In the Department of Groaaaan, the President is planning to give a series of speeches next week, explaining the administration’s strategy for winning the war in Iraq. Evidently, the morons in the White House think America will learn to love Der Leader again, if he just dispenses another boatload of resolve.
The president hopes to give “better depth, understanding and context for how the strategy in Iraq is unfolding,” a senior White House official said of the planned speeches.
Let me give you an example of how it is unfolding:
In two separate shootings in Baghdad on Saturday, gunmen driving a sedan killed five people in the Dawra neighborhood, the police said, and in a third shooting, a manager of the Iraqia television station was fatally shot by unidentified gunmen as he headed to work in the capital.
Six more bodies were discovered shot and dumped around the city: two in Dawra, two in Baya and two in Sadr City, a large Shiite neighborhood.
At least 37 bodies have been recovered in the capital this week, according to the police. Many of the victims had their limbs bound and suffered execution-style killings by garroting or gunshots.
The above description of a now typical Saturday in Bahgdad was characterized somewhat differently by George W. Bush.
Bush praised Iraqis for so far not escalating the ongoing crisis into a full-fledged civil war. “As I said earlier, there was — no question there was violence and killing, the society took a step back from the abyss,” Bush said. “And people took a sober reflection about what a civil war would mean.”
And if being subjected to the same tired old rhetoric from Bush isn’t painful enough, it gets worse.
Vice President Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other Cabinet members will be making speeches on Iraq in advance of the anniversary of the U.S. invasion.
Ah yes, I almost forgot to buy flowers. Happy Anniversary, folks! And have a fun week.
Happy 74th Birthday, Mom! You have a fun week, too.
Breaking News!!
Is this considered part of the PR campaign? The Sunday Independent, (UK) 03/12/06:
“Britain and US in talks over closing Guantanamo Bay”
Anyone see the irony in plain sight (excerpt 2nd graph)?
Wonder if he’ll be traveling in a Medicare Rx Bus?
Have you ever seen him without props?
wonder if, in addition to refusal to admit he’s wrong, there’s an element of dysfunctional gambling in this – the conviction that on the next throw of the dice he’s going to win. or is it just the “faith based” reality thing. it’s truly bizarre.
i mean both taking up another speechifying tour and re: what’s happening in Iraq “on the next step towards democracy, it’s all going to fall into place”
Combined with all of the other reports of message control legislation, it looks like he’s laying the groundwork for what can’t be talked about. The acceptable phrases and positions will be the ones GWB uses in his speeches and anything that strays from the standard will likely be prosecutable as aiding the enemy.
that Bush was going to give 20 speeches in 20 states (don’t remember the actual numbers) to convince Americans that the demolition of Social Security was a swell idea? With every speech he gave, the poll numbers on his plan went lower.
I bet this will work about as well.
Maybe, Bush really doesn’t know what’s going on in Iraq. He doesn’t read newspapers or watch tv, except sports maybe. He may just be in some nah-nah-land bubble and believes the creepy stuff he says.
And, I’ve got deja vu about this speechifying stuff. When was it that he was going to do this before? I’ve got this vague memory that he was going to give five speeches outlining his “plan” and then he gave the same old campaign rhetoric a couple of times until CNN cut away in the middle of the second one and then he never gave another one after that. Was this a nightmare I had or does someone else remember this, too?
There was much hype about Bush going into greater detail than ever before to convince folks to support the war. Then, as you say, it was just more of the same old drivel.
but maybe we just had the same nightmare
something like 100 people in a room and someone in front holds up a card and asks if it’s a circle or a square. 99 people have been told in advance to say the circle is a square. they see how long it takes for the experiment subject to cave and go along with the circle is a square perception. same with us this time. the wh will say it’s lots of detail and a new plan or new explanation and see how long before we begin to agree – “hey yeh! it is a new plan. “stay the course,” how about that! never thought of that one! “dead-enders! wow! what a great concept. etc
Happy Anniversary, BooMan! and BooTrib!
The place has definitely come a long way in a year. Congrats.
My, how time flies when you’re having fun.
If one didn’t know any better this is the kind of report that could cause anyone reading this announcement to immediately wet their pants due to uncontrollabe hysterical laughter.
Should be a very interesting week. Some really big reports due out while this group of lying fools will be speech making.Can’t wait. The tragedy will be the “Dem” response!
I guess the first gunshot in this PR was the report regarding the March Madness alert!
God how I despise them- Nott the goprs but the effing msm that is sucking from the corporate teat!
If you want to know just what bush’s speechifying on Iraq plan is, go read transcript of his radio address on White House site. More of the same old bullshit with a few added twists. He seems to have just discovered the idea that IED’s are a real threat to our troops and sounds as usual like he is almost lecturing us on this new found information. He’s even going to set up and put in charge some general(I think)to get a handle on these IED’s.
And of course the same old bullshit how we’re fighting there so Al Queda doesn’t have a place to plan/plot to attack if it’s not safe for them there they don’t have the rest of the world to plot/plan in..jesus does he really not know how stupid that sounds?..don’t bother to answer that.
Hopefully this pr move will tank in the public’s mind just like the whole privatizing of SS did..and they really will start to see the Emperor is wearing no clothes to match having no brain to speak of.
The proper response to all this speechifyin’, or at least what the proper response would be if I were running the show, would be to hold massive demonstrations in each of the cities Bush is going to visit a day before he gets there. Get people all fired up so that when he arrives and starts shooting off his mouth, they’ll be reasy to respond appropriately.
On the other hand, he does a pretty good job of creating opposition to his plans all by himself.
So if His Nibs goes out and gives the same speech he’s given for the last, what? Three years? If he gives that same speech a few more times to a few more handpicked crowds, somehow we are going to magically stop our opposition to an unjust and illegal war and begin believing that torture is OK, provoking our enemies will get them to stop, there is no civil war when there plainly is, up is down, black is white and s**t is Shinola?
Yeah, that’s what I thought. Just checking.
I recommend a rapid-response smackdown by the left blogosphere each time he delivers one of these idiotic speechifying scripts.
Come on. IT’s not that difficult, and no one believes him anymore except the Kool-Aid gang of 34%.
Just remember when told how well it’s doing in Iraq – ask them when they’re going to go and how long they’re going to stay. And don’t forget to point out that Uncle Sam will take any 39 year old or under able bodied person on an all expenses paid fun, fun, fun one year trip to Iraq.
Maybe Bush ought to do that one week speaking tour in Iraq since this will just give everyone in the US a one week detailed view of just how out of touch the Commander in Chief has become.
Rove is losing his touch.
george’s SOS tour – save our ship, or same old shit?
all together now – grooaan!
I kinda liked Tom Friedman’s idea this morning about sending Shotgun Cheney to straighten out the problems in Iraq. Sorry no link – of course it is not available to the rabble. What a lovely picture.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to hearing how daddy george ‘appreciates’ and ‘fully understands’ everything.