Round ‘n Round and Never Worry
Where You’re Going
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Put your quarter in and take a ride.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Put your quarter in and take a ride.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Get on your horse and ride.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
evening folks!!!! sorry I keep disapperaing but I am exhausted from today. The meet and greet was on the patio and being out in the sun all afternoon wore me out.
Sun does that to me, too. It just sucks all the energy right out of me. Hope you wore sunscreen!
How long did you sit outside drinking coffee this morning?
ABout two hours. The first hour in the sun, the second with the patio umbrella up. THen it got too damn hot.
no sweet tea to keep you cool?
Gag. Have you ever tasted the sweet tea down here? Not to make sweeping generalizations or anything, but it’s no mystery why some of the natives have no teeth left.
I just choked on my lemon water. I didn’t expect that end.
I was outside from 10 am till 4 pm and no sunblock LOL Luckily I am noy burn too much but I am the walking dead right now. I am going to bed. See you folks tomorrow.
Apparently you made an impression on sniff this morning because usually he just run pell mell through the water and swims if it gets too deep but today he was quite prissy about where he went across.
Did you tell him I was fond of him?
I explained the whole thing to him — how you were fond of him but that it for the best that the two of you remain just friends. He took it very well — probably because I was giving him some cheese while I’ll told him.
I just foumd my perfect Italian word.
sprezzatura — the state of effortlessness. “It means the mastering of something — an art, a life — without really working at it … “
It’s the Italian for slacker!
It’s rather unslackerish to go looking for other word when there’s already one in place.
So where did you come across this word?
You know that whole stack of books that I’m supposed to be reading? (Lolita for my next book club; Crashing the Gate; 3 nights in August, etc.) Well, I’m ignoring it. A friend at work lent me “A Thousand Days in Tuscany” and I decided I needed to read that right NOW. It was a good decision.
And the word is right there in chapter 4.
Haven’t heard of that one — what’s it about?
It’s a memoir and a sequel. Her first memoir was A Thousand Nights in Venice. She’s a chef who lived here in St. Louis for a while and she’s also a food writer. Marlena de Blasi. She met this Italian guy and married him and moved to Venice. Then they moved to Tuscany.
Each chapter has a food theme and most of them end with a recipe. Chapter 5 tells how to roast a chicken (where’s CG?)
I’m not a big reader of food books but this sounds like an interesting way to do food and travel. I’ll have to see if the library has her books.
It’s actually not about food per se. It’s about her life in general trying to fit into this Tuscan town. She just organizes it around food. And throws in other interesting facts.
For instance
did you know that the word spa is actually a Latin acrnonym? salus per acquam or health through water.
It’s light reading but interesting.
I like to brine mine with cider before roasting it..have you ever tried that? 🙂
No but it sounds good.
She put the chicken in a roasting pan on a bed of turnips,potatoes, onions, carrots and leeks. She put crushed but not peeled garlic in the chicken, rubbed it all over with olive oil with wild rosemary. then after the chicken is done baking, she puts the carmelized vegetables over a hot flame with some white wine. Simple but good.
Sounds really good, even though I’m not a big fan of rosemary.
My brother gave me Three Nights in August for Christmas. It’s the perfect book for a Cards fan — if you hate Tony LaRussa, it’ll give you plenty of ammunition for continuing to roll your eyes, but if you like him (and remember, he was also successful managing the A’s), it gives you plenty to admire. Yes, maryb, we’ve finally found a subject on which we disagree.
what is it we disagree on?
Tony LaRussa. I’m an admirer; seems to me I’ve seen you say somewhere you aren’t so much. Of course, in this I’m much influenced by my brother, who’s both a Cards and an A’s fan, and particularly admires LaRussa’s handling of players (he admired Casey Stengel for much the same reason; considers him to have been a genius at using exactly the right player for a given situation).
It’s not Tony I don’t like. I can’t stand Dave Duncan and the two of them come as a package. But I don’t dislike Tony. I just get annoyed because he coaches differently in the playoffs than he does during the season.
Last year he actually played national league ball. Hit & run, bunting the runner along, some actual strategy rather than just big hits. It was fun. Until the playoffs.
The problem for Tony is that I will never love anyone as much as Whitey.
Yeah, Whitey was something special. I always waited for him to do something creative with batting out of order (I’m pretty sure I saw Dusty Baker do it once with the Giants, though nobody mentioned it, so I may have been mistaken. Dusty brought in two defensive substitutions, fifth and sixth in the batting order, in about the fifth inning one game. I’m pretty sure they batted in one order first time through, and the opposite order the next time. Since nobody objected, I assume the order was wrong the first time, and when the switched the second time through, it was too late.) I don’t know how many games Whitey ever actually won on his superior command of the rule book, but he sure made a lot of them more interesting.
As much as growing up with the Cardinals taught me to appreciate and enjoy little ball, what it really taught me to appreciate was fielding. It’s why players like Rolen and Edmonds are so special, and why I grew so impatient with the Red Sox when I lived in Boston, and was so sorry to see J. T. Snow leave the Giants. My favorite type of game is one that’s tight and well-played, but ultimately turns on superior defense.
It will never happen again. No more rock hard astroturf and deep deep walls. So no need to build a team based on speed and defense.
