Now that I (hopefully) have your attention…
Moral bankruptcy precedes the economic kind more often than not.
The United States is headed towards the latter destination, and has already pretty much arrrived at the former.
Intrepid Liberal Journal…a Boo blogger…wrote a fine diary here today named The Sun Tzu Scorecard where (s)he sketched out the wisdom of the classic “Art of War” by Sun Tzu and compared it to the failures of the United States in its response to 9/11.
I want to expand upon that idea somewhat.
The martial arts traditions of China and Japan are based on a certain kind of morality. (In their ideal form, of course.) They are largely based on the concept that if the fighter…or leaders or nation…reaches a state of relative enlightenment, (on a “moral” plane), then the battle will be won.
This contrasts with the more Machiavellian, realpolitik idea that war is simply about the numbers, the tactics and the goal.
The ends justify the means, where the “ends” are simply about winning.
We have largely surrendered our own moral goals as a nation over the past 60+ years or so, and we are now about to reap the whirlwind of that moral bankruptcy.
Read on for more, if you so desire.
After effectively illustrating some of the ways that our leadership has failed the “moral influence” part of Sun Tzu’s treatise, Intrepid wrote:
“There is no greater test of national will than war. To be prosecuted successfully requires wise, competent, and credible leadership.”
It does not need that kind of leadership, Intrepid.
It needs that kind of population.
It needs national will.
National morality.
National intelligence.
We are almost ALL all fault, here.
The United States appears to have shot its load regarding these things during W.W. II. It has not won a military war since then, nor has it won an economic one since the day that JFK was shot. Not that JFK was any paragon of virtue…although I do believe that he was trying to do the right thing, as was his brother…but when we accepted the assassination story, eyes wide shut, we surrendered our integrity as a nation to a cadre of murderers in the name of “peace and prosperity”. And from then on, the Permanent Governnment…the secret government…has essentially ruled this country.
VERY badly.
We do not need a new government. Democrats instead of Republicans. They are two sides of the same tarnished coin.
We need instead a cultural, societal and moral reawakening. And until that happens…IF it happens…we are doomed to continue down the long winding road to defeat and dissolution.
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”-MLK Jr.
We have forgotten this idea…as a people…and we are now paying the price for being on the wrong side of that arc.
So it goes.
No more “United States” within 20 years at the current rate. Northeast…possibly including some of the Great Lakes cities…Southeast, Midwest, South, Southwest and West Coast. Maybe even North West Coast and South West Coast. Separate alliances with Asia, Europe, Canada and South/Central/Caribbean America.
Bet on it.
We have gotten too big, too successful, and hubris is bringing us down, down, down.
This ain’t working.
There are still elements in this society…you can see and hear them represented by such people as Howard Dean, Russ Feingold, Barbara Mikulski and John Conyers, just to name a few…who are working from a MORAL basis. But they do not have enough support among the population, nor will they ACQUIRE enough support as long as the mass media (emphasis on the word mass here) continues to be largely controlled by the corporate world.
Corporations HAVE no morality. Or rather, their “moral” system is different from those of historically successful human cultures. What is morality, really? It is the collected wisdom of millions of years of the successes and failures of various human societies.
It’s what works. Nothing more.
And what works for corporations…a relative newcomer to the morality game…is much simpler.
Quarterly profits.
No profits for a quite short period of time, and corporations do what they must to survive.
WHATEVER they must. That is their morality, and as can be plainly seen once we open our eyes (even for a quick peek), that is the “morality” of those who have been subsumed by the corporate culture as well.
On EITHER side of the political aisle.
This will eventually lead to a failure of the larger system in which those corporations exist…a GLOBAL failure if they succeed in becoming the multi-national state that is the logical extension of their continuing progress towards power…because the long-term morality that has arisen through the repeated successes and failures of billions and billions of individuals (the morality of sacrifice, of compromise for the greater good) simply does not compute within the same machine as does the short-term, bottom line “morality” of the corporate entities.
