an atheist, I’m sure the Red will see her as a willing sex “partner”.
Make sure to give you victims rupies or someother drug – so that the Bible Belt can declare you a druggie and therefore you DESERVED to be raped.
Save ourselves for men?? Some of us, some of us survivors – feel that we wanted to share our love, our passion, our strength and yes damnit – our healing with others. YOU may be afraid of sex. Ashamed of sex. You may SUCK at pleasing yourself and your partner… but some of us, regardless of what happened to us in life- see sex as a glorious way to share with another. Solemn, joyous acts of passion, understanding – and FREEDOM.
I’m sorry these “men” have such fucked up views of sex and women and the world. But their views are worse, actually, that the blows of a rapist. With their views – they make ALL of us potential targets and victims.
My rapist only attacked me once. But Napoli insists on getting in on the “action”.
May he reap what he wants for others. And may it be a woman who stands in judgements of his “wounds”.
I knew that you and others would be able to express their outrage more articulately than I can. I’m sorry assholes like this guy hold public office in this country. It’s depressing.
Thank you for your very personal and insightful comments! It is all about “control” and Senator Napoli’s words reflect his desire for control is absolute to the nth degree. It is sad to realize that Senator Napoli’s opinion is becoming seen as the norm.
This also reflects the general disrespect for women in this country today. Until men truly respect women as equal partners in all phases of society, injustice against women will continue to manifest itself in every area of their lives.
I guess Senator Napoli thinks “abortion” is something women decide on a moment’s notice. He must think that women “skip” to abortion clinics singing a song! What a pure evil and unloving person this Senator must be! His definition of rape is so out of sorts, I can not even see any logic in the definition to begin with.
His extreme thought process shows why it is important to educate everyone on the true meaning of rape. If men did not force themselves on women in the first place, would there be a reason for abortion at all? I believe that the amount of abortions would greatly be reduced in this country and worldwide. That is why Senator Napoli truly shows his ignorance in a manner that is filled with hate and stupidity.
Well, the battle continues, but I believe that things will change over time and education. Until then, we have to stand up, speak out and stay strong in the face of ignorant, unloving and vile extremist idealists that are trying to “control” all of us in one manner or another.
You need no help in kicking some ass on this one, but if I may, I’d be very honored to stand with you and hold your hat, metaphorically speaking.
If there’s any righteousnes, it is yours! If there was a god or any justice, fuckwads like Napoli would find themselves on the receiving end of his own filthy, dirty work.
Yep, the theocrats have been emboldened. More and more of them are hauling their festering selves out from under their slimy rocks and saying what they really believe.
Only good Christian girls can truly be injured so badly by rape that they earn an exemption from the abortion ban. And that injury is PSYCHOLOGICAL in nature! It’s OK if them godless lib’rul wimmen lose their procreative abilities thru lack of access to abortion, but we’ve gotta protect the ultra-sensitive minds of our Jesus-maidens???!!! WTF???
This is of a piece with the “religious folks are entitled to censor stuff that offends their precious widdle minds”. USA Today actually had a fine guest opinion piece on this topic today.
I’d love to see Napoli vs DJ and MSOC. I’d PAY to see that.
This is the doctrine. Thank you DJ for spelling it out without formality.
Pure and simple, rape is 1. not about sex, but power and inadequacy, and 2. unwanted insertion of a penis in either lower orifice of a woman is rape.
If I could humbly add: men are deathly afraid of being sodomized/raped by another man. I’m not going to write a long missive about men and their fear of rape, but it’s deeply pervasive in the male psyche.
i think its deeply pervasive in all people. But actually, I never think about it or even the possibility of it. So, while I certainly don’t want it to happen to me, I’m not sure what pervasive means in my context. Maybe deeply averse.
Does he really think that religious people deserve better access to medical care? Is he seriously suggesting that rape is not traumatic unless it involves being “sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it”? … Sounds to me like he is arguing that non-virgin rape victims were just asking for it and should be forced to carry a resulting baby to term.
That’s just how it seemed to me when I saw this guy on television last night. Moreover I was struck by how smugly he seemed to relish what he was saying. If that’s how his calls are running he needs some more calls.
And here’s another Planned Parenthood action, to contact the South Dakota governor and your own too.
The way Napoli goes into detail shows how he gets his rocks off. You can hear him panting.
Yes! there’s a deep seated, twisted sexual pathology at work there for sure.
