Tennessee Guerilla Women got my vote for Best State and Local blog, and they deserve it. And if you want to laugh (or perhaps cry) check out their article on The Dire Problem of Dildos in Tennessee. It seems that this must be Sexual Repression Week. The wingnuts are feeling especially emboldened now that they have Samuel Alito on the bench, and we are witnessing a new push.
For unknown reasons, State Senator Charlotte Burks (DINO) and State Rep. Eric Swafford (R) have been thinking a lot about the activities going on your bedroom. They
have come to the conclusion that Tennessee will be a better place to live if the state regulates your bedroom by outlawing dildos.Dildos today, mandatory missionary position tomorrow. We think it’s high time the Republican party considers a name change. We suggest the Victorian Party, along with a campaign slogan of: Vote for a Victorian, and Say
Hello to the Peeping Tom State in Your bedroom……If the Victorians have their way, it will soon become a crime to sell, advertise, publish, or exhibit dildos in this red state. Presumably “exhibit” is what happens when more than one person is caught in the vicinity of a dildo. The lawmakers are willing to permit some exceptions, such as the study of dildos by college students and professors. Were you looking for a subject for your Master’s thesis? Interviewing lawmakers on this touchy subject could prove highly stimulating.
And then, naturally, Gen. JC Christian has his own unique take:
I’ve prepared a few talking points to help you manage their interviews:
• Sexual devices cause women to have unreal expectations about men.
- Some of these devices are 4 inches or longer in length and over an inch in diameter.
- These devices stay hard all of the time, even when wrestling isn’t on the TV.
- These devices seldom cause a woman to cry or vomit.
• This bill is not targeted at Bill O’Reilly.
- Bill O’Reilly will always be welcome to visit Tennessee.
- Nothing
in this bill prevents Bill O’Reilly from bringing his ReamMaster 5000
into the state as long as it is for his own personal use.- Although
Mr. O’Reilly will be unable to buy a sexual device in Tennessee, there
is nothing in the bill that bars him from buying batteries for any
device he brings with him.• I am considering amending the bill.
- I’m working on language to allow Alpha Gamma Rho fraternities in the state to purchase one AlphaGoat with the Vibra-Bleat® option prior to pledge week each year.
- I’m adding a clause that will allow for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve.
I hope you find these talking points useful.
Heterosexually yours,
General JC Christian, patriot
When did the Republicans become the most anti-libertarian party in the history of this country? For more comedy, check out John Spragens take on the exceptions to the law:
Of course, as with all good public policy, state Sen. Charlotte Burks and Rep. Eric Swafford have included a few exemptions for responsible dildo-users. College students and faculty are allowed to enter the sex-toy trade—as long as they are “teaching or pursuing a course of study related to such device,” like Auto-Erotic Stimulation 101. Your doctor or psychologist will similarly be authorized to prescribe the regular use of a sex toy “in the course of medical or psychological treatment or care.” And finally, employees of historical societies, museums, public libraries and—wait for it—school libraries are allowed to traffic in devices named Thruster, The Emperor and The Horny Hare, provided they’re doing their official duties. That means the Carnton Plantation would remain free to put up that “Dildos of the Antebellum” exhibit Robert Hicks has been pitching.
It’s a strange country.
That is a great blog. I’ve read them for the past few months.
yeah, they keep coming on my radar even though I haven’t been looking for them. Their blog rocks.
I notice their bill doesn’t outlaw Viagra.
Hell, the bill is probably sponsored by Viagra.
Thous shalt not use HAND CREAM. Any and all lubricants including Olive Oil and various cooking oils – shall be locked at your local Wal-Mart Pharmacy where upon a signature is required upon a form that states that said consumer is purchasing such products for the usuage of sking softening agents.
