Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Hi everyone!!!! I won’t be able to participate very much as I am currently in the throes of a bad back acting out and cannot sit for long. Have a great day everyone and try to stay warm or cool as the case may be. Hugs to each and every one of you.
Hi Diane! I hope you have a good Sunday as well and that your back feels better soon!! I get that same thing where I sometimes can only sit for brief periods — the only thing for it is rest. Take care!
Hi Diane. I forgot to call and leave a message. What is the number again?
Hi, boo, I emailed the number to you and if anyone else wants to make a podcast, email me for the phone number if you don’t have a mic.
I love the picture on the cafe today. Who is the artist?
I am not sure right now who the artist is, it could be Diego Rivera, but it may also be an artist who paints in that style.
Hello Diane. How’s the back? I hope better.
Sign the Petition for Oregon’s Senator Wyden to put his office on the side of stopping the war in Iraq
We at CodePink need these signatures (only a measley 350 so far) to deliver the signatures to his office.
Please sign. Thank you!
will definitely bring out the ferocity in a normally placid little creek.

Today (same spot from above)

Wow, really great shots, I feel like I am there.
Thanks. Right back atcha for your pic. I suspect your water made more noise than mine but it was impressively loud for around here.
…about the rapids earlier!
Wow. I love where you live. It’s awesome.
Hi Olivia. Well SallyCat won’t be able to rafting on it but it was flowing really fast.
And I guess I should let maryb know that Sniff was very careful about shooting the rapids. He spent five minutes deciding where to cross.
BTW, DJ has a flower drink picture downthread.
Yes I saw that! :~)
Afternoon folks. Another fonky day, low clouds, light to moderate snow…this has been pretty much the picture since Wednesday
Must try to get moving, many things to do today.
Get well Diane!
Great picture. It pulls your eye (and you right along with it) right in.
Great photo!
I like the way the snow covered rocks frame the stream. I think I’m just saying what Andi said differently.
Thanks Andi, Jim and MM
My first semi-successful color to B&W conversion…the orig. image is Here, if you’re interested, so I think it’s a definite improvement.
I’m actually quite pleased with it. B&W photography is really my true love…maybe this Digi stuff will work after-all…:{)
I like the way you cropped the B&W version, but I also like being able to see beneath the water in the original version.
It’s still there [ctrl clik on orig. above and open in a new window, it’ll take you to the large view]…the light was so flat that the polarizing filter was ineffective and I’m far from that level of manipulation in PS…the learning curve ‘wall’ is, indeed, formidable.
if you don’t mind me asking, what camera do you use?
Not at all.
My new one (6mos) is a Canon Rebel XT Digital SLR, 8 megapixel w/ two lenses, the std 18-55mm and a 55-200 zoom (35mm equivalent = Focal length X 1.6 + -). I’m still struggling w/ it…:{)
My primary film body camera is a ’74 vintage Canon Ftb Manual SLR w/ a variety of lens. I’m so familiar w/ it, it’s like an extension of my minds eye.
Also use a Nikon One Touch, P&S, that’s nearly 20 yrs. old. It’s my ‘work’ camera, but I usually throw it in the bag when travelling and have gotten some very nice results w/ it.
Lots of filters, lens hoods and miscellany to respond to various film and light conditions. All lenses are Canon™ BTW…excellent optics.
TMI, eh?
I’m so familiar w/ it, it’s like an extension of my minds eye. Now that’s seriously cool! No wonder your photos are so good. π
TMI? Oh no! Thank you — this is all great stuff. I’m getting a new camera next month (my b-day present to myself) so I’m grilling everyone I know who takes pix lol!
I’m leaning toward the Nikon D70s based on the quality of photos I’ve seen from friends.
But, I’m interested in your experience w/ Canon. Your photos are great.
(btw — my current camera is a Canon p&s and I really like the quality and colour etc., so that is why I’m going back and forth)
Thanks for the info!
