Welcome back!

This week I will continue with the painting of the Zuni, New Mexico mesa seen in the photo below.  Once again, although the photo is not my own, I have been to the site many times in my travels.

When we finished last time the painting appeared as depicted in the photo immediately below.

At that point time, I stated that I would be moving on the other aspects of the painting.  Well, something intervened.  Quite  insightfully, Miss Devore commented that she would have the clouds follow the curve of the earth for more depth.  After reading this, my large single cloud seemed, well, just flat.  It just seemed to lay on the canvas and added nothing to the scene.  So, I’ve taken that good advice and have run with it.

Actually, I’ve completely changed it.  There are now 2 new clouds and they lead the eye into the painting.  In doing this, some depth is achieved.  I’m not completely happy with the way the clouds have been painted, but their placement and relationship to the mesa is pleasing. (They look rather like incoming visitors to Roswell.)

The once-again revised clouds are seen below. (Along with mesa highlights that now appear as a very light bluish color.)

I may alter the highlights again but not until I’ve looked at them this way for a couple of days.

See you next week when I will hopefully have moved on to other aspects of the painting.