I read in the newpaper the other day that one has to raise the cucumbers so that they are simply round and not the way God had intended either…for they abuse the shape of things God had intended and so forth and so on…what ya say about that one…:o)
Hmm maybe that’s why Papa Bush didn’t like Broccoli? 🙂 It reminded him of his favorite buttplug?? LOL
These “people” are just ludicrous. Don’t they realize that they are the ones with the problems? They are so wrapped up in what other people are doing. Why are they obsessed with other people’s sexuality and sex lives?
oh yes, DJ, but once while working in a small ER in southern Il. we had to remove one, a cucumber that is, from the anal orfice…It was just way tooooo funny to describe…
I used to love doing the ER pharmacy charge slips on Saturday mornings when I worked at the hospital just for the chief complaint/history of present illness write-ups. We’d be ROFL while reading some of them!
From Kramer on Seinfeld:
Texas has had a law like this for some years, where it’s easy to buy a gun and legal to carry a concelaed weapon, but illegal to sell “obscene devices” which are
“designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs” Possession of 6 or more demonstrates “intent to distrubute” which is a class A misdemeanor.
According to Tristan Taormino, “There are similar laws on the books in Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kansas, Colorado, and Alabama.” She writes:
For anyone partaking of sexual flavors beyond vanilla, these are increasingly frightening times. The dildo laws would be (almost) funny they weren’t part & parcel of a much larger, more dangerous phenomenon that has been solidifying over the past 25 years or so. I highly recommend pondering Sexual Fascism in Progressive America: Scapegoats and Shunning for a thoughtful & provocative piece that asks us to consider what the pervasive fear of sexuality is doing in this country.
Thank you for the links!
I wish I could go back into an old chatroom I left due to the censorship of not only the church ladies but the women who were apathetic… The “Church Ladies” would giggle over their new found “toys” and the apathetic mother delighted them with her tales of alternative lifestyle as a single mom. Now I hear she distributes sex toys and the church ladies find this so “amusing”. Were any of them aware of what they voted for and what they ignored. It’s so strange they are all friends. .. and leave these links of yours.
The rest of us left in disgust. As we could no longer speak of the war because that would upset their talk of manicures before pleasure parties while they discussed how many percosets they took for their razor burn.
I screwed up (again). The link in the first blockquote is correct for the second paragraph; the first ‘graph is from the Austin Chronicle.
got to send you my lone (so far) attempt at erotica: “Made To Order” about a housewife who enlists her friend to help her sell custom-fitted dildoes… 😉
Do you have to sign something when you buy vegetables? Or only if the purchase includers cucumbers?
It’s just another aspect of these states supporting rapists. They applaud and assist in the brutality of women. And now this is just the cherry on the top: Prohibit women, couples, ADULTS from experience and experimenting sexually.
Raise up the Rapists: Prohibit Pleasure.
Dildos… with all the problems in this society – you’d think they’d concentrate on important matters… like BANNING hunger, BANNING CORRUPTION IN POLITICS/ELECTIONs, Banning … the rape of our children’s schools and health care … and their future.
To their twisted view of reality, where sin prevails in the world and the greatest sin is to make love, there is no higher priority.
Better a young child should starve, better a woman should die from a failed abortion, better a rich man should get away with murder, than one person own a dildo.
They’re not really against sex categorically; more specifically, they’re against women having any sense of enjoyable sexuality, sexual power, or sexual agency. I mean, as of last year, in Tennessee you wouldn’t be prosecuted for raping your wife unless you tied her up and beat her while you did it — and even then, you’d only get a fraction of the prison sentence you’d otherwise get if she was a woman you didn’t “own” through marriage. I wish I were making this up. (And I should add that I don’t know the current status of that law.)
But when you watch it for long enough, you start to get that it’s not really about sex for them, it’s about women being property — which is why so many of these kinds of blue laws, whether they’re directly about reproductive processes or not, are aimed toward controlling various aspects of female sexuality, particularly if it has autonomous qualities.
Indy, again as with their supporting rapists – they are saying that women shouldn’t count.
