Someone in another late night blog entry alerted me to comments made by Black comedian Steve Harvey in an interview on this weeks PBS program NOW. The transcript is not up yet so I will set my tivo to see it tomorrow.

It’s reported that Harvey commented that if there is any way for George Bush to blame any problem or controversy on an African-American to divert attention from himself, he always does so. The truth of that observation can be seen in today’s news that Bush says he is “shocked and disappointed” that a high-ranking African-American domestic policy adviser, Claude Allen, on his staff was arrested for theft yesterday. When I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby was indicted, Bush warned people that Libby was presumed innocent until proven guilty. When commenting on Delay, a flat denial was in order. Apparently with the black adviser Allen, the presumption is that he is guilty.

While it has been diaried regarding Bush’s unusual selective commenting on an ongoing investigations, this was one aspect I overlooked when his reaction was broadcast earlier today.

I am eager to see and hear his full comments on the matter since comedians of his ilk rarely hold back.

(crossposted at DKOS)