Does this count as the most disgusting ballpark food?
Wow! I never knew Sauget was such a gourmet heaven!
tell the truth
you thought it only had strip clubs
now it has family entertainment that will kill you
a list of area cardiologists…or give you a coupon for 10% off your angioplasty…
Mary, you crack me up, as usual! I’m no vegan, veggie or prude, but that just sounds vile. The few times I’ve eaten Krispy Kremes, I thought I could feel my teeth rotting as I chewed, and my arteries screaming in pain. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good donut as much as the next guy, but I don’t allow myself to indulge too often… which makes the occasional delicious guilt that much more enticing, I suppose. But Krispy Kremes? I’ve never understood their appeal to people,unless they’re hell bent on gaining weight. Hmmm, maybe that’s how George Clooney put on all those pounds for “Syriana!” LOL.
Cheers, Mary, hope your weather hasn’t been as dramatic today/tonight as ours has. We’ve gone from thunderstorms, wind and hail here to snow likely late tonight and tomorrow. Ahhh, March in the midwest!
The sun? Both yesterday and today, the sun disappeared when we went out for a walk.
Sounds familiar. Sometimes in Cleveland, I would swear that there was one big cloud directly over my house at all times. Just sitting there.
Hi Toni.
Did you get all the rain in Michigan that we’ve been having down here in Indiana?
Hi Andi (that sentence sounds like Barney Fife in my head). I think that we’ll be getting that rain tomorrow and Tuesday. How much rain did you get?
6 inches in three days as of this morning but we’ll probably have added another 1/2 to 3/4 inch by morning.
Yikes! That must make your lake quite a bit bigger.
Yup — in fact, it’s out of its banks and over the road. Good thing that the camp isn’t in session.
I posted a picture to show what the rain has done to the creeks here.
Well, I can’t wait for it to get here.
Been dry?
I’d be delighted to send you about 2/3 of what we got.
Weather people said all of our bad weather is heading towards the great lakes region.
Lurker materializes. It rained all day here in NY.
When’s it supposed to stop?
It’s not, these are the end times. Oh, sorry, I was momentarily confused by hearing one too many fundies. Tomorrow, I think.
but, not by floods — we were promised!
Of course, if the ground gets any mushier, it won’t need to flood; we’ll just slowly sink in over our heads.
Us froggies will just swim away.
such a positive attitude.
Night everbody.
Looks like everyone’s prettu much turned in…but I’m still up (of course it’s only 10pm here) — will head off to bed soon.
Any of you see “The Insider” tonight? Tonya Harding’s gotten chubby… :'(
I’m still up; I figure there’s no point in turning in since we’re going to have tornado warnings in about 40 minutes.
I didn’t see it but I’d love to see what Tonya looks like now.
good luck with the weather. Those twisters are a menace.
I’m going to TRY to go to sleep. We’ll see how it goes. My insomnia has been better lately, but it still plagues me.
see ya
She’s still denying she knew anything about the attack on Nancy Kerrigan…maybe she didn’t know, her scum boyfriend might’ve set it up to try and cash in on her later…
He was a scum boyfriend. I’ve never been sure whether she knew. I’m not standing up for her or anything but I’ve always thought there was some “trailer trash” discrimination going on against her.
She may not be an intellectual giant, but I think even at that young age, she was too shrewd. But not shrewd enough to denounce him as soon as she became aware of it.
I don’t think she would risk her chance at big bucks and swimmin pools and movie stars with such a stupid stunt that would inevitably be found out and blow it all for her.
The boyfriend or husband, I think was not only not smart, but stupid. Even if she did not win a gold medal, she was certain to have more money, and very likely to win a medal.
And as you say, he could have done it for spite. Maybe he knew that whatever she might get in the way of medals and resulting money, he was on the way out and would not be receiving a benefit.
Sounds like you folks have been engaging in multivarious indulgences this weekend. I feel so lame … the past 2 weeks I’ve been so busy at work and depressed about the general state of affairs that I’ve only been lurking a bit around here, and feel guilty at that. sigh
This weekend, after the last grueling week at work, I took it somewhat easy and did a little work around the house (cleaning therapy) and a delightful trek to Target with a girlfriend yesterday. I picked up the new Harry Potter movie and Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving Castle, which have been our viewing choices the past 2 nights. Just finished watching Howl’s and decided to pop in here to see what’s up … for any of you who haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it, even for those not enamored with Japanimation (like myself)!! His brilliance shines in almost every frame of this film, and you feel such a gush of emotional renewal at the end, that it’s amazing an animated film can produce such a reaction. But I’m a Miyazaki fan (thanks to a Japanese friend) now and I hope he will make many more films before retiring (and he’s 76+ now) … Anyway, that’s how I spent my weekend trying to stay away from politics!
Nah, I really didn’t completely … I wrote Russ Feingold this afternoon, and am writing Tom Harkin tomorrow on the Censure motion. I encourage all of you to do the same, if you haven’t already!
–end rant–
Cheers to all, and let’s hope the next week brings good news! What do you hope for? Cheney resigns? Impeachment proceedings begin? Karl Rove succombs from fatal constipation? Bill Frist’s toupee flies off into the sunset? The possibilities are endless. Priceless.