Another comment that jes’ grew like Topsy.
On the thread Lieberman Democrats O’Reilly’s sainted name came up, and eventually the reviling arrived at his preference for Stephen Colbert over Keith Olbermann. Since I am quite convinced that O’Reilly’s dysfunction is propelled by some sort of profound sexual imbalance, I suggested that Colbert’s “cuteness”…his performing stock in trade…might be a contributing factor to that preference somewhere way down deep inside of O’Reilly’s reptilian limbic system.
And as an aside, I said that I was not particularly interested in ANY of the so-called left wing comics, HBO/Comedy Channel division.
And was then chastised by starkravinglunaticradical for “trashing” these artists. (Using the word VERY loosely.)
My answer below:
As I said…there is certainly a place for their act in the overall scheme of things. As far as “art” is concerned…they are more like retailers of information in an instututionally acceptable form, as far as I am concerned. Acceptable to the corporate state. Craftsmen at best. The fact that I agree with much of their so-called information is another matter entirely. I mean…it’s not NEW information. No unimpeachably authentic pictures of George Bush I on the Grassy Knoll or George II giving Rover a rim job. They are simply being used to reach a certain demographic. To SELL them stuff. Useless, compromised stuff, almost all of it. I simply do not want to waste my own personal time having someone rehash what I already know in a form that is not as pointed or strong as what I think almost every minute of every day.
They are doing their jobs…I just do not need that line of work anymore.
And…in order TO “do their jobs” they are FORCED…as is Olbermann, for example, as are ALL mass media workers…to work within a corporate system that inevitably lays its own parameters of self-interested censorship upon them. Just like a prostitute…they may be very talented in their field of endeavour, but once the money changes hands they are bound to do the do as the John likes it done. Not only that…they must accede to being bought by just about whomever or whatever has the money to buy them.
Further, if I watch them with anything less than the most critical and aware ear and eye…a near impossibility given the physical aspect of the TV screen (Hypnotism raised to unheard-of levels due to the moving beams of electrons that are used to create the illusion of a “picture”) …I am allowing myself to be subliminally programmed by the same forces that program the performers. ESPECIALLY if I allow the ads to appear on my screen.
My INNER screen.
Who sponsors the Daily Show, again?
Not having watched it in years…it really does bore me, Stark, on top of everything else…I have no idea. But most likely it’s the same Corps that sponsor the REST of the Comedy Channel. And being an equal opportunity (as long as the money is right) employee, the rest of the MSM as well. I’ll go over and dust off my TV screen and take a little gander at what is being advertised now on the Ha-Ha Tube.
During the 10:30-11 AM EST segment, Comedy Channel, Monday, 3/6.
Back in a minute…
WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!! The Colbert Report.
Mainstream, alright.
Lame cartoons, Avis (Bad Detroit cars at inflated prices, GOTTA use a credit card and keep that usury system at full boil.), the old auto insurance scam, Vonage (TERRIBLY out of tune music. Cultural decay personified.), Rent-A-Center (???? Rent THIS!!!), virility + weight loss by the use of a pre-cooked, delivered diet (Can you IMAGINE what chemicals THAT shit contains?), and then back to the show.
All in what? About 45 seconds? Talk about taking an intensive!!!
And then…canned bad music, high energy hype and grind-it-out humor, all in the service of “dissent”.
I dissent.
In THIS case…the medium IS the message.
Same medium as Fox News, despite the “different” messages supposedly contained therein.
It’s the trance state that matters.
NOT the content.
Once you are tranced, it makes no difference at all if you are told to be a left-winged chicken or a right-winged one.
It’s “Buck buck buck buck buck buck buck” no matter WHAT.
Well…for ME (and for anyone else with an ounce of awareness left after we have all shared in the communal brainwashing that starts at about 1.5 years of age)…
Wake the fuck up.
You’re being had.
Or craftsman.
Take it REALLY out?
Like Pryor did?
Lenny Bruce?
On out into the real danger zone?
Or just enough to pass.
And host the Academy Awards.
Dig it.
FWIW, Arthur, they’re doing a better job of “entertaining” people than you are.
And yes, they are artists.
Good ones.
But then again, how would you know? You’re too busy laughing at your own mostly mediocre shots at “humor.”
(Sorry, I’m just not in the mood for your holier-than-thou Schtick today!)
My main point was that you are confusing genres.
“Entertainment” is not my job.
