Crossposted at Spiritual Awakening

In pursuit of a better understanding of what free will means, let’s explore a specific scripture in the New Testament (Christian Scriptures for the theological and political correct group) that I believe brings some new insight to this discussion.

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” – Revelations 3:20 (King James Version)

This passage reveals some things that many of us may not see at first, but speaks volumes to the behavior that we, as human beings, should think about.  First, these words are associated with Jesus Christ, not one of his disciples or prophets.  This is very important since most of the critics that are raising their voices have identified themselves as Christians who follow the example of Jesus Christ. Keep this in the back on your mind we continue this examination of Jesus Christ’s words revealed in this passage.

The first word that strikes me is stand.  This word have many definitions but the one that seems, in my opinion, to fit within the context of the scripture would be:

“To be in a position of possible gain or loss”

This infers that the final results are not predictable.  Just because you stand at a door, it does not apply that the door will open.  In fact, there is no way to determine the reaction to standing at the door.  The entity on the other side has no reason to approach the door just because you are standing there.  It is an action of anticipation.  No guarantee of a response is a realistic possibility.  Until something happens to cause movement, it is an initial movement with no real sense of purpose.  What is my goal for being at this specific door at this specific time?  Is this the door I need access to?  Why am I standing this specific door to begin with?  These questions are just the tip of the iceberg and I am sure you would have many more questions that you could add.

Many times in our lives, we walk to a door with no idea of why we choose a particular door.  It might look pretty, majestic or special.  It might even be because we just liked that door with no specific reason in mind.  I would hope that we understand why we are standing in front of specific door since our actions could be forever changed by approaching that specific door.

Any movement or cause has to realize the fact that choosing a door carries great responsibility.  All of the noble intentions you may have can not predict what is behind the door or determine if the choice is a correct one.  The fact that the door is not defined in this scripture passage is very important since the fear and trepidation that is inherent with approaching the unknown can not be known in advance.  Simply making that first decision to approach a specific door is critical to advancing to your final objective, whatever that maybe.

 With respect to the Democratic Party, it will be important for us to choose our doors wisely (Yes, I watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!) as the mid-year elections approach.  It is more than just understanding the door, but realizing why we are at the door.  It will enable us to better understand why we are approaching the door and prepare us for whatever the door, if it opens, introduces us to.

Next, we will explore the word knock and why this word enables us to better fight against the wave of “righteous folks who thinks they understand what we, as a nation need better than the rest of us!”

Note:  I have Boy Scout Camporee this weekend, so I will continue next week on this.  Thanks for your understanding and support!!