Steven D posted a front-paged diary called Olbermann: No More Democracy in America today.
Right on the money, as far as it went.
But there’s more to be said.
Here’s my two cents.
From my diary It Was Only A Dream…Eddie Cleanhead Vinson.
Read it and weep for your country.
Sound familiar?
“…one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. . . “
“You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow.”
Keith Olbermann.
168 to 1.
Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), a media watchdog group, did an analysis of the so-called “expert witnesses” brought onto the news programs of the major networks during the runup to the Iraq invasion. ALL major networks, 24/7 right at the peak of the flame fanning.
The results, which were shocking even to me, a long-time media skeptic, were as follows.
168 to 1 in favor of the government. “Ex”-government officials, purveyors of right wing academic studies, etc.
That’s 168 to 1!!!
It went like this. 168 men and women in Washington drag…suits, uniforms, “nice” haircuts, etc., then one nun from Topeka, 168 more media clones, 1 student from Bennington, 168 more government spokespeople, another harmless and vaguely foolish left-winger.
Well…that’s about right.
Olbermann is their token opposition. Slightly nerdish, relegated to some backwater cable station, he can easily be ignored or dismissed by the REAL people, and he is certainly useful in selling stuff to that benighted segment of the American public that still believes the media are not under a tight lockdown that is always and forever administered by one faction or another of the PermaGov.
Olbermann vs/168 other talking heads with a DIFFERENT…and fairly consistent…script.
Same old same o;d.
Does he realize this?
I imagine that he does…he seems very intelligent.
Is he doing what he is doing in some cynical manner?
I think not, myself. But the question is irrelevant. Cynical or full of hope, he is always outnumbered, always outgunned.
Once again, people…when you involve yourself in a battle…when you REALLY BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN WIN THAT BATTLE…and the odds are 168 to 1 against you…
You must wake the fuck up.
“But what about the power of the truth?” you say.
What about it?
This system will destroy itself eventually. (I mistyped “destory”. Yup. That too.) Or be destroyed from without. Or a little of both. THAT is “the truth”. How do I know this truth? Every religion on the face of the earth, every spiritual discipline that has ever successfully succeeded in moderating and guiding a well-functioning society says the same thing.
From the Richard Wilhem translation of the I Ching
Evil is not destructive to the good alone but inevitably destroys itself as well.
For evil, which lives solely by negation, cannot continue to exist on its own strength alone.
That’s the way it works.
Always and forever.
But this resident evil (See my recent diary The Existence of Pure Evil for more on THAT idea.) has gone way too far for our little segment of society to do the destroying. Or the de-storying. WAY too far. They will not even let us on the air to try to tell the real story. Not in sufficient numbers to make any real impression. They won’t even let us run the so-called opposition party. The fix is in, babies, The fix is IN.
About the only real choice we now have is to either continue to lend our support to this media-based trance system by believing that it actually works in the manner in which it is advertised (A “free press” that functions as a watchdog for the rights of the people.) …or withdraw our support from this shell, this hologram of that idea and go on about our business.
The single most effective blow that the left could land on this machine today would be to TOTALLY drop out of participating in its maintenance.
It would be both a cultural shock and a financial one.
A sudden mass awakening among the intellectual elite of this country (“WE” are the intellectual elite? Sad. Well…everything’s relative, I guess…) would have PROFOUND effects on how the game is played. On any number of levels.
So…WHO’S WITH ME!!!???
(The silence of the lambs…)
Poor little sheeple…
Ain’t gonna happen, is it?
Next order of business…
Those of you who DO hear what I am saying…prepare for the crash.
Fasten your seat belts…it’s going to be a rough ride.
Hunker down and hope you survive the storm.
Get to high ground if you can.
It’s about to get even nastier.
“…no one was laughing, least of all Keith and Craig…”?
“It had the appearance of two desperate men facing the gallows…”?
Like I said…Keith is pretty smart.
HE knows what’s up.
Betcha he’s got his escape route already planned. (Money’s pretty good in broadcasting, and he’s been at it a long while. I notice that he already has a spot on ESPN radio…”Oh. Well. I’m just a sportscaster at heart…” Whatever is necessary to survive, Keithy. I understand. The family, the mortgage…)
Hunker down…storm warnings are out.
And you don’t even NEED a weatherman to tell you which way the wind’s blowing…
(Whatever happened to that nice Patrick Fitzgerald fella again…???)
So…who YOU gonna call?
Right Gilroy!
Let’s cut the fucking Bullshit and drop this crap about democrats and Republicans
The troops in Iraq are fucking Morons for the most part. storm troopers. Get them the fuck outa there and leave the innocent and righteous “insurgents” alone. The Insurgents who we are now subtly supporting who we were once fighting..let’s stop this perversity. Stop talking about abondoning the Iraqi people…c’mon….we are torturing and frightening them on a daily basis. Abandoning….what a joke.
This IS NOW a FASCIST NATION. It isn’t becoming one it’s already there and it’s developing…so lets stop talking about elections and the possbility of change and start talking about FASCISM. Because the elections are a sham. There are about 4 senators out of 100 who are not supporting fascism. RE: Patriot act
We are totruring cab drivers and bakers, pulpifying their legs and then claiming innocence…”.I was only following orders”. One of our murdering soldiers. I am so sick of men and women in uniform. Soldieris are the lowest form of life on Earth…what ever country. The romanticization of killing is beyond me.