Not any more…
Well, that’s a damn good thing because you are not one of the best entertainers I’ve seen.
Furthermore, starkravingliberal…I believe that I am right about this whole media thing. It’s not about “holier than thou”. It IS about a solution to a puzzle that occupies many of us.
How can the BushCo gang POSSIBLY have gotten…and stayed…in a position of power in this country? When their crimes are SO plainly delineated. So brazen.
And the ONLY answer that I can come up with is that we have all been lulled to sleep by televison and by the corporate control of its content.
ALL of its content.
Especially advertising.
Masses done got a NEW opiate.
Don’ need ol’ Massa Church no more.
We done got a BETTER drug.
You’re “not in the mood”???
Cold turkey.
I dare ya.
(All junkies are the same. It’s only the junk that’s different.)
We fundamentally disagree on the “fabric” of the American people.
You seem to think there was a time when they were awake, that they have fallen asleep and now need to be “woken up” from that sleep.
My position is that they have been “asleep” ALL ALONG. B*shCo is, imo, the logical conclusion to what I have defined elsewhere as “the American Nightmare” or “a serial re-run of how the west was lost.”
Yes, you are right that they are addicted to the media. Hooked up, in fact, as if to an IV.
What I see a few (very clever) people in Hollywood doing right now is changing the substance of what’s in that IV drip.
They know you’ll never get people to go cold turkey.
So they’re changing the drug instead.
And whether you like it or not, they are doing more to get these sleepwalkers to WAKE THE FUCK UP than you are. That, I think, is what gets your goat.
Honeybun, if you want to reduce this to personal prickishness like this:
My rebuttal: go read a fucking book, preferably one of mine!
An honest mistake. Really. Believe it or not. Freud lives.
Well, frankly, if I wanted to be hooked on someone else’s bs, I’d rather be hooked on Stewart (or Clooney) than Freud.
ROSEMARY??? (Clooney, that is…)
P.S. Actually…Freud had nothing to do with my error. Just cultural shorthand. Contemporary Freudian analysis mostly equals fraud, in my view. Maybe Sigmund had some shit together…but the system that grew up around what he taught…nope.
P.P.S. Now Rosemary…she was one of the real singers. Too bad she let her old man beat on her for so long. eh?
If you follow posting, rating and rec history–you will note that I have given you support, both in ratings, comments and rec’s of your diaries in the past–even when you’ve been at your most obnoxious worst, but you are setting yourself up here to get yourself slapped up against the wall in classic Letterman velcro suit style. You are lucky I have too much work to do to subject you to the allout Stark treatment–so I’m just going to give you the “express wash, no wax”-job.
Here’s what you wrote about Colbert:
Here is what I pointed out about the “flaw” in your argument.
I don’t know what it is that is so lacking in your life that you cannot for one fucking moment just LIGHTEN up, but whatever it is, I wish you’d go out and get some.
Get a girl.
Get a boy.
Get a gig.
Get a fix.
Get a grip.
Get a life?
Barring all that, I guess, get a sense of humor.
Personally, I think you know somewhere deep down one thing: these guys–whether you call them craftsmen or artists–despite their corporate sponsorship–are funnier than you are. And they are making a lot more people laugh, and in so doing, frankly, they are getting a lot more people to WAKE THE FUCK UP than you are.
I can see how that would bother you. I can see how you would want to attribute it exclusively to their corporate connex and I agree with you that anyone who is making any money in this country is something of a prostitute (or a pimp)–some are better than others, and most of the best are not making much money.
But since you obviously do have a computer, you must also be making some money somewhere, so you, too, are either a prostitute or a pimp.
If you’re a pimp, I guess you could consider that an insult coming from me, but not if you’re a prostitute: i consider prostitution a legitimate profession, actually–and I am entirely clear about the need to “prostitute” oneself just in order to pay the fucking rent in this country. Best you can do is be selective about the johns you go with!
Yes, Arthur, we are all either pimps or prostitutes. You are right on that score. Personally, I’d rather be turning tricks with Colbert or Stewart.
(apologies if this post borders on violation of the “don’t be a prick” rule…).
And here you are.
“…you are setting yourself up here to get yourself slapped up against the wall in classic Letterman velcro suit style.”
You CANNOT deal with the world without referring to TV.
Lame as his band.
A hologram of a comedian.
“Classic” Letterman?
And this is what you use as some sort of threat?
Baby…strung out ain’t enough to describe YOUR problem.
