An Annoucement So Big
It’s Out of this World
It’s Out of this World

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
George is waiting with his leash by the door.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Be sure to stop by on Thursday for Family Man’s debut cafe.
First cup of coffee on us.

Up early or just getting to bed?
so we’ll see if you’re smart enough to figure that little riddle out.
It’s much too early for riddles. My brain hurts.
of course there are lots of other choices, among them
>1. I’m always up at this time so this isn’t early.
Nope that’s not it, hardly ever up at this time of day, unless there’s some important activity goin’ to happen like fishing.
>2. I’ve been up all night and I’m not going to bed.
The former true, the latter yet to be determined.
>3. I’m sleepwalking so I’m not awake at all.
Nope, never sleepwalked that I know of in my life, although one or more of my brothers may claim I’ve done that during the day while awake.
>4. I’m not really typing this, my wife is.
Ah hah! This must be it. I’m my wife!! Hmmm. Need hormone therapy tho… due to parts lacking. Hmmm, need $30K, for some parts too many…
[Ouch!!!, on second thought let’s go back to # 2. }
Morning NDD. Nothing like starting the day our confused, my natural state.
Hey, I’ve been cutting back on the coffee and caffeine lately too. Seems like I’m more relaxed… less anxious and fidgety… and sleeping better, not counting last night of course.
Coffee how I miss it. I have relatives here that drink it all day, so I’m contantly smelling coffee now.
I’ll be strong though — As he slowly caves.
I hope you’ve been up all night for something enjoyable and not painful.
I still remember a sweet, young thing in college saying to my roommate and I when we talking about various all-nighters we done, “You mean people stay up all night to do something other than study?”
Thanks for asking… but I’m fine.
Well, if’n ya call giving birth to another diary enjoyable… (yet to be submitted) Hmmm, I guess I would call it that.
I’ve always been a nightowl. The part I like is nobody interrupts one’s activities between say 1am and 5am.
That was cute, “stay up to study,” ha! I might have done that once. BC, before computers, it was necessary for me to have another human for conversation.
So one fond memory is standing around a campfire, still yappin’ until the sun came up, and sharing the last coke we could find.. that’d be coca cola in my case. It sure did taste good at that time of day.
Congrats to Beauregard Courtny Charlamaine Constantine Eustace Abner Cecil Solon Worthington!!!! aka Family Man. LOL
Morning Refinish. How are you this am. The name gets longer, but the mystery remains. π
LOL I am doing okay.
I’m glad to hear it. I figure if I keep you guessing, pretty soon you’ll have enough to publish a volume of names and you’ll become world famous.
Or I will get banned for the longest single reply to a thread in the history of the internet. LOL
Today is Primary Day in Texas. Here is hoping Delay has his ass handed to him by his competition in the repugnant part of the primary.
I hope everyone has a fabulous Tuesday. Grab your coffee and a bagel and have a fabulous morning.
Have a great Tuesday!!!
I’m hoping my bookcase project will be finished today…
What have you got left to do?
Wiring and lights are the tricky part…I’ll post pictures in a bit. Right now I have to run out and pick up the rest of the lights!
See ya later!
Morning CG. I’m hoping with ya.
a while back, here
I had lots of fun coding and picking what I hope will be a readable color background. Well, almost too much fun, last night/yesterday, last night/today, morning/today, etc.
Now all I’ve got to do is pick a time slot to gamble with… think I’ll wait till W or TH morning, see how the odds look.
BTW is there any way to save a diary prior to hitting submit. Every time I run a test diary it disappears. But I always do a back up of any changes on to word.doc, so no problem. Just wondering if I’m missing some spot to click save so I could leave it there and submit later.
I cannot wait to see the pictures of the finished project!!!
Oh, yay!!! You’ll be great at it, FM. I wish I could mail all the Thursday artifacts to you–albums, souvenirs of Andi’s hiking trips, unprintable repartee between Second Nature and IndyLib–but I’m afraid the position comes without an allowance for postage.
It does come with a crown, however:
Morning Kansas. Thanks.
Atrios is hot this morning. Well, when is Atrios not hot, eh, MaryB?
Fertility May Control You
It’s time for more men to understand that getting rid of legal abortion increases by quite a lot the chance that one drunk evening will lead to 18 years of child support payments.
Alternatively, it decreases the chance that they’ll get laid.
That would stifle their stiffy! π
Liberal Men Get Laid More.
Psstt I crashed last night in bed with the lamp on and my “Bum Steer” stuck into my side. I woke up at around 3ish and … thought of you π
But due to the book and your kind words yesterday NOT due to the cramp in my elbow from falling asleep in a reading position LOL
It’s probably too late for you to see this LOL, but I just had to drop it here anyway. You are sooo funny.
I bought my poor, shy husband some long-legged Joe Boxers with mini beavers in a hard hat with a cartoon balloon saying, “Hello, My Name Is Woody”
after all these years, he finally likes them π
He’s such a big stiffy, er I mean – softie – oh wait… never mind π
better hang on to em, the way things are going they may be contraband collectors’ items before long.
okay that made me laugh outloud and now my dog is looking at me like she’s in trouble or something ((((Starky)))))
No doubt, though. I mean my budouir is no fetish chamber – but I’ve got things that might make my mom blush if I were to, like, die and she and my in-laws had to go through my belongings… but damn…
What is up with these Repressedicans? They have no life so they have to take over everyone elses.
I’m seriously convinced that you are right: their whole fixation on sex is attributable to the fact that they wish they were getting some, or even knew what it was (I mean, aside from making babies, you know).