I am sorry to say, you are right on with this one. There are still such silly laws on the books for such a hidious thing. :o(
I can’t wait to see the transcripts of the debate on this bill…
Soon someone will just stand a dildo under a spotlight in a museum as a political art piece and have the police raid the place. Kinda like a crucifix in a bottle of urine.
Maybe when we have the Memphis meetup we’ll all have to go toy shoppng as a political statement!
maybe y’all should pitch in and get Anna in Philly a plane ticket.
Maybe she should go to Nashville to testify on this bill. That might cause half of those old farts to have a coronary then and there! We could have Brenda Stewart in the wings to selectively provide CPR to the legislators we’d like to keep around. ;-D
Oh hell, what can I say to this nonsense. The political aspect here in TN is so crazy and nuts anyhow. I suspect that they are all on Viagra…otherwise they could not get it up for hell or high water, the little pipsqueeks. As if that is all they have to talk about in the state legislator…as if the sting that took some of the congresscritters out for bribery and with the insurance companies. Maybe they ahve way toooooo much time on their hands…I may have to do something about that one…:o) However, folks it is a lovely state to see and visit…just bring your own toys if you want to have some fun…:o)and I ain’t tlking guns either…:o) Not like we do not have a drug problems or anything like that..or that murder is occuring way too often around this way. Like the failing healthcare of our citizens are in serious problems…like the cotton needs planing just a few short months from now…like…well you got my drift.
See my exchange with Booman above. We may have a way of dealing with this problem…
And Brenda is right, folks, it is a beautiful state (so y’all come vist, ya hear?); it’s just some of the people we need to do something about…
Since women seem to exist in fundamentalist circles solely for the purpose of having and raising children, I’m waiting for the first law requiring that all women be executed as soon as their last child turns 18. Think of the tremendous savings in health care costs alone. All of these laws come down to the same thing: women shouldn’t have rights and aren’t as human as men are. The bible even says so, Adam’s rib and such.
NOW HOLD ON HERE ONE DAMN MINUTE,Shalimar, DON’T GIVE THEM ANY IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!! :O) I HAVE EXPECTED THIS ANY TIME NOW!!! :o) well, at least when it is past the planting time. Well, maybe we can all gather at Beale St. and raise some HOLY HELL….wanna come for the event? should be a hoot…
Tennessee is just outside my range for a day trip, though it’s not far enough to exclude future trips if I can just find someone to watch grandma and the cats for a few days. I have plenty of family near me but if any of them were even remotely dependable I wouldn’t be tied down as much as I am. At some point I will probably get involved in raising holy hell when Alabama, Florida, Georgia or Tennessee does something stupid.
Oh, also I forgot to mention earlier that I’m pretty sure we already have an anti-sextoy law in Alabama and I don’t think it has any practical effect because the communities where they are sold are the ones that are least inclined to waste resources enforcing the law. I’ll do some checking in the next few days to see if my memory is accurate.
Yes, Alabama does have a sextoy law, along with several other states. See “Guns & dildos” above for how it worlks in Texas.
Don’t discount the chilling “effect” laws like this have.
Since your proposal will give Mrs. K.P. until exactly June 30 of this year, I have some issues with the plan. I’d also then be stuck with the bill for her veterinary school education (she just graduated in May) without the income that was supposed to pay for it!
Of course, they would say it serves me right for lettin’ my woman go and do such an uppity thing, taking a perfectly good job squeezing dog anal glands and removing cat testicles, away from some man tryin’ to support his fambly. Of course, those folks wouldn’t know about such things. ‘Bout the only use they might have for a vet is if’n a cow is calving breech – gotta protect the investment, ya know.
They forget: Sex is also extremely mental.
What’s next? Prohibiting ThNKING?
Oh wait… they already do.
As a Tennessean who has spent his entire life watching the embarrassing shenanigans of the General Assembly — and do bear in mind that this is the august body that felt compelled to decriminalize the eating of roadkill a few years ago — I can assure you that thinking is not something these jackasses spend a lot of time doing.
If nothing else, the time they spend considering the dire public threat of dildos will be time they can’t be accepting kickbacks and bribes.