I am not in some kind of comedy competion with these people, Stark. Any more than I am in competition with the guys in their bands. They copped out LONG ago. I know. I started the race with them, and I watched them sell their asses out. I did too…for a while. But I must have a low threshold of pain, because it hurt too much. So I stopped. And worked on becoming a REAL artist. Did I get there? The journey continues.
I am not “bothered” by the success of Letterman, Colbert, Stewart or anyone else…as long as it does not function to put the population of the United States into a life-threatening coma. Which I believe is EXACTLY what is happening now. So I am speaking up.
Yes…I make enough money to have a computer. I am one of the most accomplished musicians in NYC, and have BEEN so for about 30 years. Did the studio scene, the pop backup band scene, Saturday Night Live, Broadway…the works. It sucked. So I stepped away. If I wanted to sell my ass some more, I could have an upper-middle class living. But I don’t. I play real music at semi-coolie wages instead, and I work my ass off doing it, So it goes.
But my ass doesn’t hurt anymore.
And I am NEITHER prostitute nor pimp. The fact that you cannot see…and hear in my words…a third possibility is just ANOTHER proof of your inability to see anything without the filter of the TV screen as far as I am concerned, because the people who do NOT pimp or prostitute themselves…the Charles Minguses, the Gil Evanses, The Miles Davises and hundreds of others even LESS media-ized but just as heavy…get short shrift from the mass media.
They cannot…WILL not…be used.
So they pay their dues and go on about their business.
As do I.
You think I am doing this because of some lack in my life?
The only thing I “lack” in my life…besides enough money or power to adequately produce my work and that of my peers…is the constant influence of the real WMDs of this society.
The Weapons of Mass Distraction.
Which have obviously totally knocked out your whole NEIGHBORHOOD.
So it goes.
Have fun.
“What’s on? Letterman? Oh GOODY.”
Some fun.
The Top Ten Reasons that this country is about to fall into a fascist pit.
Times 10.
Wake the fuck up.
P.S. I watched with great interest as Dave Chapelle (A “real” artist, in my book, at least potentially) ran up against the wall of corporate censorship on the Comedy Channel and mass media in general and eventually …quite obviously because HIS ass was beginning to hurt…opted out.
GOOD on him.
HE’s not cute.
He’s got some REAL courage.
Long may he wave.
I watched with great interest as Dave Chapelle (A “real” artist, in my book, at least potentially) ran up against the wall of corporate censorship on the Comedy Channel
If you’re on a NEWSTRIKE, how did you watch that?
At least we agree on Chapelle…but my question is how you even KNOW about any of these people if you don’t watch them on TV: do you go to their live shows? And how do you know the background on it if you haven’t gotten it from some more-or-less-corporate-cash-colored source?
I don’t get it.
You know, you say that I can’t even write without mentioning tv: but if you follow my tracks, you will see that I have written VOLUMES with no mention of tv whatsover.
However, looking at your posting history: I do not see one post that is not entirely fixated and full of references to MSM.
And with that, I do need to get back to turning some tricks here.
I sure would appreciate any tips, btw, on WHERE you are finding these “untainted” sources, not only of information, but also of INCOME.
WHERE is the “clean” money in this country?
I know of NO “clean” source–neither of income nor of information in this country.
I used to know some “clean” sources in the villages of WEst Africa, alas….the Americans have long since arrived there, and with them, the corporate dollars.
Peace out.
1-I have a now-19 year old son. And I first ran into Chappelle in Washington Square Park where he did a one man show for tips. He was so good that I spent some time and money following his career. Then my son…who was brougt up on Lord Buckley, Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor among others…started watching his Comedy Central show and hipped me to it. I check into Google news regularly to see the headlines, make sure there’s no poisonous cloud headed for the Bronx…and his scene w/the Comedy Central hamsters of doom made the news. So I followed it. The hype about being his strung out, the “disappearance”…
He is a rare commodity in the media business. Got MY props.
As far as “clean money” is concerned….I try to take as much as possible that has been laundered through the attention of audiences to real music. Clean money for the attempt at real art.
And…I am also blessed enough to be independently poor.
So it goes.
Clean information?
Have you listened to Charlie Parker recently?
My spouse is a great Parker fan and in fact, can probably, based on ONE MEASURE of any Parker or Coltrane or god knows how many of the old jazz and blues greats’ (not to mention any and every mofucking Afro/cuban or West African artist anywhere, ever!) tunes: cite the album, the song, and probably jot down the notes for you.