Morning all. Gee Andi when you announce – You Annoucne. π
There will be free lolipops too on Thursday.
The excitement was too much for me and I just had to find some appropriate way to release it.
Well you get a free lolipop today. No waiting for you.
Well, if there’s free lollipops maybe I’ll stop in.
Of course there will be. The morning ones will be good for you and the evening ones I’m try to figure out how to freeze pure grain alcohol.
m o v i n g
s o
s l o w l y !
I hate to leave, especially on the announcement day, but that friend will be here soon.
I haven’t gotten near to everything done. I can’t blame myself so I’m blamining all the frogs in the pond. Ya make it so much fun I can’t stay away.
Ya’ll have corrupted me. Oh will I ever be a nice, hard working person I was again? Nope. π
Hey at least the friend is not showing up at 4 am. LOL
Oh will I ever be a nice, hard working person I was again?
And we promise we do everything in our power to prevent that from ever happening.
The North Carolina Senator Elizabeth Dole has just sent out a fraudulent, misleading, and immoral fund raiser disguised as an official tax document.
This type of immorality must not be tolerated.
Just doing a hit and run post.
When I clean my relatives go behind me and mess it up again. So I’m going out to the farm and get that ready.
I’m trying to decide on when my friend gets here, to wear my good overalls or my Sunday go to meeting blue jeans with white pocket tee shirt and obligatory pack of smokes in the pocket.
Where’s Ductape when I need some fashion advice? Where’s my baseball cap?
I’ll check back when I can.
Go for the jeans and white shirt, but ditch those goddamn smokes. Sorry, got carried away there.
Have fun with your old friend.
It would be awfully good if everybody wouldn’t disappear because then I have no distractions from work and if I don’t have those then I’m being denied the equivalent of the schmooze time that people who work in offices get.
Unfair! I demand equal access to schmooze time for everybody that works at home!
Well I don’t actually do any work (at least not in any traditional sense of the word) at home, but I do still enjoy the schmoozing, so I hope I’m allowed in on this whole Equal Access to Schmooze Time deal.
Of course. I fully believe in equal opportunity schmoozing.
I don’t know why everyone disappeared on us. One of us must have forgotten to shower.
I’m doing my least favorite thing to do considering my shyness and anti-social nature: making phone calls to strangers. {{{shiver}}}
I distinctly remember taking my shower this morning (because I hit my foot on tub rim getting in) so ….
I like calling strangers — they have no idea who I am and so don’t expect me to make conversation with them which makes me very happy sinc I don’t like talking on the phone.
I hate it. I get really nervous for some unknown reason and start tripping all over myself. And these phone calls are leading up to the other thing I really hate to do: driving around in heavy traffic on unfamiliar highways going to meet the same complete strangers I spoke to on the phone.
I know it sounds stupid but it’s something that’s really difficult for me.
Jim won’t talk on the phone either so I end up making all kinds of calls for him where the people must think I’m crazy because I’ll have to stop and ask him stuff so I can answer their questions (I draw the line at calling parents, however).
I don’t think it sounds stupid at all. I have the same trouble. Any time I have to deal with new people, especially about anything important, I spend half of my available energy peeling myself off of various ceilings.
I do a pretty good performance to cover this up. People sometimes pick up on my being neurotic but they are very rarely aware of the extent of it. But the running series of chaotic thoughts in my head would be both hilarious and horrifying to most people, I suspect, if they could read them.
I go through the same kind of thing when I have to call people I know and make conversation — it’s as if I get a brain freeze without a face to look at.
Fashion tips for FM:
eileendarby. ©
Emulating /Kowalski
T’s work, or white shirts and bow ties w/out shoes…or, roll the smokes in the sleeve for the West Side look. :{)
Looks like our intrepid DLC preparing for the great comeback of ’06.
Off to the non-virtual coffee shop, so see you later.
Shirley a misstatement…intrepid in lieu of insipid.
I’d recommend a straight up espresso given your apparent lack of sleep.
Hit and run for me here too — got an early doctor’s appointment (spouse is dropping me off before he heads for work). Then running around doing assorted and sundry errands — will be back for the evening cafes, most likely.
Too fucking young, part II — first Kirby Puckett, now Dana Reeve (Christopher Reeve’s widow) is dead of cancer at age 44…
Hope everyone has a great day; FM, I’m looking forward to your debut Thursday…
I kind of hate to say this but I think overly buff guys are a turn-off.
I hate to say it but my 48 yro husband is a hockey skater and the guy above has hockey skater butt π
But sadly it comes with skater knees and skater jaws and skater chicklets… LOL
Jim skates three times a week but he still has mush tush and I like it that way. π
Then you’d love mine.
I sit at the computer ranting about “W”.
I have Bush Tush! π
hockey skater BAG that STINKS!!! We found a wasp nest in his when we moved it up and he started playing.
And hockey skater SCARS. And hockey skater dentures. And hockey skater sticks that are all over and always fall over onto you when you open any fucking door in the house.
And hockey skater sweaty sweaters and practice jerseys.
and.. oh… nice butt! π
Janet how did you get that picture of me? I thought I had burned all of those. I’ve even gotten more buff since then. Can I hear salivating?
I gone as far as I can for the cleaning and straightening and I’m dead tired.
I decided on the blue jeans and white V-neck shirt. Ductaaaaaaape.
I know I’ll be taking pictures, so I’ll post some when I get back.
Around the Clock Cafe
Shake all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a martini glass and garnish with cappuccino foamed Baileys and milk. This twist on the Espresso martini uses hot foam to contrast the cold drink. (Cocktail created by: Eden Freeman, WD-50, New York)
Time for Happy Hour!
See you there!