It’s virtually axiomatic that in some way or another, all these sex-obsessed rightwing religious fascists have major sexual dysfunction. They’re like rapists who can’t do the physical deed themselves and instead seek the thrill of power over and domination of women through passing insane legislation like this.
I wouldn’t leave this guy Napoli alone even with my livestock.
I was thinking that exact same thing as I read his detailed description….he does sound like one sicko dirtbag perverted fucker who is actually relishing being able to talk about the rape of a virgin…makes me feel slimy and ill all over.
he’s a sick twisted individual, but that isn’t what I find most shocking. I know guys that are basically pathologically vicious towards women (and they think they like them). But even they know enough to tailor their speech in front of news cameras. If nothing else, they don’t want their mother to hear them talking like that.
I agree Boo that it is shocking that this prick came out so openly-almost with a vengeance-declaring his views when most would modify their sicko ideas for the camera. That is what is so scary, that him and others like him are in office and making laws for the rest of us.
Who are and where are the women of South Dakota? This is men’s legislation and it debases and brutalizes women.
What was the name of the Greek play that has the women denying men sex until they got their way? That would bring some results today methinks.
I hope they are investigating the rental rates for U-Haul trucks, and real estate in other states that may be a little safer for them and their daughters.
In fact, I would like to think the men of South Dakota are similarly occupied, but I believe it is likely that Mr. Napoli is telling the truth when he says calls to his office have been overwhelmingly in favor of his views.
It makes me think of that CNN piece about the little town in Kansas, their opinions of the Oscar-nominated movies, and suggestions that Hollywood may be “out of touch” with the American mainstream.
I think it is likely that people who participate here may be a bit “out of touch” in that same way. Several states are passing similar laws that it is reasonable to assume reflect similar views. And quite dangerous for ladies to assume otherwise.
I’d like to know when the opinions of the sparse rural minority became “mainstream”. Last I checked, all but a token remnant of the rural population moved to the cities along with the steam engine. If it wasn’t for the role of the Senate as an obstacle to proportional representation, we wouldn’t hear from these people at all.
Can “as bad as you can make it” include lopping off parts? This guy is a disgusting pig. So what this stupid, asnine law will do is force women to say “well, if I have to carry this child, I’ll kill myself”. Then she has to hope that Mr Napoli can stop getting off on her suffering long enough to agree that, yes, her life might be in danger if she doesn’t have an abortion.
The only good that can come of this is that maybe voters will finally realize what whackjobs they’ve elected and correct their mistakes.
“Sodomy in South Dakota”
Sounds like a Coen brothers movie title.
P.S. Y’know…this guy isn’t just a pig…he’s a MAINSTREAM RURAL AMERICAN pig.
Sad but true.
Scared yet?
I am.
I gather this was co-sponsored and supported by some democrats as well. WHat a wonderful example of why I can’t support any “pro-life” dems.
‘d like to see this guy get caught in a small room with Damnit Janet or MilitaryTracy. He might come away with a different opinion on the “as bad as you can make it” part of his story.
I’d like to see this mofo get caught in a small room with me, goddamnit.
All I need is a dark alley, a baseball bat, and about fifteen minutes.
You men may want to avert your eyes.
What needs to happen, is for someone to put this guy’s dick in a vise, start cranking down, and ask him if it hurts less since he’s not a virgin? Or since he’s religious?
If not, then maybe then we now have some common ground for a discussion.
I hate to ruin my reputation for being a pacifist and all, but this is the first practical idea I’ve had for changing this guy’s mind all day. It just might succeed.
the person who did it, in court their defense would be “You were asking for it, that thing was just hanging there.” “It wasn’t as bad as it could have been”, and so forth.
This guy is insane. Now it makes me wonder about how the hell he was ever elected. What an asshole!
about organizing a women’s boycott of Italy, because of their idiotic judicial decisions.
I’d add South Dakota to the list…but I can’t think of anything in that sorry-ass state I’d want to see anyway…
according to the Rapid City Journal, Bill is up for reelection this year and is being challenged by Democrat Mike Reardon. Mike is all about alternative energies and would like to find a way to end South Dakota’s loss of all of it’s youthful intelligent citizens. Yes, I know that you will all be shocked to find out that once a youngster reaches maturity in South Dakota they get the fuck out of Dodge! Yes, it does appear that UHaul does a great business as far as leaving South Dakota goes but they are having a hell of a time getting replacement UHauls coming back in…….must sort of suck to be dealing UHauls in South Dakota and trying to figure out how to replenish your stock!