A lot of people have gotten quite angry at me here because I have repeatedly suggested that the Democratic Party is no longer a viable alternative to the Republican Party in this crisis. But they are BOTH controlled by the same corporate world, and they both operate under the same strictures, using the same tools.
Rigged conventions.
PR-driven media bullshit.
Well…so it goes.
And so it falls unless a miracle occurs.
(They do, y’know. Sometimes…)
We shall see.
It’s what’s for supper.
Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.-Frederick Douglass
Let’s talk about this.
Comments, recs…
Thank you.
Very cogent and a must read. I’m recommending.
diary, Arthur, recommended.
This is great!! And, I’ll tie this one into health care too! Thanks.
Since I’m fully AWAKE now, I must say that this is one of your best.
Good MORNING, America!!!
Good Morning to you to Arthur. Although I must say that the use of the words “good moring” can be somewhat inapproporaite for me anyway. I’m a night owl. In other words, if I fall asleep before 4-5 AM and wake up before noon, that it really unusual for me. So, waking up at noon, and doing whatever running around that I have to do, and logging in to see what is really going on in the world (before 3PM) is normal for me!
EST too!
Thank you all.
An interesting side comment.
Six recommendations in about an hour and a quarter…maybe a little longer, because I edited some grammar…but not on the recommended list. Not so far, anyway. I have seen diaries with four recommendations on that list.
Did I piss off too many people?
The wrong people?
I have always been a little wary of a recommendation system that works on rules that we are not allowed to know. DKos style. I understand that the secrecy is meant to prevent people from gaming the system, but still…that ASSUMES a lack of morality. Which on the overall evidence of this culture is a fairly safe assumption, I suppose. Only…if you do not ask (and expect) better of those who wish to reform the system, then this question must be asked.
On which side of the mirror are we really living?
We shall see…
AG- here is how the recommendation system works.
Each recommend is worth 1 point. After 6 hours a recommend loses a quarter of its value, and it loses another quarter for each 6 hours that passes, until it loses all value.
If you unrecommend, and then rerecommend, it still uses the original time-stamp, so you cannot renew the power of your recommmend.
I can tinker with these variables, but I never have. Actually, that is not true. About 6 months ago we sped up the degradation of the recommends. Anyway, I don’t mess with it.
My vote is worth the same as anyone else’s. And it is all automated. I play no part in what shows up.
I knew I took too long to respond.
the list, it depends on how many recommends the other diaries receive and when they’re given. There have been more people hitting the rec button lately on the various stories, so it raises the amount needed to get on the list. Clear as mud? 🙂
Give it a bit more time.
It’s a good diary. I gave it its first rec.
begging for attention does not become you, nor does the near paranoid jumping to conclusions (distrusting the rating system less than 2 hrs after the diary was posted).
The way I understand it, the rec system is “comparative”–that is, the number of recs it takes to get on the rec list varies–depending on the number of recs OTHER diaries get on the same day (so, on one day, 4 recs might be enough to put you on the list–on another day–like today, it might take as many as 30).
Go look at the number of recs the first and last diaries on the rec list have: “praising s.d.” by Meteor Blades has 32, the O’conner story has 31).
It’s not ALWAYS a conspiracy, bro.
And MB’s 32 recommends are probably worth no more than 8-12 points right now. So AG may find himself on the list once he exceeds 8-12 recommends.
I firmly believe the diary is worthy of being there and it will make it there.
I am not “begging for attention”, stark.
Just curious.
I really don’t give a damn WHO reads what I have to say. Even less of a damn than I do about who listens to what I play, because I make a living from what I play. This is just a little…moral sideline.
I lay it down as best as I can. and people either pick up on it or they don’t. Not my concern, one way or the other. This is a MAINSTREAM bop/post bop jazz musicians’ attitude, and I learned it at the knee of some of the masters. When Bird and them were playing WAY on the outside of the harmony and time in a little basement bar in Harlem…at Minton’s…had their self-value been dependent on the acceptance of others, they would have quit and gone into another line of work.
