Another comment that jes’ grew like Topsy.

On the thread Lieberman Democrats O’Reilly’s sainted name came up, and eventually the reviling arrived at his preference for Stephen Colbert over Keith Olbermann. Since I am quite convinced that O’Reilly’s dysfunction is propelled by some sort of profound sexual imbalance, I suggested that Colbert’s “cuteness”…his performing stock in trade…might be a contributing factor to that preference somewhere way down deep inside of O’Reilly’s reptilian limbic system.

And as an aside, I said that I was not particularly interested in ANY of the so-called left wing comics, HBO/Comedy Channel division.

And was then chastised by starkravinglunaticradical for “trashing” these artists. (Using the word VERY loosely.)

My answer below:
As I said…there is certainly a place for their act in the overall scheme of things. As far as “art” is concerned…they are more like retailers of information in an instututionally acceptable form, as far as I am concerned. Acceptable to the corporate state. Craftsmen at best. The fact that I agree with much of their so-called information is another matter entirely. I mean…it’s not NEW information. No unimpeachably authentic pictures of George Bush I on the Grassy Knoll or George II giving Rover a rim job. They are simply being used to reach a certain demographic. To SELL them stuff. Useless, compromised stuff, almost all of it. I simply do not want to waste my own personal time having someone rehash what I already know in a form that is not as pointed or strong as what I think almost every minute of every day.

They are doing their jobs…I just do not need that line of work anymore.

And…in order TO “do their jobs” they are FORCED…as is Olbermann, for example, as are ALL mass media workers…to work within a corporate system that inevitably lays its own parameters of self-interested censorship upon them. Just like a prostitute…they may be very talented in their field of endeavour, but once the money changes hands they are bound to do the do as the John likes it done. Not only that…they must accede to being bought by just about whomever or whatever has the money to buy them.

Further, if I watch them with anything less than the most critical and aware ear and eye…a near impossibility given the physical aspect of the TV screen (Hypnotism raised to unheard-of levels due to the moving beams of electrons that are used to create the illusion of a “picture”) …I am allowing myself to be subliminally programmed by the same forces that program the performers. ESPECIALLY if I allow the ads to appear on my screen.

My INNER screen.

Who sponsors the Daily Show, again?

Not having watched it in years…it really does bore me, Stark, on top of everything else…I have no idea. But most likely it’s the same Corps that sponsor the REST of the Comedy Channel. And being an equal opportunity (as long as the money is right) employee, the rest of the MSM as well. I’ll go over and dust off my TV screen and take a little gander at what is being advertised now on the Ha-Ha Tube.

During the 10:30-11 AM EST segment, Comedy Channel, Monday, 3/6.

Back in a minute…


WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!! The Colbert Report.

Mainstream, alright.


Lame cartoons, Avis (Bad Detroit cars at inflated prices, GOTTA use a credit card and keep that usury system at full boil.), the old auto insurance scam, Vonage (TERRIBLY out of tune music. Cultural decay personified.), Rent-A-Center (???? Rent THIS!!!), virility + weight loss by the use of a pre-cooked, delivered diet (Can you IMAGINE what chemicals THAT shit contains?), and then back to the show.

All in what? About 45 seconds? Talk about taking an intensive!!!

And then…canned bad music, high energy hype and grind-it-out humor, all in the service of “dissent”.



I dissent.

In THIS case…the medium IS the message.

Same medium as Fox News, despite the “different” messages supposedly contained therein.

It’s the trance state that matters.

NOT the content.

Once you are tranced, it makes no difference at all if you are told to be a left-winged chicken or a right-winged one.

It’s “Buck buck buck buck buck buck buck” no matter WHAT.

Well…for ME (and for anyone else with an ounce of awareness left after we have all shared in the communal brainwashing that starts at about 1.5 years of age)…




Wake the fuck up.

You’re being had.