“I have a request: Russ Feingold really stuck his neck out today, and it would be great if he — and every other Senator — knew that we had his back. It’s a gutsy move, not without risk in the polarized environment that is Washington these days and with the hatchet squad that Rove and his ilk generally deploy when their actions are questioned, so you have to hand it to Sen. Feingold for having the guts to raise the censure issue — not just in the privacy of his office or at home, but right there on national television for all the world to hear.
So, what am I asking you to do? Something small by comparison, but if enough of us do this, it could start a little snowball rolling down the hill. By the time it reaches bottom, who knows how big it will have gotten — but I sure like the sound of the word avalanche, so I say we get it going.
Your action steps: call both your Senators first thing in the morning and ask if they support Russ Feingold’s censure proposal. If they don’t, ask what their position is on the issue — and why.
The more people we have calling, the more staffers in the offices start to realize that Feingold struck a political chord with a bunch of us in America. And then the more we continue to call, the more that message starts to sink in…and then some. Plus, it forces Senators to go on the record one way or the other, which is useful information for all of us to have.
We’re going to keep track of it here on Firedoglake, so once you’ve called, please report back to us — either through e-mail or in the comments — and we’ll put up a tracking list of yes, no and no comment. That’s it. It’s pretty much pain free and you can help us get an idea of which Senators are dodging and weaving. And, frankly, you can help us nudge them again to do their jobs. Thanks in advance for your assistance!
You can contact the US Senate via the switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and they will connect you with any Senator’s office. Or you can find your particular Senator’s direct dial here.”-ReddHedd on Firedoglake.
Already sent Russ Feingold an email thru the link that Steven D put up. And, how’s this for a coincidence? I have to call Levin and Stabenow to get some answers to ?’s re: Medicare D(isaster) Reforms that have been introduced, so I’m sure I won’t have any problem slipping that/the motion for censure in the conversation.
One of the CNN morning anchors mentioned earlier that Levin had already spoken against censure on one of their programs. They didn’t play a clip, which makes me very suspicious that they might be misrepresenting what he said. You might want to ask his office about that.
Think your right re: misrepresenting. Just got off the phone w/Levin’s office and, he has NOT made comment on that yet, however he does support the investigation. That was all that the office would tell me…I mentioned the CNN clip that you referred to and it was repeated that Levin has NOT made a comment on that (Feingold’s motion).
The whole thing sounded skeevy, the anchor even said “on a CNN program” without naming it, thus making it more difficult to fact-check the remark. And I didn’t hear any other references to Levin all morning. Levin is one of a handful of Democratic politicians I respect, I didn’t think he would be so quick to criticize.
It just seems to me that, as Levin voted against the so-called Patriot Act recently, he’d be willing to go along with his…
Hasn’t made a decision yet…Wanted my input and I let the office know what I thought (politely). Also, I mentioned Carl Levin’s statement that was referred to by CNN and your concerns, and the office agreed (in a roundabout way) with your conclusion.
I was switching back and forth between CNN and Headline News all morning so I can’t swear to who the anchor was or even which channel I was watching at the time, but I think it was Miles O’Brien.
Beginning to think those of us in MI have to contact both Senators. BTW, Stabenow’s office is keeping tally.
I think it’s a good idea to continue calling offices at least until the Senator takes a position, and even after that with some who seem shaky (ref. the FISA vote in committee last week, where even firm statements weren’t enough to give some republicans a spine).
I will probably call Shelby and Sessions sometime in the next few days, though I’m guessing that will only get me on their treason list of bad Alabamians. We must support our President and drink the poisoned Kool-Aid, after all. It’s the only American thing to do.
I’m definitely gonna end up uninvited to family reunions (Sessions is my step-dad’s 1st cousin).
You can’t pick your relatives, unfortunately!
Hey there, Street Kid! Good luck on your calls. I wrote Russ tonight, and Harkin is on the list for tomorrow. I’m not even going to bother with Grassley, because as I said to hubby tonight, “I might as well blow kisses at a tree and expect it to talk back than to write to Grassley.” I do, however, intend to contact him this year and let him know that I will be actively working against him in 2010 (if our country is still here) … I was convinced to vote for him in 2004 because Dems I respected (but no longer) told me “He’s not a typical Rethug, he does good things for Iowa!” I’m not falling for those horse apples again! He lost me at the get-go at the beginning of 2005 with his Social Security “reform” crap and the hearty support of the so-called bankruptcy reform bill.
Fool me once, my fault. Next time, it’s PERSONAL!
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, took $296,429 from the rx industy.
Also see Link.
Already called my Senators Kennedy and Kerry.
Kennedy Staff Assistant – has no official word but thinks Kennedy will sign on
Kerry Staff Assistant – no instructions yet, but personally believes Kerry will be for it-asked me to call again tomorrow AM.
Firedoglake is reporting
Yeah. Just like he absolutely promised all the votes would be counted.
Absolution is relative, eh.
Good to Hear that Kerry’s on board. Guess the word went out to his staff around 11 AM.
Now thos of us in Mass need to work on Kennedy.
Called Clinton and Schumer: neither has a position as yet.
Will call Boxer and DiFi today. Also emailing Russ! This man has more integrity in his little finger than all the reps put together. He is working FOR us instead of his own best political interests!
Reddhedd at FDL updates this am and points us to Georgia10 talking points for that call to our senators.
Thanks, I emailed that to Levin’s office.
Durbin and Obama both reporting “no statement issued yet”
DURBIN UPDATE! HOT OFF THE PRESS! X-Tra X-Tra read all about it:
THIS, folks, is Senator Durbin’s response to the Censure issue?
How encouraging to note that our reps in Congress are so “in the loop”:
Thank you Mr. Durbin for being so hopelessly OUT of touch. ;(
The oPress is already hard at work ‘toning down’ this statement made by Frist–shortening it up to ‘the signal that it sends…is wrong.’
Thereby leaving out the most glaring absurdity of the statement, namely that ‘there is any way lack of support for our commander in chief…”.
Gee, ya think his standing in the polls might not be sending the same sort of signal?
Please: let’s make the perception around the world very clear:
Only 37 % of Americans support him.
No position yet. I of course, support Russ on this one.
Here’s what I sent to Feingold’s office.
I think that this is a wonderful experience for all of the folks out there who still believe that the democratic party is still a viable opposition party.
Well guess what folks- they suck! Yup- Instead of rushing to support this relatively harmless action that would at least present a somewhat unifying position for the starving masses, the good ole boys and girls are running for cover as quickly as their little asses can carry them. If you folks are still of the belief that this won’t be just one more Talking Point for the salivating gopers, you are crazy! Just watch in the coming days as the punditocracy jumps all over this.
Sure we have to support Feingold but those of us that are awake are supporting him while letting it be known that — NO MAS!- not a dime and no more support unless there are BIG changes and they better get those changes rolling pretty damn fast!