“So here comes Adam Nagourney in the New York Times today goading national Democrats’ failure to do better together and somehow come up with a winning “national message” like the Republicans did in 1994. To which I say – Roger Rabbit style — pu-LEEEZE don’t take this bait. We’d do better to let Democrats win locally in their own voices rather than try and come up with a bumper sticker slogan that doesn’t fit all sizes and shapes.
Ignore the whiny voices of press insiders who want a simple answer to “what Democrats stand for” and remember the reality that in 1994 voters threw out the Democrats as a message to Clinton — not because they read the Contract with America and saw Newt and his crew standing on the steps of the Capitol in suits. Democrats in Congress doing their own contract with America will be the Dukakis tank shot of 2006, I am sorry to say.
Rahm and Howard, you are doing a great job working on grassroots organizing and candidate recruitment – hats off to that. Help our candidates realize their dreams and be smart about how we can win and get back subpoena power. And then old Adam at the Gray Lady will have something real to write about.”-excerpted from Dan Carol’s commentary on The Huffington Post.
I don’t know about anything else, but I do know this: don’t take any advice from Nagourney.
Update [2006-3-7 9:24:19 by howieinseattle]: As if produced by the same cut and paste machine, the Washington Post has a story with the same message today, “Democrats struggle to seize opportunity.” Same message, same advice from Howie: consider the source.
Update [2006-3-7 18:52:32 by howieinseattle]: Ron Chusid on Dem Bloggers says, “Democrats’ Division Is Their Hidden Strength.” Talking points review:
While true that Republicans have a more unified message, it is the wrong message. Americans do not want a government which is more intrusive in their lives. Americans do not want to cut taxes more for the ultra-wealthy while watching the deficit grow. Americans do not want a perpetual state of warfare which reduces rather than increases our vulnerability to terrorist attacks. Americans do not want to continue to pay double digit increases in health care insurance annually, and do not see putting money into Health Savings Accounts as a solution. Americans do not want to jeopardize the long term survival of Social Security by partially privatizing the system.
The Iraq war is cited as the Democrats’ greatest dilemma, but this is in fact a Republican dilemma. Republican false claims about the threat from WMD and nonexistent ties between Saddam and al Qaeda got us into this quagmire. Republican lack of planning has made success unlikely. When the Republicans are digging us into a hole, the Democrats only need one message–stop digging holes. They can then afford to have different views as to what to do next. Rather than echoing Republican talking points which falsely claim that Kerry supported the war, Democratic bloggers would better serve our purpose by quoting John Kerry’s accurate pre-war predictions of the outcome as he urged, “Mr. President, do not rush to war.”
Democrats may have multiple messages as there are many ways to move forward, while Republicans have a unified argument to defend the status quo. This may be a strength for the Democrats which the media is ignoring. After five years of seeing the Bush Worshippers blindly follow wherever they were led, events such as in Iraq and New Orleans revealed for all that those leaders are the ones who are truly lost. Americans are losing confidence in those who arrogantly claim their way is the only way.”
Dear Adam, how’s this for a national message for the Democrats?
“Vote for us and we’ll try to clean up the mess they made, and then if we have any money or energy left over, we’ll start up the government all over again.”
Yours truly,
A Reader
You can’t run government if you don’t believe in it.
Ain’t that the truth, and haven’t they proved it.
the national message is ethical government and the re-flexing of Congressional Power within the 3-part system.
“We tried letting Bush do it his way and he lost Lower Manhattan, New Orleans, and Baghdad.”
“We tried letting Bush do it his way and he lost Lower Manhattan, New Orleans, and Baghdad.”
Ha! I love this. And each candidate could localize it by adding, for instance, “Don’t let them lose Topeka!”
exactly. It’s a powerful message. Fear-based but light hearted.
I am kind of just kidding, as a snakeskin covered critter like Rahm only changes to suit the times, and I wouldn’t trust any suit that guy was wearing after the crap he’s pulled the last 2 years.
Rahm needs to go to the same refuse heap as the Vichy Dem parasites of cantwell, biden, hillary …
this is tough to swallow, but, there are 2 key reasons we’ve been getting our butts kicked for decades:
finally – nagourney is a DLC toad. he was a key player in the “dean isn’t electable” elitist east coast whisper smear campaign during 2003.
it is important to skim him so that you know what rove and the dlc are setting us up for.
Yeah, as a recently tranported Illinoisan, I was horrifed at this paean to Rahm.
From my fairly close view of him, he is a pro-war, anti-labor Clintonista who has to be hog tied before he will meet with constituents. I’ve yet to meet a progressive from his district that feels anything but loathing for him. And as for grassroots, his concept is an army of peons who will do his bidding without question.
“grassroots” .
I’d respect them if they were doing things I couldn’t do,
BUT, who can’t:
fold before Rove and whine?
blame the tree huggers for all that is bad w/ Dems?
make 6 figures a year for folding?
act smarter and better than everyone?
at least I know why Tom Delay is a scum, and what kind of scum he is – I don’t know what the use of Rahm et al is.
The trainwreck that ABB proved to be in 2004 was but a symptom of a party that has failed to put forward a compelling message for decades (Clinton won on his vast personal political skills), and now proudly refuses to take a clear position on even so important an issue as the War on Iraq.
Ignoring anything that idiots like Nagourney and the WaPo’s Murray and Babington write makes a lot of sense.
Automatically doing the opposite of what they say is simply reproducing, on a meta level, the empty, losing strategy that has come to define the Democratic Party.
It is not enough to be Not-the-GOP. It’s not enough to win. And it’s certainly not enough to govern well.
E. J. Dionne , in today’s WaPo does a pretty good job of debunking the meme that Dems not presenting a clear alternative plan to the Bush regime’s insane behavior is the reason they’re failing to get traction. Link here. He describes this premise thusly;
Howie has it right.
It’s easy to come up with national slogans. What’s difficult is to be inclusive.
But that’s the difference between us and them.
We’re bottom up, they’re top down.
They’re pro wealth, we’re pro prosperity.
They’re pro war, we’re pro progress.
Everybody’s beginning to see the light.