Me? Mostly other stuff.
As far as “getting real” in musical terms, I go” straight to the source” so to speak–when I’m not busy out prostituting my writing and or teaching skills to make money, I often listen to (and in fact, play along!) with a cat named Famoudou Konate. Ever hear of him? If not–can’t think of any Parker or Coltrane fan who wouldn’t dig this guy. check him out. I worked with him for about 20 yrs. Corporate economics and their “aftermath” have put a bit of the kabash on that relationship for the moment–but the music’s still the music and so I still listen to his music, play along with it, play it on my own, with groups anywhere from 2 to 30.
Well then…you KNOW where to get clean information.
Great time IS clean information.
The cleanest.
(And…in limited quantities but almost always enoiugh to survive..,clean money, too.)
Good on ya.
Might I bet that you don’t even know what I’m talking about there?
Dear, we do agree on a lot of things and I’ve been one of those folks who’ve pretty much taken a “live and let live”, let the guy rant stance on your abusive posts which always somehow seem to imply that you are the only person on this forum (and anywhere else in the world) who has a clue about anything.
Live and let live, I say and come out fighting like the biggest prick on the block with four day viagra hangover.
But you don’t ALWAYS have to be a prick.
The Prick Schtick is better used selectively. Once in a while, you really gotta do the “nice guy” bit–if for no other reason than to try and understand what all the “nice-iness” is about–what’s so attractive about that? Huh? Well, you never know until you try.
So, I dunno. Rest assured that we agree on many, many things–especially the “WAKE THE FUCK UP” part. But who was it who cited Brecht on the Oscars last night?
“Art is not a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.”
(and if you want to throw Brecht on the trash heap, well…then…you’d probably also suggest that I burn every gd book I have on the shelf in this hobbit hole in the hood).
So maybe the “art” of a Stewart or Colbert is little more than a rubber mallet. But it’s a mallet that’s knocking some sense into a hell of a lot of heads that you and I (if only because we have indeed stepped “out of the game”) will never be able to reach.
So we hammer away hardcore here in our respective “hoods” (I’m assuming that you tend, as I do, to hang more in the hood than elsewhere; at any rate in some kind of “ghetto”), and I firmly believe that we are engaged in the Brechtian process of shaping a different reality (especially so in work w kids); whether that reality will survive this end-stage of predatory capitalism, I know not –However, these guys are putting dents in the one-ringi-dingi-skulls of the very people you are seeking to WAKE THE FUCK UP–so I would suggest that, even if they never do wake up–at least they will die with a faint ringing in their ears.
Maybe that will help them be born in a more conscious state than they were in this lifetime.
In my business (drums, authentic African drums [of the Malinke people in Guinea, W. Africa]), there are times when a big ol steel hammer would not do the job–in fact, you will fuck everything up if you don’t know that you need to use a rubber mallet for this part of the “tuning” job and take an anvil to the task instead.
[and there are probably lurkers smirking at that bit of ‘wisdom’ coming from me of all people]
Live and let live, I say and come out fighting like the biggest prick on the block with four day viagra hangover if you must.
(thought that important enough distinction to make there–if you must, but not ALWAYS).
Yes, you will attract more flies with shit than with honey–but every once in a while you really DO have to clean out the stall and get rid of the stench.
A few random points:
The velcro suit thing?
As obvious as Letterman’s schtick is…must be a cartoonish bit about wearing a velcro suit and being smacked so hard you stick to the wall. And you’re right…I have NO interest in his show, and never have.
You want “nice guy”? My dog posts, my music posts.
You think that I think I am the only one who knows this shit?
FUCK no.
I worked with 16 musicians last night. 12 of ’em at least would have no trouble whatsoever relating. As would a couple of my next door neighbors and a LOT of my friends.
Here? On the blogs? Not so common. A few…
Mostly reporter wannabes, I think, the obsessive posters. The media addicts.
You actually WATCHED the Oscars? What? Are you doing speed or something? How did you stay awake? Do they actually allow that tripe to be piped INTO the ‘hood?
Too much hammer?
Story of my life.
Blakey and Elvin would have understood. MIngus sure as hell did. I play hard bop styles by preference. That and down Afro/Cuban. And the blues.
All hammer, no sleeple.
So it goes.
We all do our best.
Even the worst of us.