The intelligence agencies another oxymoron.
This is a rascist nation that is focusing now on helping it’s citizens become aware of a new group, Arabs. See the” Ports Deal”. Both Democrats and Republicans agree to rascist proposals that are totally out of sync with economic realities and can do real economic damage to this country.
You think I’m too strident, you don’t like the tone. Kiss my Ass.
Here’s a story about so called “deserters”. People with a little more sense is what I might call them.
The sound of artillery is strident.
This is just the unvarnished truth of the matter.
Except for the soldiers thing.
Ity really isn’t their fault, most of them.
It isn’t,
Dumbed down from childhood by the media and a lousy education.
From the lowest tiers of the class sytem, no matter WHAT their race.
In the military before they can think past their dicks.
Confused, angry, scared.
Victims. Just like THEIR victims.
You’ve heard of “victimless crimes”?
Well…almost all people injured in any way by war…physically, emotionally, financially, mentally…are crimeless victims.
The REAL criminals sit behind desks.
You should not excuse anyone from this ( if you are from the US). We are all responsible. We are paying taxes, living in this country.I am ashamed to be an American. I am responsible too.
The idea that eveybody is a victim does not hold up. There are victims and there are victimizers who may have been victimized. I believe those people are called VAMPIRES.
In any case you can compare the US troops to Vampires. If you want to see them as victims. They seek to make IRaq weak, while the insurgents are the people who are resisting.
But when you see a Vampire, you don’t feel sorry for it. You drive a stake through it’s heart or expose it to sunlight. The U.S. troops are being protected from the sunlight by the head Vampires in Washington. If the light were shown, you would have little sympathy for these so called “young, innocent, poor, undeducated” people.
You don’t have to rich, old, and educated to know better. Economic income and education and age have nothing to do with a soldiers mentality. Rumsfeld and Bush are very wealthy, have alledged educations and so do all the high ranking soldiers. A american cocker spaniel would act more intelligently in Iraq than our soldiers and they so called bosses or superiors. It would try to survive and stay out of trouble. It woould not look for fights, it would avoid them.
And the cab driver whose legs were pulpified and murdered was not even a combatant, he simply resisteed the Vampires. That’s the report that the soldiers gave. He didn’t like being tied up and hung from the ceiling, he complained about it and he was told he was not acting like a good prisoner, so they killed him.
I don’t feel sorry for the soldiers I feel sorry for the Iraqi cab driver. Yes, I feel sorry for the dead American soldiers, but not the living ones unless they really hate being there.
You write:
‘You don’t have to rich, old, and educated to know better. Economic income and education and age have nothing to do with a soldiers mentality.”
That is flat out wrong. Thery have EVERYTHING to do with a soldier’s mentatlity…ESPECIALLY today, when the weak-minded and/or economically challenged are just about the only people IN the service as enlisted soldiers. Above that rank…just weak minded, I guess. Weak willed at the very least.
Unless you are in favor of mass herd-culing (which NEVER works), we are stuck with a HUGE underclass, the vast majority of which have that
1-No education to speak of.
2-No functioning moral culture to speak of
3-Little or no economic future besides clone-like survival.
They have been literally bred like cattle by the plantation owners in a cultural pen that only allows them sustenance of the crudest variety. Bad food, bad weter, bad drugs, bad medicine, bad sex, and bad information. Bred as work animals. Fighting animals. Breeding animals.
And I do not use that “underclass” term racially, either. The white working classes are in EXACTLY the same boat as all of the other so-called “minoritries” in these areas of life.
Lynndie English times MILLIONS.
Stupefied beyond belief, the young, strong, malleable enough and trainably vicious are led down a narrowing pen from about 5th grade, straight to the military.
Is it their fault that they were born in these circumstances?
May you be born in interesting times.
This I not an “excuse”…merely what is up. I have NO solutions, myself. But I know the brothers and sisters of too many of these people…the lucky ones, the ones who escaped the breeding pen because of an accidental gift…talent, intelligence, luck…
A slip of the DNA. No onther difference.
Do we ask for our DNA? Unless you are one who strictly believes in multiple lives and the wheel of Karma, the answer to that question MUST be no.
Do we select our upbringing? Of course not.
Nature or nurture. Same same. Accident.
So what we are or are not is neither to be hated or applauded.
Feared? Loved? You betcha.
“IIII….love a parade!!!!”
Accidents do happen.
Don’t get mad.
Get even.
“Rumsfeld and Bush are very wealthy, have alledged educations and so do all the high ranking soldiers.”
They are ‘smart” enough not to get killed and to make lots of money.
String THEM up.
Not in hatred.
Just to get RID of their asses.
“An american cocker spaniel would act more intelligently in Iraq than our soldiers and they so called bosses or superiors. It would try to survive and stay out of trouble. It woould not look for fights, it would avoid them.”
Wrong again.
Cocker Spaniels…I’m a dog guy and my brother is a trainer…have been given the full American treatment. Almost all were bred from one totally insane, very stupid but pretty little asshole dog some forty years ago who won a lot of beauty contests, and now many of them have a recessive Richard Speck gene that can go off like a firecracker at any moment. No warning.
Send them to Iraq and they would start their own Contractor Corps.
I can see the headlines now
.Bad tempered Kocker Kanine Kops take over Fallujah!!!
“The Taliban has nothing on US” says their leader, Ali Mustafa Ch. Elmer Fudd. “GRRRRRrrrrrr!!!”