When you’re ready to buy, check these guys out: B&H PHOTO, I’ve bought a fair amount of stuff from them over the years and have found them to be very reputable and honest…which is not always the case w/ some of the sites. Great prices, excellent service and tracking. Might save you some serious $’s.
Also, THESE GUYS are a good source for reviews of Dig cameras. And Google is always your friend…:{)
Just ask if there’s anything I can help you with.
Be well
thanks heaps π
Amazing shot!
I read that even with all of these cold weather anomalies, the overall temperature is still above average. Anyone else read anything like that?
Almost makes me wanna’ open my green eyes all the way up. Almost.
Love, Kitty
Cat is to knocked out to communicate.
Now THAT’S a catnap! π
That’s her normal position most of the day. π
The Fetal position always reminds me of Kidney Beans.
Our furry friends call it “Kitty Beans” of course. π
About the only time she’s not like that is when it’s time to eat or go outside. I want to be a dog or cat.
Not me. Fleas and having to rely on some whackjob human to let you outdoors or clean out your box so you can take a squat.
I’d rather just love them and watch them…. and be the one they snuggle next to on the bed… (the cat, not the dog)
That’s beautiful!
Hello Olivia. How are you today?
Thank you. Someone said some really nice things about my photos this morning. π Yourself?
Gee now I’m blushing. π
This used to be my neighbor’s car.
I just tried to dig out my roommate’s truck and it was pretty much futile. I was hip deep in snow and one of my worst symptoms is muscle weakness (mostly legs but arms too). I am in the house for the duration of this storm, which may not clear out yet for another couple days.
Okay, ease my mind and tell me that there’s someone you can call if you need anything.
Were you, by any chance, planning a trip to the Grand Canyon right before all this snow happened?
Yes, I have local help available if I need it, thanks for checking to make sure of that. My neighbors are mostly all right kinds of folks, too. Plus this is a condo so there will be some kind of better snow removal service tomorrow; it’s been half-ass this weekend but they’re usually good on weekdays.
And I was, in fact, planning to try to drive up to the Canyon this weekend if I felt well, which I more or less have. See what I’m saying? It’s really weird.
Good. I worry ratchet down my worrying to a more appropriate level.
Okay, I’m a believer. You are not meant to go to the Grand Canyon and should not try to go unless the venture has been approved by a priest, a minister, the Dalai Lama, a rabbi, a Wiccan, and at least two people who can say “negative vibes” without smirking.
You stay out of that snow — or at least don’t go and tire yourself out. No shoveling.
Will you kill me if I tell you its 72 degrees here with 75% humidity and I just came home to change into shorts?
BTW I didn’t comment in your diary but it was amazing as were all the comments and you are amazing. Don’t worry, I won’t hug you.
No more shoveling for me. I gave it 20 minutes, nearly hyperventilated, had enough.
I’m not a hater, so while I envy your weather I don’t feel violent about it. :p
Thanks for the compliments, I appreciate that, hugs or no. π
We had 2 cars like that on 12/23/05. We had the 24 inch white top models.
Hey!!!! Look at all that marshmallow fluff!!!
What a great morning! It was high tide and right in the middle of a storm clearing and then passing.
Oops, sorry if this came out way too big. I did resize it on photobucket!
Breath taking.
You and Andi, Dada and Olivia deserve some cherry pop tarts … oh wait… we don’t eat that toxic stuff anymore… oh we have some Cascade Mountain Organic Chewy Soft Lemon Snickerdoodles we’ll share with you… (maybe) depends on how good you are tackling a mom and two kids π
panorama yesterday?
(Diablo Range, south of Mt. Hamilton)
And here’s the one I posted of Mt. Hamilton itself:
Wonderful picture Cali especially with the clouds overhead.
It’s been a beautiful day here! Sunny and 70’s. But the weather is changing and not for the better.
Here’s another one that I took this morning just outside my front door.
I just paid 5 bucks for a little bunch of those and you have them growing outside your front door!
Come on by!
