Since I am too sick to write tonight, I decided to put together all the blogs from boran2’s diary. I didn’t include blogs that are already on the blogroll. I’ll check out these blogs and if they are regularly updated I will add them to a new BooTrib user section in blogroll. You can use this thread to add your blogs, or talk about each others. Meta…
zesty grapher
james benjamin
Robert P
Mi Corazon
carnacki the activist
carnacki the vampire
is actually Sherm’s blog. It’s all mine.
I was gonna say….
unless you changed the name to J for Jasper dog ;o)
oops. I will update.
Thanks, BooMan, hope you feel better. But you won’t forget mine? 😉
Cool beans. I have two… although both are sort of unbloggy blogs.
Human Beams in a magazine format.
And The Progressive Focus Center, which is more of a think tank, strategy and action center (new).
Hope you feel better soon, BooMan.
I checked out Human Beams. What a welcoming and soothing place.
I even left a comment there a couple of days ago in the Fairie story. Reminded me of my Irish Grandma.
Thanks supersoling! (I need to update). I just commented a bit ago on your comment, too 😉
Your a New Yorker too!
I never knew that Nanette. Nice to know you’re only 70 miles up the road from here :o)
<looks around to see who else super could be talking to.>
Nope, I’m a Californian, although I have visited NY before (was there for a huge blizzard in 80 something) but I don’t think that counts.
I’m dying to find out where you got that idea, lol.
In the politics section of Human Beams there’s a post about the toxic dust at Ground Zero that was authored by Nanette Kelly and underneath your? name it says NYC.
Ok, so it’s nice to know you’re only 3000 miles up the road ;o)
Favorite book: My Pet Goat
Something you and George have in common. 😉
Good luck with the blog!
Ohhhhh… whew! ;). No, I put that there just to indicate what area of the world or region the story is about. I’d better make it more clear what it is though, or people are going to think some of the writers are a bunch of globetrotters ;).
Sorry for the confusion! 3000 miles is just a hop skip, ya know.
Hey Nanette!
I tried your link, but its broken. Its got an extra .com or .org (it has both)
Thanks Yaright! I have fixed it – lots of typing today, my poor eyes have had it! 😉
I’m bookmarking the Progressive Focus Center site. Looks interesting.
Great! I’m going to try and post a few items as samples in a couple of the areas over the next couple of days as I think people are not quite sure what to do. Much of the direction is (hopefully) going to be decided by the members.
Anyone who is ready to start think tanking can just jump in whenever and wherever though.
Great site Nanette, I’m going to be definitely checking out frequently. (and adding it to my blogroll)
btw, I also checked out Human Beams (back in the original thread). Also very impressed.
Nice job.
Will visit often.
When you start feeling hungry is when you are starting to get better, BooMan!
followed by two days of chicken and rice soup. It was all that wanted but it was soooo gooood!
When I was had pneumonia, all I did was foce myself to eat, drink juice and all. Most of the time, I slept, excpet for when I went to the doctors. (I get nasty when I am sick–my cats were hiding under the bed.) Then, all of a sudden, damn, I was HUNGRY! Knew I was starting to feel better, but still taking it easy, as I don’t want a relapse. (MI winters are notorious for sudden changes in temps when you least expect it!)
I’ve been remiss in not mentioning Unbossed. I myself haven’t been writing much, but my blogmates continue to make excellent posts. Most of the writers are Kossacks, too — em dash, DCvote, shirah, environmentalist — they all do excellent work.
Excellent. I love Unbossed, although I have also been remiss in visiting. Thanks for the reminder.
Hi Nanette! I’ll look forward to seeing you around more!
I confess to have only having visited Mannys, SallyCats, Carnackis, and Jimstaros in the past. Supersoling can really write….Wow. It was so refreshing! Cedwyn’s is like the Speigel Catalog of Whoopass with her blogs cool look and Blogroll of Whoopass. Olivia’s photos soothe my aching brain tonight.
an easy hour at olivia’s blog looking at her photos, they are breathtaking every time.
Lurking at my blog, eh? I’ll have to think up a clever way to get you to come out of the shadows and comment 😉
Any time anyone needs some soothing, come on over and take a breather …
Hugs {{{ManE and MTracy}}} and kisses :*
And about lurking: Don’t be shy — Manny doesn’t bite, and neither does Bud!
You forgot to mention that if you are quite nice, and don’t step on any of her bugs, olivia will even let you name a picture!
Maybe you should put up a ‘delurking’ thread 😉 With cheesecake!
Yes, titles are open for any and all suggestions — even the bug ones. I’m not the most crafty title-er. 🙂
A de-lurking cheesecake sounds like a grand idea, and like CI, I would request chocolate. Yummm.
Just a thank you for the blog, for the listening to the community, for the encouragement you give people, and for your insight.
Try my two blogs:
Politics Plus Stuff which is updated daily (except like yesterday when I was election judge for three Texas precincts in the Democratic Primary from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM) and also
Social Security & Medicare Notes which I update whenever I see a good article on Social Security, Healthcare or Medicare. Leave comments or email me if you see something I should cover, and it will be updated more often.
The 10,000 Things
Besides making a nuisance of ourselves here and on Eurotrib, myself and Gjermun E Jansen do our thing over at
Mine is a research base con salsa. It is mild right now, but it will soon be muy picante.
¡Para Justicia y Libertad!
Oh come on XP…it’s been pretty picante already … con mucho sabor, I might add. 🙂
Thank you.
Mole’s Progressive Democrat Newsletter
Target the Corrupt Republican Blog (not updated as often as I would like…)
And one that I am a front pager on:
Daily Gotham
P!, please.
I guess I’ll throw mine in here, I don’t update it very often tho.
Historical Footnotes
I write a couple (probably the reason I mostly lurk around here…)
Anti Sam Brownback Blog My oldest yet still my baby. Been going at this for a year.
Kansas Political Watch Focuses on state politics in Kansas with a special emphasis on the absurd.
Stop John McCain 2008 I think McCain is the most dangerous GOP candidate we could face in 2008 and I wanted to get ahead in opposition research. This is a group blog with one other contributor at the moment.
I am always looking for new voices and perspectives on any of my blogs. If you or someone you know would like to guest post or co-blog on a regular basis please let me know. You can email me at [username]
Focusing on the local political scene as much as possible:
Brains and Eggs
Houston Democrats (celebrating its first birthday this week)
Dreaming Up Daily where the Captain meets the Future…