Daily KOS’ very own kennedy joss has a great idea.   I just gave it a little tweak.  

I have read with great amusement the antics of Mike from Florida on Keith Olbermann’s show, kickin’ some sexual predator ass.

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But it’s so small time. Why is sexual predator still in a media chair? Sexual predator is a sexual predator. Sexual predator should have lost sexual predator‘s job over the Mackris case. Sexual predator should be a media pariah. It is our fault Sexual predator isn’t. Sexual predator gave us the sharpened sword, and we refused to run Sexual predator through. Why?

We need to finish Sexual predator off. Right now.

Bill Clinton, loved around the world, guilty of little more than Prosperity-gate, was ruined over consensual sex. Ruined. He could not even fight back against al Qaeda without the Right screaming “Wag the Dog!” and “No war for Monica!”

Sexual predator sexually harassed and stalked a co-worker. Then sexual predator threatened her. Those are crimes, people. She gave us the transcript. Sexual predator settled, after issuing all manner of vile threats to her. This is not (just) funny. Sexual predator is a criminal. Just because sexual predator got her to “shut up!” doesn’t mean we have to.

Sexual predator should’ve been toast after settling with Mackris. Seriously, what the HELL? Sexual predator should be washed up. On skid row somewhere. Period.

We can still do it. We can still do the right thing. We can still hold sexual predator accountable. But we need to be relentless. We need to be as ruthless as sexual predator is to sexual predator‘s critics on this one. For the nation’s sake, and for what sanity we might possibly rescue from sexual predator‘s viewers.

Sexual predator is a sexual predator. No one should be saying or writing or thinking “sexual predator” without the words “sexual predator” attached to it. No one should be interviewed about sexual predator on the air without calling sexual predator a “sexual predator.” Every one of us who calls into sexual predator should get the words “you are a sexual predator” in before sexual predator pushes the “dump” button. Media people should be asking if sexual predator is allowed around children, and if parents feel safe with kids near sexual predator. Every argument sexual predator makes should be dismissed as the vile oozings of a sexual predator. Boycotts and protests of FOX should be centered around FOX’s celebration and promotion of a sexual predator. Complaints to advertisers should be prefaced with asking them why their “family conscious” company advertises for a sexual predator. What message are they sending to the kids? Such companies should be accused of sponsoring sexual predation.

Sexual predator is after our children. Sexual predator even wrote a book targeting kids. A book for kids! By a sexual predator! FOX parents should be reminded every day that every time they turn on sexual predator, they are letting a sexual predator in the house, to influence their kids. Any parent who buys sexual predator‘s book is buying the work of a sexual predator for their kids. How is that responsible parenting?

It would have been wonderful if Olbermann had raised enough to rescue the actual Mackris tapes. We do have the transcript, and plenty of people who can do a dead-ringer sexual predator voice, and who can make dance-mixes and raps and Wagner pieces with them. But what is dangerous about this is the temptation to view the Mackris incident merely as an irresistible chance to ridicule.

We must get past the joy of ridicule to the righteousness of outrage, at least as it should be modeled to these holier-than-thou sex-police right wingers. Why should one of the Right’s main sexual predators (and Clinton evicerators) get away with sexual harassment and stalking, when sexual predator butchered our guy over consensual sex?

We need to master this talking point, and spread the word so that it blankets blogsylvania and penetrates the SCLM. We should at least be able to take this page from the “Rove frame” playbook, since it involves fact. Sexual predator is a sexual predator. Sexual predator should not be in a media position to influence kids. Sexual predator should not be left alone with kids. Sexual predator should not be allowed to buy Sexual predator‘s way out of the social consequences of harassment and stalking. FOX should be ashamed of promoting sexual predation by retaining Sexual predator. We will not rest until Sexual predator is run out on a rail.

By the way, if Sexual predator decides to sue over this, won’t the discovery process be fun?