Chris Bowers has an article up on Russ Feingold. It’s quite good and I fully agree with it. It appears that Russ is getting serious about a Presidential run. And significantly:
He is hoping to tap into the fundraising and organizational energy that former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean used to catapult himself from obscurity to the top of the 2004 presidential field.
Does Russ Feingold deserve the support of the Deaniacs? The question is probably best answered by people that supported Dean’s candidacy. I didn’t. But, I greatly admired Dean’s campaign and especially the people that made up his campaign. And I think Russ Feingold is the natural successor to Howard Dean.
As Bowers details, Feingold suffers from many of the same disadvantages that Dean struggled with. In fact, his perception problems may even be greater. He is a twice-divorced bachelor, he is Jewish, and he is much more progressive than Dean. He will have to overcome the fact that he doesn’t fit the media’s conception of a winning Democratic candidate. He is not a southerner, he doesn’t have a bronze or silver star, and he isn’t the darling of the Democratic Leadership Council.
But he has a lot of the appeal that made Howard Dean so popular. He was the only senator to vote against the Patriot Act, he voted against the war, and throughout the Bush presidency he has consistently told truth to power…even when it was very unpopular to do so.
He is a very, very articulate lawyer, who is best known for working across party lines with John McCain to enact Campaign Finance Reform. He is known to operate from core principles. He raised the ire of Democrats when, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, he voted to confirm John Ashcroft, but as he explained in 2002:
Q: Any regrets on your Ashcroft vote?
Feingold: No. It was the right vote. When the President picks someone who is his ideological soul mate, that’s his right, in my reading of “advise and consent.” I do think, though, the more you get up the ladder, when someone is no longer accountable to the President, and more importantly, will stay in office after the President, the standard gets tougher and tougher.
Q: You mean for judges?
Feingold: Well, first, independent commissioners. People whose terms go for five years or longer, like FCC commissioners. That’s a higher standard. Then district judges, who are appointed for a lifetime but can be overruled. Then Court of Appeals judges. They’re not the highest level, but they’re almost the final word. And then, of course, the Supreme Court.
And he showed this same independence when he backed John Roberts but opposed Samuel Alito.
Simply put, he is one of the most progressive members of the Senate, but he votes according to his conscience…not by testing which way the wind is blowing. When he crosses his party, it never smacks of grandstanding or opportunism, as it so often does in the cases of John McCain and Joe Lieberman.
Taken as a whole, Feingold has a number of strengths that should have a vast appeal. He has the cojones of Dean without any of the tone-deafness, he has the independence of McCain and Lieberman without any of the phoniness and without giving unnecessary comfort to the enemy, he is a straight talker, highly articulate, and he has a strong record of being right on the issues when most of his colleagues were wrong. He also has a reputation as a reformer. And he is a handsome man.
Because of these strengths, I think he a viable candidate for the Presidency. He will, as Chris notes, have to overcome some predictable obstacles. And if Hillary runs, she will certainly be the early front-runner. But the netroots, and Deaniacs should feel very comfortable supporting Feingold. I plan to. What do you think?
Definitely a Deaniac. Count me in.
I’m definitely keeping an open mind with Feingold. I like him as a progressive, and see him as closer to a genuine opposition to the GOP status quo than say Hillary.
I feel Russ would make a wonderful Presidential Candidate. The problem is that it has already been decided by the party that Hillary will be opur next candidate. See the dems just don’t believe in primaries anymore. Oh, they pretend to but it is no longer in the hnads of the voter, imho.
At this point I believe Feingold is the only viable candidate out there, assuming folks like Boxer, Conyers, and Sanders are not in the game. I think there is a powerful hunger in America for leaders who know how to talk straight from their own principles instead of today’s opinion polls. Feingold is the only one on the list with the credentials to tap into that need. Why is it that even self-styled progressives worry about Feingold’s principled independence while they worship McCain’s phony posturing? Fear of winning?
The divorce thing has been around forever. In light of Reagan, it makes no sense to even consider it relevant anymore.
Sad to say, his Jewish identity might be a handicap among some voters. OTOH, unlike Lieberman, he has never been a shill for the Zionist extremist fringe. That could add to his creds as a thoughtful independent.
I think Feingold’s chances depend heavily on what happens in this year’s congressional elections. If Dems take congress and face down Bush and the GOP, including an impeachment drive, Feingold will be seen as standing at the true center. If they wimp out as usual, he’ll be marginalized as “extreme”, and 12-faced pollbots like Hillary will once again turn a sure win into a cliffhanger.
that’s a good analysis that I agree with.
As for the divorces, they are minor, but a bachelor status in 2008 will be a detriment. So, I hope he finds a nice woman that is prepared for the white hot lights.