Oue poor flowers and birds are so confused by this odd weather. The above photo taken by my hockey friend who I met on the net several years back and now we both live in the same neighborhood. His son is also autistic.
Um I think those are tulips though.
I love it!!! They look like baby birds waiting open-mouthed for the worms … in their case the sun is their sustenance!
This drink is my favorite. I named it this week for my hockey friend Billy L. who is from Boston and now works in a San Francisco Library. I found this recipe (which I altered) on a scrap of paper in a library book. I hope you all enjoy it too.
BillLypso Cooler
Fill 16 oz cup with Ice
Cut 1 Lime in to 4 fat wedges
Squeeze one wedge into drink
Place second wedge into cup
Add one or two capfuls of Grenadine
1.5 – 2 oz of Peach Schnapps
1.5 – 2 oz of Spiced or Flavored Rum
(Mango Passion is guuuud)
Top off with excellent Orange Juice
I love how you’ve provided us with a photo… Like a fine cookbook — they always provide a photo of the dishes. {{{DJ}}}
How is everyone this afternoon?
I’m glad to see you’ve recovered from your strenuous day of napping.
Well hello SN. Thought I’d check in before I took another nap. How are you?
Howdy Family Man!!!!
Thank you for the wonderful comment you left this morning. It was like a present, reading it first thing this morning. π
Olivia you are more than welcome and I meant ever word. Your pictures are like art.
My head is totally swelling here — I’m actually levitating off the couch now. π
so I can go visit your page. The last time I tried I waited three minutes and got about 10 percent of the page loaded and gave up. I think the trick is to start the page and then go do something away from the pc.
Next time you decide to go let me know and I’ll wish you some DSL speed. π
That’s no good. What if you went to just one page instead of opening the whole blog?
Like, here’s one for this morning:
Internal workings of the clematis
With this photo:

Olivia, why don’t you put up that explicit one for Andi.
Get ready andy this one is just too sensual.
I think I’m getting a reputation for my racy photos… I don’t think refinish69 would approve. π
You might be right. A bit to racy for this site. π
It’s not your fault, it’s SBC’s. I’m just jealous that everybody with broadband gets to go to your blog and drool all over their monitors.
I think my idea is a good one. First thing in the morning, I can load up your blog and then go eat breakfast — then I’ll come back and it will be all loaded — and it’ll be my breakfast dessert.
But I really want you to visit, so how I can I make it work for you?
I’m serious — I’ll load your blog while I eat breakfast. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.
Next time I go to the library, I’ll suck down Olivia’s whole website.
Remind me.
That sounds like a bad thing … ;o)
I told him the same thing. π
I was THINKING the same thing but I’m trying to make a better impression on people these days. Somehow I’ve gotten the reputation of a hootchie.
Well what I heard that was that you aren’t just a hootchie — you’re a luscious hootchie (hootchie???).
Well, a luscious hootchie is way better than your run-of-the-mill hootchie, so I guess that’s okay.
I’m going to post my racy photo!
Clematis stamen, taken 8.30.2005 but uploaded 3.11.2006 (view large — everyone but Andi π)
too late — I already saw the bigger one on the webpage link you gave me. π
Hi FM, Olivia, Andi and everyone else. Olivia, FM’s right. Your photos are works of ar.
of course that should be art. my finger slipped.
Hi Mary. How’s you weather? I saw on the news ya’ll were in a tornado warning.
It’s OK here but really bad about 100 miles north of here. There’s supposed to be a tornado on the ground a 1/2 mile wide.
We’re on high alert until 10:00. Although it looks like most of the weather is going to track north of here. But I guess you never can tell, can you?
So I spent some time finding flashlights, candles, etc. just in case π
Good for you. Be prepared.
I am back from my meet & greet and I had a blast!!!!
I hope everyone has had a good Sunday afternoon
Other than working myself to much today pretty good.
Glad to hear your day went well.
Thanks!!!! what is this I see about a day of napping? LOL
I’m turning into an old man. I do a little then I want to take a nap.
