AP-Ipsos Poll: Bush’s Popularity Falls to New Low, With 37 Percent Approving of Performance
WASHINGTON (ABC/AP) 20 minutes ago — More and more people, particularly Republicans, disapprove of President Bush’s performance, question his character and no longer consider him a strong leader against terrorism, according to an AP-Ipsos poll documenting one of the bleakest points of his presidency.
Nearly four out of five Americans, including 70 percent of Republicans, believe civil war will break out in Iraq the bloody hot spot upon which Bush has staked his presidency. Nearly 70 percent of people say the U.S. is on the wrong track, a 6-point jump since February.
"Obviously, it's the winter of our discontent," said Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla.
● Al Qaeda Buys Control Six US Port Facilities ¶ Chertoff Hands Over the Keys
● Human Rights Abuse In U.A.E. – It’s Not A Democracy
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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Thanks Oui,
Best news us Americans, who now live in a Fascist State after last weeks NSA shenanigans, have heard!
I don’t know about that. As his poll numbers go down, the likelihood of a third war goes up.
He could care less what his poll numbers are. He doesn’t worry about breaking the law and spying on Americans, or torturing prisoners or wrecking the economy. Why should he care about approval numbers?
On a side note, I’d be a little worried if I were that teacher who was suspended for talking about Bush and Hitler in the same class lesson. Bush is thinking about him:
He actually thinks hes a good “decision maker” that is incredible. His spoiled upbringing has warped his thinking and he truly believes he can do no wrong. He’s right and everyone else is wrong because that’s what mommy and daddy told him. News flash rich boy; Self-righteous hitler clones do not make good decisions.
Actually the quote is: “but you can’t be a good decision-maker if you’re trying to please people”
Obviously he is trying to please Barby Mom, Daddy, his base, and all those rich people that are donating money.
That is his way of saying: I’m not a good decision maker
Who are the 37% and what would it take for them to lose faith in W. Because only the top 1% of income bracket have benefitted from W’s tax cuts.
True believers, victims of inbreeding, meth addicts?
My guess is that the 37% are the stupidest people that one knows and doesn’t even bother talking to!
I sometimes wonder if a tour of duty in Iraq might do the trick.
Never thought I’d see the day when I would so much as consider whether or not a DRAFT might not be the best thing for this country, but nothing else seems to be driving the point home.
(yes, that’s mostly snark)
I’ve thought the same thing. But, the only way that could be done is to end college deferments, as giving all the same chance to serve in Iraq would be the only way that would be effective. Otherwise, it would be just like Vietnam, someone else’s war.
would you believe It was at the White House request that Dubai Ports withdrew from the deal?
ABCnews reports. We kinda a thought the timing specious.
WASHINGTON Capitol Hill (VOA) Mar. 9 — “DP World has decided to transfer fully U.S. operations of P&O Ports North America to a United States entity. This decision is based on an understanding that DP World will have time to affect the transfer in an orderly fashion and that DP World will not suffer economic loss.”
Senator John Warner, a Virginia Republican and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, read a statement from Dubai Ports World’s chief operating officer, Edward Bilkey, about the company’s decision. Can John Warner choose between U.S. port security and … securities of U.A.E.?
COO of Dubai Ports World, Edward Bilkey, holds up a sheet of paper while he testifies in front of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee.
● Congressional Republicans are running away from Bush this election year.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
(FT) Financial Times, UK reports if US had a parliamentary system the 62-2 would’ve been a vote of no confidence…and that the GOP-controlled House will go ahead next week to force divestment.
Perhaps facing this gem buried in “Bush at his lowest ebb after ports defeat”
I’ve heard cynicism expressed on talk radio that this ports deal furor was a diversion away-a sacrifice play-allowing for the crucial shutdown of NSA warrantless spying hearings by the Senate Intelligence Cover-up Committee, and as well, the renewal of the Patriot Act. Two hideous acts of assault on our freedoms. If nothing else, it was good timing. Bush is a weak duck.
Wanna start a betting pool on how low can he go?
This is a dead elephant bounce:
And so is