Brecht on the Academy Awards Show?
I’m sure some of the background solos had Coltrane influences, too.
It’s STILL tripe.
Now if he had read extensively from “Mother Courage…”
“I dunno. Pass the chips.(chomp chomp) I just hope those faggots don’t win best picture.”
And, of course…they didn’t.
The fix is in. Everywhere. Like Mary’s little lamb, Wherever Mary Media goes, the fix is sure to follow. Gotta please the LARGEST demographic, after all. Can’t hypnotize ’em until they are relaxed, after all…
Take a poll, Jon.
Djembe, eh?
Has Letterman given you your 2.5 minutes of fame and implied ridicule yet?
He will…as soon as the djembe demographic shows up on the network screen.
BET on it.
Jon Stewart…the NEXT David Letterman. (OK…I admit it. Stewart has more talent. But he’s STILL just another studio cat.)
Guest: “Well, it’s…”
J.S.: “OOOOooo…you’re not going to hurt me with those big, black hands are you?” (Applause sign, much eye rolling and mugging.)
J.S. “Thank you, Time’s up.” (Fade to commercial accompanied by pre-recorded REALLY mediocre trombone player making believe that he knows something about ska that he didn’t learn from CDs in his Burbank basement.)
Lame as the rest…
this is one of your better rants.
Comedians have it hard. When things get too grim, the shit ain’t funny. Ever listened to Lenny’s late performances? He stood up there reading legal briefs. And he got booed.
And…this same thing is a BIG problem with Air America as well. Especially the “funnyman” who appears to be ruling the roost.
Whatsisname…the ex-SNL writer.
Snark ain’t enough.
Not nearly.
Air America…with a VERY few exceptions.,..has become the other side of Fox News.
Preaching to the OTHER choir but selling the same sad hair replacement remedies.
I cannot believe you just said that Booman. Arthur continually “attacks” people personally here. Go back thru his diary threads and see for yourself. His superior attitude over all is quite disrespectful. Oh Arthur ays some good things but is this belittling of others really necessary? More and more I find myself saying WTF here. Greatly disappointed that you praise this diatribe at all.
yes, i know. I don’t care for diaries that start out “BooMan said this, he’s full of shit”. Or subsititute any other member.
In this case it is ironic, since stark posted one of those diaries about me last week.
Regardless, AG, you are constantly flouting the prick rule. I hope you will work on showing respect to those that you disagree with.
I thought that was looking like Payback, but didn’t even want to suggest that since it seemed so rude, but since you bring it up
I don’t disagree with alohaleezy at all, but I did note the irony.
I missed THAT diary. (America: Love It or Leave It!)
A GREAT one.
Almost good enough to make me pay attention to The Daily Show.
True, too. (As if there was a difference.)
“…showing respect to those that [I] disagree with?”
I respect enough TO disagree. To try to reach them.
“The prick rule?”
BooMan…please. If there IS a “rule”…lay it on out clearly so I can either obey or be gone.
“Full of shit?”
I wrote:
And was then chastised by starkravinglunaticradical for “trashing” these artists. (Using the word VERY loosely.)
I didn’t say that (s)he was full of shit.
I went on to explain WHY I wasn’t intersted in them. I had enough “respect” to make a clear answer. Respectfully. (Read it again if you doubt that.) And then I got trashed.
And yes, they are artists.
Good ones.
But then again, how would you know? You’re too busy laughing at your own mostly mediocre shots at “humor.”
(Sorry, I’m just not in the mood for your holier-than-thou Schtick today!)
And now you ask ME to “work on showing respect”?
just make an effort. And think about this: most people don’t like being the subjects of diatribic diaries. Take the personal out of it and the content isn’t disrespectful.
Jeez, BooMan!!!
There are 788 words in the diary. 26 were addressed to her.
“And was then chastised by starkravinglunaticradical for “trashing” these artists. (Using the word VERY loosely.)”
“it really does bore me, Stark, on top of everything else”
NONE of which were in the least bit disrespectful.
Unless you consider the last two lines.
“Wake the fuck up. You’re being had.”
Which were NOT directed at her, but were rather addressed to the whole audience, or at least the substantial part of it that seems to think that The Comedy Channel, Keith Olbermann, Air America and the HBO clone with the simpering interview style and bad haircut are going to manage to topple a multi-trillion dollar criminal enterprise with “cute” complaint humor.
So…where is the beef, really, BooMan?
