NYT Fri: Abramoff spending detailed; $20,000 for car monitor
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Anyone think the NSA was watching him? (Naahh!)
Dude was living LARGE.
Oh, Jack. BMWs are so, well, neauveau riche.
See, I think this stuff about a $20,000 monitor is just distraction. It’s non-sense don’t pay attention to it. It’s just meant’ to appeal to your prejudices about “Rich People”. Everybody hates Rich People.
This man took money from a indian group designated for charity and gave it to Israeli settlers to use to speicifally to buy guns and weapons to be used to attack Palestinian People. This man was a Zionist. He wanted to protect and expand Israel. No one seems to know that Israel began as a terrorist state and along with the United States are the largest and most powerful terrorists states on Earth. Bin Laden has nothing on them. People are being dissappeared by the United States all over the globe. Israel is a fascist state that kills anyone in Palestine that disagrees with it. C’mon!
What is this bullshit about TV Monitors? Something much bigger is happening.
So, since Dubai has decided to divest itself and cede its interests to an American company, anyone other than me wanna bet that American entity is Halliburton?
And that this was the origninal desired outcome in the Bush/Cheney command post?
See item in the Friday News Bucket…
From the people who bring you AMERICAblog, it’s Politics TV!
For some reason, I can’t get sites with videos to work with Firefox for the Mac, but fortunately they work fine in Safari.
Worth keeping an eye on…