Same here.
I am more than a little paranoid these days, though
As well should we all be. On the evidence
The evidence that surrounds us at every turn.
Do you know Willam Burroughs’ definition of a paranoid?
“One who is in posession of all the facts.”
I am in posession of certain “facts” regarding what went down on dKos. All hearsay and circumstantial evidence, but enough to convince THIS jury of one that all is not as it seems in Left Blogville.
So…I ask.
This place seems to have been eminently fair so far.
But then…that’s what I originally thought about dKos as well.
So…I ask.
That’s all.
Believe me, I know what goes down at the big O: as previously stated elsewhere, I do believe I have the less-than-dubious “honor” of being the only author to have had a recommended diary DELETED by the admins over there.
But, I’m still not convinced that the admins of this site are cut from the same cloth. I’ve seen too much evidence to the contrary.
Give it some time……
Me too. (About BooTrib)
Let us pray.
And, regarding dKos…when I got offed there, I had a diary up that had been near the top of the rec list for about 5 days, if I remember correctly.
Does that count?
Congrats, you are now on the rec list. You’re place in blog history is now secure.
And good NIGHT, boran!!!
I’m proud to have a small contribution in your getting up there! Seriously though, kudos on a job well done.
So…let us CONTINUE to talk, here.
If the institutions that did at one time teach a cogent moral code to a large number of Americans have mostly broken down in the effective pursuit of this most necessary societal task…and by this I mean the churches, the mythmakers (media division thereof, including literature) and the educational system in general…then WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?
And my own answer to this question has entirely to do with the only part of that triumvirate that still survives in some sort of dominant position.
The media.
How do we revolutionize…and other word will do…the media of this country? And quickly, because we already have one foot in the grave and the other on a soon-to-be-bounced check.
We cannot legislate a change of this magnitude, because the media currently has the ONLY say in who gets elected on a national level. In who even gets seriously CONSIDERED for election.
SELECTION, as far as I am concerned. And nothing “natural” about it.
Thus the genesis of my NEWSTRIKE!!! idea. (Besides the other part of it…the Sufi idea of potentially awakening from sleep, only on a societal rather than a personal level.)
NEWSTRIKE!!!. A media strilke, really. And a consumer strike as well.
If as I posit above the morality of a corporation lies entirely in its bottom line…then that’s where the equivant of its conscience lives as well.
Kick ’em in their conscience.
Withdraw the financial support of the most desirable demographic in America…the white, liberal middle/upper middle class and the educated classes in general (Sorry…that’s the vast majority of who’s on these blogs; that’s who runs the Democratic Party at the voter level as well, and that is the demographic most salivated over by the corporate advertisng clones. BET on it.) and the corporations will feel…well, they’l feel their version of guilty.
Less successful financially.
Do it BIG enough and this whole system would topple. Personally, I think that one big weekend of media strike would do it.
It would SURE as hell start the ball rolling.
Scare ’em to DEATH, it would.
Easter would be nice.
The REAL Spring Break!!!
So would July 4th.
And so on.
But…so far, so little.
So it goes.
I keep on trying.
Just call me Busta Nut.
Goddammmit. When you nail it, you really nail it.
Just another elaborate nail in a very expensive coffin unless we find a way to change how information is distributed in this country.
The headlines in Google News as of 5 PM EST, Friday, 3/10/06
Orphaned orca feared killed by tugboat
LSE rejects Nasdaq takeover approach
Saturn Moon Has Water Geysers and, Just Maybe, Life
TOURNAMENTS: Syracuse topples No. 1 Connecticut
With no star chemistry, ‘Failure to Launch’ never takes off
Census Report Foresees No Crisis Over Aging Generation’s Health
And finally…the kicker:
Dubai’s Western-oriented image couldn’t save ports deal
“Dubai’s Western-oriented image???!!!”