In the content?
It certainly wasn’t in the presentation.
the beef is that people don’t like being told to wake the fuck up every ten seconds and if you are not careful you will hurt people’s feelings and make them feel like you are singling them out for ridicule.
If that is not your intent, then you need to do a better job of expressing your intent. I get a lot of complaints about your style.
You may think that my rules are stupid but they work for most people and keep this site from being a series of flamewars.
It’s not that I think your rules are “stupid” BooMan…I am simply not sure what they ARE.
And from now on, I will make sure that the “Wake the fuck up” idea is plainly understood as a GENERIC AND ALMOST ALL-ENCOMPASSING “Wake the fuck up”.
Because baby…on the left blogosphere I see whole LOTTA people who think that if they turn from one position to another on the bed of Life they have awakened.
And I am here to tell you…I am quite literally HERE so’s I can tell you…
‘Tain’t so, McGee.
‘Tain’t so at ALL.
P.S. How’s this?
Wake the fuck UP!!!
(CAUTION!!! Generic © 2006. Broadband Interface. Do not ingest personally. Fuggedaboudit. It’s just business. Nothin’ personal. Take two and email me in the morning. Not for the use of minors or people with weak hearts. May cause dizziness and loss of breath. May ALSO cause several weeks of mild disorientation. Do not use if you are light machinery. Sometimes contraindicated in terms of personal relationships and mainstream economic health. But what a rush!!!)
i rely on people’s innate ability to recognize a prick when they see one, even when that prick is themselves.
It’s not specific because it doesn’t work when it gets specific.
But if you are going to write diaries quoting other member’s comments and then advise people to wake the fuck up, you are going to discover that most people don’t like it and think it is a prickish way of making a point.
Is that specific enough?
I’m not picking on you. I’m trying to explain the rule.
A little…lacking in focus, BooMan.
These things are SO subjective.
For example, I could be a “prick” by my OWN lights and simply wash my hands of the whole thing.
As in…”What the fuck am I doing trying to talk to people who can’t seem to hear what I am saying?” I could even become a professional prick and go into some form of media-based power trip. Like say…advertising or liberal/left blogging on the Big Orange level.
Big money in those fields, after all, and pricks just want to have fun.
But I don’t.
Because I am trying to pay back a debt, Boo. I am not free to tell you to whom that debt is owed, but this person opened MY eyes.
Ohhhh yes he did…
He was better at it than I am, but what the hell…we all do what we can, right?
So I continue.
I will continue to try to ascertain where “prick” leaves off and “useful irritant” begins here, as far as you are concerned.
Because it’s your oyster.
But remember…it’s the speck of sand that starts the pearl.
Nothing like an AG v Stark rant to shake off the detritus of the weekend.
Now if only the sheeple could/would access it, maybe a few heads could be turned and eyes opened.
BAAAAAAA…couldn’t resist.
We now return to our regularly scheduled programing…in progress…carry on.
Now that is funny.
th th that’s all folks!
Please note that those paying attention are looking to the left.
is that you behind the peace sign?
Dunno…but I am somewhere in here.
By yr lights Arthur, I think I’ve been awake for years. Helped bring Braxton, Moye, AIR, A Hill, S Rivers & a host of others to a small west coast town in the late 70’s where Blakey or Joe Henderson were a hard sell. And we taped the awards last night anyways, & got to see a hysterical montage of cowboy westerns done up as gay theme that showed ‘it’s all about the framing.’
But hearing It’s Hard Out Here For a Pimp, & then see it get the award was priceless. An anthem for the age.
I haven’t seen all that much John Stewart, but what I have has yet to hold its own against the best of Lenny Bruce or Richard Pryor.
percussion bittersweet : tender warrior
I could not decide if the show was stolen by 6th St. Mafia or Miss Lily Tomlin.
It would have been more fair to Mr. Stewart, I think to have Miss Lily host the show and let him present something.
Well, I was at least very glad he let us know what ever happened to bjork.
What hapopened to Bjork?
She was putting on her oscar dress and dick cheney shot her.
Naaaahhhh…he woulda missed.
Plus…she is DEFINITELY not of this world. Even silver bullets would not harm her.
A wolf woman, for SURE.
if the show was stolen by 6th St. Mafia or Miss Lily Tomlin
Mz T fer sure!
I actually would’ve voted Constant Gardener for its music — but am pleased as punch to see H&F getting pimped by the Academy