“DAVE”. I know we can’t though. People just won’t be able to make the jump. I’m not as worried about his religion. JFK still managed to get close enough that it seems that they finished it out with who could steal the most votes to win. To make matters worse….this damn country would love nothing less than a Storybook wedding right in front of them during the wind up! It would be like the Superbowl Halftime Show! We haven’t had a terrific wedding show since Princess Di! America just loves that Camelot Shit and doesn’t Russ have the face for it? He must have a fab girl he is seriously negotiating with or he wouldn’t be seriously considering the rest of this would he? If it so then GO RUSS, if you have the real life cake in the oven you might as well let your shallower constituency have a great time frosting it for America! Hope you knock em dead!
Let them wedding bells ring.
Boxer is not really a sincere person.
Conyers would never run.
Feingold is the only person who is alive in the Senate. The rest are dead. He is the poorest senator.
He doesn’t seem to have a chance but he would get my vote anyway. That’s the only way I would Dumbocratic.
There are only 2 Dems I would go to the ends of the Earth for at this point in time. One is Elliot Spitzer who is going to be my next Governor.
The other is Russ Feingold who is going to be my next President.
and if Feingold wants Murtha as his running mate I certainly won’t complain.
I probably would. But I’d swallow hard and wish Feingold a long and healthy life.
Feingold will not get elected with Boxer as his running mate so if he needs to choose a center or center-right running mate, at least let it be someone who is out there speaking the truth against Bush and his ill-begotten war.
I agree that his being Jewish is more of a problem than his being divorced, but that sort of thing is becoming less and less relevant by the day. Nobody thought a Catholic could be elected president before Kennedy.
My main thought is this: If he is going to run, he needs to start now. I mean today, not day after tomorrow, not tomorrow, and preferably before the 5 O’clock news. He needs to introduce himself to the American people, keep telling them what he stands for, and keep proving it through his actions as well as his words, because as soon as he starts running he is going to be under the microscope.
He’s going to be smeared. We expect that. In fact if we plan on it we’ll be miles ahead. A smart candidate would have an internal Swift Boat Presponse Team whose job it would be to anticipate ad hominem attacks on everything from his opposition to the so-called Patriot Act to his Jewishness to where he buys his socks, and have counters in place before the smears can start.
He has to get his organization in place, start raising the money, start whatever his version of DFA is going to be (he’ll need one), get the netroots mobilized but more important get people who don’t know MoveOn from Mike the Mover interested and excited in a real candidate. He needs good teams in early-adopter states like Iowa who can get the residents there excited about him.
Did I mention that he needs to start on all of this today?
As a personal matter, if he decides to run I’ll match my Democracy Bond with a like contribution to Feingold for President. Like I keep saying, I don’t know what’s going to work in 2008, but I know business as usual isn’t, and I’m ready to try something different.
A twice-divorced, currently single, Jewish president? What country are you living in? I hate to be realistic, really I do. I wish presidents were elected because of their principles or because of their stand on issues but they aren’t. It’s all about image and perception and Russ doesn’t stand a chance of winning the nomination much less the general election.
I have been so busy with other stuff that I can’t allow myself to even think (more than in passing) about 2008. But, yeah, from what I’ve heard, I could probably get behind Feingold. But…
Regarding this web page, where a smiling Russ Feingold repeatedly pops out from behind the computer in different places.
Or maybe that wasn’t strong enough. How about, “Please, for the love of G-d, make it stop!”
Maybe not……maybe Little Green Footballs is so depressed these days they need “something” to inspire fresh ridicule and give them a reason to go on living.
He’s unelectible, though: no military service, Jewish, divorced, progressive?
This is the USA.
The Pentagon pulls all the strings from behind the curtain. Why would they ever let Russ go in?
Hell, he probably wants to cut the Defense Budget! That’s heresy. It’s only 50% of all discretionary spending (and rising). Defense is the only major department to receive a significant funding increase this year. Why is that?
We are a military state. The civilian government is just for show.
The Pentagon is controlling everything: media, industry, diplomacy, elections, and the economy.
The only way Feingold could get in is if we can have a supreme Ukraine moment.
Based on the comments here, sounds like Russ may have some trouble getting even the progressive netroots excited about his candidacy.
Is it really possible for a progressive Senator to win the Presidency? As a former Governor, Howard Dean wasn’t affected by the curse of the Senate. Is it something to worry about with a Feingold candidacy?
On the whole I really like Feingold. And as a former resident of Wisconsin I feel a special connection to him.
However, there are a couple of positions Russ has taken that I don’t agree with: For example, he is apparently against Universal Health Care. Also he voted to confirm John Roberts.
I would like to hear his explanation for why he took these positions… If he has a reasonable argument that doesn’t involve some sort of need for bi-partisanship cop-out then I’d be satisfied. I don’t demand progressive perfection from my candidates, but I’m so sick of pols pandering to the right for the sake of “electability”.
Pennacchio for Pennsylvania