Well if you can’t have sex until you are married
and you can’t masturbate
and you can’t have sex in marriage unless you are attempting to have a child…
it seems that the only thing to do is to develop a pill that temporarily deadens any sexual desire, and to put in all the school kid’s lunches.
Problem solved.
How much longer till we will need a “Community Mother” to watch us as we take showers to ensure that we aren’t doing anything evil.
An all out assault on shower massagers.
I seem to recall a Kurt Vonnegut short story to that effect.
Well if you can’t have sex until you are married
and you can’t masturbate
and you can’t have sex in marriage unless you are attempting to have a child…
…sounds like my junior-year religion class discussion back at Cardinal Dougherty High School in Philly (class of 1977), LOL.
I posted the dildo piece in my diary last night, and I also posted this cute little article from Kansas. They are not letting up on womens’ rights. I posted about the 10 states joining South Dakota in outlawing abortion.
Birth Control Prevents God’s Work
So could someone explain to me what dictionary this person is using?
I’m especially interested in the words “purpose” “motive”, and “consequence”.
Poor language, how it suffers at the hands of idiots.
OK! This is beyond reason and makes me wonder what in the heck they think this bill will do? Here is a link to the proposed bill
Obscenity and Pornography – Creates Class A misdemeanor offenses of distributing unlawful sexual devices and wholesale distributing of unlawful sexual devices
There are some stiff penalties as well. I think the last statement in the bill is so ironic:
Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006, the public welfare requiring it.
When will the insanity end???
Wouldn’t that ban most Republicans?
make criminals of good people.
Looky, a pretty paperweight.
Next they’ll outlaw art. OH wait…
up in this thread I was talking about cucumbers…well, one of our patients grew cucumbers and did one that was inthe same exact shape..was the funniest thing ever. He gave it to our incenter director. Now I can not tell you what she did with it but it caused such a hoot for about six months…
The above is pyrex and it can be warmed or cooled.
Sad that someone had to resort to something such as a vegetable that can break and get lodged. Too bad they didn’t have some education about sexual pleasure. Too bad they didn’t have information.
is that it can be…. STERILIZED. So as to keep away any uncleaniliness/usueage irritations.
Plus they are quite artsy.
And.. who says that women use these alone?
And.. who says that women use these alone?
Well, not me. The more the merrier, I always say. ;p
I’m pretty sure thats how stores in Alabama get around the law, by calling them novelty items.
Next they’ll outlaw art. OH wait…
Umm, yea . . .
Or close enough. Just cuz I like to repeat myself:
Barbara Nitke, who is challenging “obscenity” as defined in Miller v. CA as applied to the Communications Decency Act (CDA).
Nitke v. Ashcroft:
Nitke v. Gonzales: What Happened:
Wave of Obscenity Prosecutions
Internet Obscenity Decision Imposes Impossible Burden by Alan R. Levy in The New York Law Journal (warning: PDF
Read the bills yourself. Here is SB3794 and HB3798 for download in PDF format.
Ah, this was the state where they had dry counties (no alcohol allowed to be sold at all except at particular restaurant “clubs”) – or at least they did back when my brother was going to school down there.
(It IS a beautiful state, though.)
This does, however, beg the question: if dildos are illegal, why would college students even need to be “teaching or pursuing a course of study related to such device”? I’m all in favor of open education here, but…. Do they have similar loopholes regarding the teaching and study of any OTHER devices that are likewise illegal to own… say, like small, portable thermonuclear devices? Counterfeit money presses? Tank artillery? Opium farming tools? Inquiring minds want to know… </snark>
::head shaky::
“Who are these Swine ? These flag-sucking half-wits
who get fleeced and fooled
by stupid little rich kids like George Bush?
….. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious
in the American character….
I piss down the throats of these Nazis.
And I am too old to worry about
whether they like it or not. Fuck Them.”
– Hunter S. Thompson, “Kingdom of Fear”
I have slipped through the mother fucking looking glass.