This is a hereditary monarchy ruled by hawks of the WORST variety.
Some bad, BAD folks.
BET on it.
Saudi Jr.
Bin Laden doesn’t like them.
Anyone who is against arms and terrorist and narcotics smuggling doesn’t like them.
BAD boys, no matter WHICH Bilkey they prop up to front for them.
Of course…they are also our “allies” if that term can accurately be used to describe people who are entirely mercenary in purpose.
We’ve been some kind of combination of the highest bidder/easiest mark. So they’re our boys.
They are just high level smugglers.
Facilitators for profit.
Remember Desert Storm? George I? Where did it start, again? At the north end of the Persian Gulf.
Why did Willie Sutton rob banks? Because that’s where the money was.
Why does the US fight wars? Because that’s where the oil is.
Kuwait is the end of the land shipping route for oil, the beginning of supertankerville into the Persian Gulf.
And who controls the Persian Gulf?
U.A.R. (Abu Dhabi on this map) on one side, Iran (those nuke bearing monsters) on the other.
Iran and…the U.A.R.
UH oh…
And…from where did most of the U.S. troops in Desert Storm embark?
U.A.R., baby.
Saudi Arabia without the inconvenience of Mecca, Medina and all that important Islamic history. The U.A.R. can be bought without having to hide it very much.
Now…where do you think the that the generals and the other buttbrains who are “gaming” this oncoming war with Iran…where do you think that THEY might think it could be important to buy yet even MORE “alliance”?
Abnd what do the headlines say about all of this?
Dubai’s Western-oriented image couldn’t save ports deal.
Thieves got pinned is more like it. Took is SO far that even their political satraps couldn’t run it past the rubes.
But…don’t worry. They’ll find ANOTHER way.
And the media won’t cover THAT at all.
Unless forced to do so, of course.
Too many movie reviews and sports results to print.
And…”OOOOoooo…Looka THAT!!! A dead WHALE!!!”
There’s speculation afoot that Haliburton stands to make out like a bandit from the port deal fiasco – and that maybe, just maybe, that was the plan all along. Wouldn’t put anything against the neoconmen occupying the White House.
But…don’t worry. They’ll find ANOTHER way.
And the media won’t cover THAT at all.
Listen…they say the world has gotten smaller, right? And of course they are right.
Well, back in the day…say the ’30s or the ’50s…when there were several rival gangs of criminals in one area, they fought one another. Right? For territory? For control over various rackets? But they were always spoken of…always thought of and treated…as “the gangsters” by the straight world. No matter what wars were fought or what temporary alliances were formed among them.
But here? Now? In this BIGGER small world…the Halliburtons and the Bechtels are thought of as somehow different from the Abu Dhabis and the Saudis.
They’re not.
They ally, they raid…same same.
Just bigger.
In this much, much smaller world.
Just bigger.
their long history of mistreatment of migrant workers, that that consumer paradise/rich-man’s-playground was built on the VERY cheap labor of imported workers who often work in deplorable conditions, for meager wages, often unable to recover passports that are seized by their employers upon arrival.
Not nice people, but obviously playing from the Bush playbook.
I personally think one of the reasons BushCo was so anxious to get them running the ports was to kill the labor unions …
You write:
‘I personally think one of the reasons BushCo was so anxious to get them running the ports was to kill the labor unions … “
I am not sure if that is quite accurate, Madman.
Does a predator even HAVE a purpose, besides getting fed?
I think that we overestimate these people.
Take away the $1000 dollar suits and the James Baker smiles, and what do you have?
Don Carlyle. Capo di tutti capi.
Pull those strings, Jimmy Boy.
Pull those strings.
oh, I think guys like him think about such things … perhaps just as bonuses … like good crispy fat on the edge of a fat juicy rib, but still … but I think such things play a part in the deals they make.