cross posted at Kos

I don’t have all the story but Justice O’Connor has BLASTED the Republicans for their partisan attacks on the courts. She stated (paraphrase) that partisan attacks on the courts for political purposes must stop. She included references to cutting a court’s budget, intimidation, and poisioning the public against the judicial system. Wow! Then she said something off the charts…
She closed by saying (paraphrase) that it takes a long time to become a dictatorship but better to stop the slide at the beginning than the end. That’s Right..Sandra Day O’Connor used the word dictatorship. Not some ‘nutty blogger’ not some ‘left wing lezzy’ but the most venerated, praised, widely respected, Justice O’Connor.

The audio was on NPR..I suppose the lead could be ‘NPR finds its balls’ cause I’ve been scouring the net and can’t find the speech but the audio will be on the net at 10AM

I don’t care if this diary gets recommended or not (I had a good diary yesterday that got pretty much ignored) but I hope this gets picked up. Her statements were right on the mark, Molly Ivins could not have said it better. Thank you Justice O’Connor, from the bottom of my heart I salute your guts and courage. You told it as it is except you may have left out that we’re well into the slide down the slippery slope (or maybe you inferred).