I take a nap and I want to take another nap.
LOL The only time I didn’t like naps was when I was a kid and they wanted me to take them. LOL
Ha! When I want to do an old man (ahem, my husband is ten years older) I ask him if he feels like “taking a nap” π
Our kids are of that age that we can’t s-p-e-l-l- shit out anymore π
Is this before or after jello shooters?
Alcohol has a tendency to make some a bit less… “acrobatic”… so it’s best to do that afterwards or not at all when thinking about “taking a nap” π
“acrobatic”? You take some hell of a naps. π
Hi, refinish. I want to hear more about your day.
Did you make some good connections for future networking?
See any designs that made you insanely jealous that you had done them?
Learn any really cool stuff?
Yes I did. I handed out over 100 business cards and met some great people!!!
Good to hear you had fun!
Thank you!!!!
did you wear? Inquiring minds want to know…
I wore the st patty’s day design and it was a big hit!!!! and was the best design there is I do say so myself. LOL
You’re preaching to the choir. We already know what a great designer you are. π
As if anybody there would have a better design.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Thank you!!!!
Only saying what’s true. Now spill it all. What happened?
Okay my day today. I met one of the designers O know from the Houston area for coffee and we chatted for an hour and a half before the meet and greet started. I got to meet Mahiesh who is one of the original men who started Cafepress. As people started arriving, we were given name tags and I have to say I was really pleased that when they saw my screen name which was on the tag also or heard the name of my shop they all new my designs. LOL People started asking me all kinds of questions about how I do things and why I do them. I finally laughed and told them I have only been doing this since last September. LOL
It seems I have been successful really quickly.
I have also been asked by cafepress to head up a local meet & greet group and also run a chat board just for the group. I said yes of course. LOL
I met a lot of designers I know from online but had never met in person. There was one guy there who was only looking for designs to affiliate and I have him all 3 of my cards. LOL I also got stopped on the street when I was walking to my car and asked where I got my shirt and gave them a business card also. LOL
I have to be honest and say the liberal designers wound up congregating and talking politics a lot. LOL It was a blast to be around a lot of people who really enjoy what they are doing and understand the hard work. I was greatly complimented that so many people thought I was an old pro. LOL… well I don’t lknow about the old but I was thrilled that they thought I was experienced. LOL
Gee, I can’t keep up with all of you. Little dude and I ate at Applebee’s; other Little dude works there now, have a yucky oriental chicken salad, come back within 40 minutes and we’re talking about everything from jello shots to doing old men, to acrobatic naps to flowers.
Sounds like a normal cafe to me. π
Welcome to my world — you have just simulated dial-up lag.
Hey there, all — so good to see you! Just steppin’ in under the wire here (as usual) to say hello & share this image of a warm, peaceful Sunday afternoon.
I’m off now to scrape up some grub (& I do mean scrape) — but I’m sure I’ll be back soon.
I love the mist. And it looks like one of those end of winter days when you can first smell the earth again as it thaws. Beautiful.
Exactly right, SN! This is the first day that I’ve stepped outside & smelled the earth that way. It was wonderful!
I just want to walk into that space.
It looks ethereal.
See I can spell!
That is beautifully atmospheric — and such a hard shot too — capturing mist in low light. It makes me want to walk right into the shot.
As soon as the valley fog obliterates Wildcat Moutain, I’ve got to get outside with my camera. I’m crazy about taking photos in the mist.
& now, to the vittles ..
This is a magical photo — one that makes people want to walk into it! (Okay, I just read everyone’s comments. :P)
Lovely ww. How wonderful that you have this amazing place! Thank you for sharing it with us!
It’s a pleasure! I’m glad I can.
As I think I said last night — if you enjoy these pix half as much as I enjoy yours, I’m extremely pleased.
I’m happy to bring you a bit of ‘home’, as well.
I think I’ll say an early good night. I really am worn out today.
Four naps a day just isn’t enough.
Sure enough — ask any feline!
Evening Lounge opened here.